Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - August 25, 2024

👕 Don't miss out on the last chance for Spirit Wear this school year! 😱
Back to School Night (BTSN) is this Wed 8/28! 🍏
We're so excited to welcome the community to Husky Nation this week! Here are a few important reminders:
- We recommend parking on Casuda Canyon Drive for this event. Please do not park in staff parking spaces.
- There will be no sessions for TK or Kinder teachers. These teachers have already held New Student Orientation sessions on 8/2.
- Adventures/Apollo pickup will continue to use Gate 1 during this event. Please do not enter campus at Gate 1. Instead, the entrance for BTSN will be at the gate next to the outdoor eating area (see map).
- Teachers will run identical sessions for Session #1 and #2 so that you can attend sessions for more than one child.
- All adults should use the Staff restrooms in the Cafetorium near the Library. All students should use their usual grade-level restroom.
- Our Home School Coordinators Ms. Ana LeBlanc and Ms. Lisha Liu will have a table in the Quad between the D and I buildings, where you can obtain bell schedules, maps, volunteer forms and other useful school information.
Here is the Schedule for BTSN:
- 4:30pm - Parent Engagement Meeting - Topic: School Expectations and School Compact
- 5pm - Campus opens, enjoy refreshments from 6th and 8th grade in the outdoor cafe area
- 5:30 to 6:10pm - Classroom Session #1
- 6:10 to 6:20pm - Break
- 6:20 to 7:00pm - Classroom Session #2
Our School Theme for August = KINDNESS
Character Strong is our schoolwide social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. We are continuing our implementation of this curriculum this year! Our weekly student-led Monday Messages in August will connect to the theme of Kindness. We will recognize our first Students of the Month at the end of August for exemplifying this theme.
Kindness Week is This Week (8/26-8/30)! 🤝
Join us next week as we celebrate Kindness Week! This spirit week is based on acts of service. We will message this on the PA on Monday morning. Thank you to 6th grade parent, Mrs. Sengdeuane Tom, our LACDMH Health Ambassador, who created this flyer!
Traffic Alert: No Left Turn! 🚨
Please be advised that the City of Monterey Park has installed a "NO LEFT TURN" sign at the end of Pat Carroll Way, where it meets Casuda Canyon Drive.
This is intended to keep traffic moving during dropoff and dismissal and enhance safety at the crosswalk on Copa/Casuda Canyon.
MPPD has been circulating near campus at dropoff several times this week. Please obey ALL traffic regulations in/around school grounds. This keeps everyone safe!
Keeping Students Safe Online 💻
We are pleased to inform you about a new initiative that AUSD has implemented to enhance the safety and productivity of our students’ digital learning experiences. This year, we have adopted a Chromebook monitoring software program called Ativion (formerly known as Impero). This program allows our teachers to have complete control and visibility of students’ Chromebooks from their own desktops. Click here for more information:
Focus on Attendance ✅
Please take the time to read and keep in mind regarding Attendance. We're actively working on improving our attendance and reducing chronic absenteeism.
- A "chronic absentee" has been defined in Education Code Section 60901(c)(1) as "a pupil who is absent on 10 percent or more of the schooldays in the school year." This translates to 2 absences/month, on average.
It is the responsibility of every parent/guardian to accurately report your child's absences daily to school. You can report an absence by calling into the school office @ 626-570-6220 or emailing Mrs. Rebecca Rodriguez, Attendance Manager @ rodriguez_rebecca@ausd.us.
- Please avoid scheduling vacations during instructional days. Please see the school calendar to guide your vacation planning.
- Attendance is a condition for every permit to attend Monterey Highlands. Permit warning letters will be issued for poor attendance and may lead to permit revocation.
- Unreported absences will lead to a Truancy Notice mailed and filed in the student cumulative record. Repeated truancy will be referred to the District Attorney (SARB).
- Each student is allowed 10 Excused Absences per school year. After the 10th Excused Absence, a doctor's note is required for any absence there after to be excused.
- If your child is ill, and you are able to receive a doctor's note, please provide me the note by emailing it to me or having your child bring it into the office. This will help your child's attendance, as well as not counting towards the 10 Excused Absences.
With your help, we can keep our schoolwide attendance on track and maximize your child's learning experiences and academic opportunities. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email provided here.
Calling all Young Artists! 🎨
Explore the arts and express yourself! No matter what grade you're in, we encourage you to submit your unique work of art to the PTA Reflections Art Program and unleash your creativity. This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfection” – a powerful and inspiring topic that invites you to explore and express what it means to embrace the beauty of imperfections.
This is your chance to showcase your creativity in one of our many categories:
- Dance Choreography
- Film Production
- Literature
- Music Composition
- Photography
- Visual Arts
How to Get Started? Visit bit.ly/mhreflections for more information on how to participate and to submit your entries. Submission Deadline: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 11:59PM.
Join / Renew Your PTA Membership Today! 📣
Join us in making a difference in our children's education by becoming a member of the Monterey Highlands Elementary PTA!
Whether you're a new parent or a returning member, your involvement is crucial to our success. Together, we can create an enriching and supportive environment for our children.
Join or renew your PTA Membership by clicking or tapping here.
Thank you for your continued support. Let's make this school year the best one yet!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities 👐
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
- Interested in helping plan and organize our PTA events? Let us know by submitting your interest here! (PTA)
- Morning Valet (School)
📣 ASB Announcements 📣
Mr. Calvin Ly & Ms. Kim Lim, Advisers
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets most weeks to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
Back to School Night - 8.28.24 🎒
Support 6th Grade and 8th Grade at Back to School Night on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 from 5-7pm!
Support 6th Grade as they raise funds for Science Camp in May 2025
- selling spam musubi, pizza and water!
Support 8th Grade as they raise funds for Promotion Activities in May 2025
- selling raspados, shaved ice
6th and 8th Grade Parent Meetings 🧑🏻💻
We're excited to support 6th Grade as they raise funds for Science Camp from May 5-9, 2025 and 8th Grade as they raise funds for Promotion Activities in May 2025. We will hold parent meetings throughout the year to plan activities, provide updates on fundraising and more. Our first parent meetings are:
- 6th Grade Parent Meeting - Mon 9/9 @ 5pm on Zoom - zoom.us/my/mh.principal
- 8th Grade Parent Meeting - Mon 9/9 @ 6pm on Zoom - zoom.us/my/mh.principal
Mental Health Matters 💙
Mr. Christian Perez, School Counselor
The start of school is a busy and challenging time for students. Students are navigating new teachers, new expectations, new friend groups and much more. We want to make sure your child has the social emotional supports they need to thrive at school.
If you feel your child may need some support, check-ins or possibly a referral for counseling services, please connect with our Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Mr. Christian Perez - perez_christian_1@ausd.us.
Mr. Perez will reach out to parents/guardians to complete a Gateway to Success (GTS) referral and explore linkage options with you. We're proudly collaborating with Sycamores to ensure mental health services are accessible to everyone.
Construction Updates 🚧
Lower Blacktop Modernization Project
Work on our school campus has reached virtual completion. We are working with our vendor to schedule time to power on our marquee and complete network testing. We're also working on drilling holes for 3 existing tetherball poles (see picture at left).
We're grateful to AUSD Construction, the City of Monterey Park and all of the subcontractors that helped get this project to completion after many delays and obstacles. Completed projects are shown below:
Electronic Marquee @ Gate 4
Outdoor Chess/Checkers Field
6 Foursquare Fields
6 Hopscotch Games
1 Baseball/Kickball Diamond
2 Beanbag Darts
Upcoming Dates 📆
Don't forget - College Wear Wednesdays and Fun Fridays (Husky Spirit Wear) continue
- 8/26 to 8/30 - Kindness Week
- 8/27 - Fire Drill
- 8/27 - AUSD Board of Education Meeting
- 8/28 - Parent Engagement Meeting - Expectations & School Compact, Cafetorium @ 4:30pm (before BTSN)
- 8/28 - Back to School Night, food sales at 5pm, classrooms open at 5:30-7pm
- 8/29 - Student of the Month in Cafetorium @ 8am
- 8/29 - Safety Committee on Zoom @ 3pm
- 9/2 - LABOR DAY HOLIDAY (No School)
- 9/4 - Fire Drill
- 9/5 - School Tour (please RSVP) @ Library, 8:15-9:15am
- 9/11 - Parent Engagement Meeting - Study Skills, Cafetorium @ 5:30pm
- 9/11 - PTA Association Meeting, Cafetorium @ 6:30pm
- 9/13 - Lockdown Drill
- 9/17 - AUSD Board of Education Meeting
- 9/18 - School Site Council Meeting on Zoom @ 1:15pm
- 9/18 - Intervention Night, Rm I-38, 5:30-6:30pm
- 9/20 - Minimum Day (Parent Conferences Prep)
- 9/23 to 9/27 - Parent Conferences
- 9/24 - English Learning Advisory Council Meeting, Library @ 8am
- 9/27 - Student of the Month in Cafetorium @ 8am
Monterey Highlands School
📥 Email: highlands@ausd.us
🌐 Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
📍 Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
📲 Phone: (626) 570-6220
School Office Open Daily 7:30am-4:30pm
There is only ONE Husky Nation! Sign up for a school tour today!