Hastings Boys' High School
Newsletter 2024 Week 4 Term 3
M.P. Summerfield MSSL (Dist.), B Sc , Dip. Tchg., PG. Cert. DCL
14 August was our Open Night and what a success as seen in these photos below!
Our Kapa Haka Group performing for our guests
Scholarships on offer
What's happening in Wood Tech?
Back to the trenches in Social Studies
Checking out the Building Academy
Being taken through their paces in the English Department
More Open Night photos at the end of this newsletter! Can you spot yourself?
Academic and Field Trip News
Robotics - Design, Construction, Operation
Competitive Robotics at HBHS
The teams competing in FIRST® Robotics for the 2024/2025 season have begun their planning, building and coding weekly sessions. This year all levels of games are built around an underwater theme.
FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC)
The season kicks off on September 7th this year's theme being "Into The Deep". We have two teams competing at the nationals to be held in early December.
FIRST® Lego League Challenge (FLL)
HBHS will enter the junior competitive robotics event for the first time this year with a group of enthusiastic Year 9 students, supported by a senior student as their mentor. They prepared in anticipation of the season reveal which was on August 6th. The team will compete at Hawkes Bay regionals in early November and if they perform well can qualify for the NZ nationals held in early December. The theme for this year's game is "Submerged".
Team #22793
Team #22792
(L-R) Dion Wilson, Ryan Wright, Angus Logan, Lincoln Mackie and Bhupinderpreet Singh
FLL Team
Chess News! A growing sport at HBHS
Hawkes Bay Inter-Schools Teams Chess event
The Hawke's Bay Inter-Schools Teams Chess event has been held over the last 40 years. HBHS entered 2 teams this year into the A and B grades. Six rounds lasting 25 minutes each were played which can be quite taxing but the boys coped well and enjoyed the day out. HBHS placed 5th in the A grade and 8th in the B grade. Dion Wilson led the way playing very well, winning 5 and drawing 1 game. Both teams were made up of year 9 -11 boys so hopefully they will all be back next year.
South Island Rapid Championships
Dion Wilson recently returned from winning the South Island Rapid Championships in Christchurch earlier in July. The tournament was attended by some very strong players, some of who hold the title of FIDE Master so making the achievement quite remarkable.
Boys' Day Out
As part of promoting the school to prospective year 8 students a class was held to promote chess. Thanks to Sally Rice, Aleck Swinburn and the boys who did a great job of making it a fun event.
If you are interested in playing chess you are welcome to come to the library on Tuesday lunch time.
Business Studies Groups
Four groups of boys are going to be at the Hastings Farmers Market this Sunday to display their products!!! Please pop in to their stands and see what is on offer!
Year 13 Geography to Rotorua
A handful of students from 13Geography went on an overnight trip to Rotorua to see how tourism has affected the area. This short trip was able to give them information needed for upcoming exams. They visited many tourist attractions including Skyline Luge, Velocity Valley, Whakarewarewa Redwoods Forest Walk, and Thermal sites - Waiotapu Thermal Wonderland and Eat Street. At Rotorua Skyline Luge, the students raced downhill on the luge tracks, which definitely put Mr Barclay in his place. Even though this trip was overnight, it was good to understand how tourism has affected the area and also have a bit of fun.
Nāku iti noa nei,
Hastings Boys' High School Headboy | Osiris White Munro |
Some Fine Young Men from 13 Geography
A close up shot of a terrace at Waiotapu Thermal Wonderland
Mr Barclay and Osiris White-Munro who have been on a few adventures
Hawke's Bay Geography Quiz
On 15th August Hastings Boys' High School hosted the annual Maatangi Whenua Year 11 Geography Quiz.
A number of schools from around the region attended and we are pleased to announce that Hastings Boys' High School Huia (Dion Wilson, Angus Logan and Michael Du Toit) took first place. The boys are completing the IGCSE Geography course this year and it obviously is paying dividends. Our second team, Hastings Boys' High School Ākina (Gurshann Singh, Kamal Khuttan, Austin Powell) also competed well and came 7th.
A fantastic effort from our school geographers.
Sport and Cultural News
Esports - Teams are finding their way
This week our ESports Team entered their second week of the tournament they are playing in. The team learned a lot in the first week, and found it tricky trying to organise things at our end and the organiser's end. As a result our games didn't quite go to plan. The results from our last night were:
HBHS Team 1 v St Oran's College 2 (W to us 3 - 0)
HBHS Team 2 v St Oran's College 1 (W to us 1 - 0)
HBHS Team 3 v New Plymouth (L to us 0 - 3)
Kapa Haka Exchange with Shirley Boys' High School
Head Boy with his Year 9 form teacher Mrs McRandle
A Bi-annual Cultural Exchange begins
Our Head Boy Osiris with Matua Chez Waihi
Osiris White-Munro (Head Boy) with two other Head Boys; Wills Edward -of Shirley Boys' High School and Simon Curnow of St Bede's College. These three lads watched all the performances.
Around 50 students from Hastings Boys’ High School competed in the Dodgeball tournament hosted by InIIit Tamariki on 3 August - with our boys dominating every team! The winning team and runner up team were both from Hastings Boys’ High School, so congratulations to teams Oldies and Mr Lepani Temo.
Super 8 Basketball
Hastings Boys' High School Senior A Basketball team travelled down to Palmerston North on Sunday the 4th of August for our Super 8 Senior Basketball Tournament we didn't get the results we were hoping for but still gave it our best shot. With each day of the tournament we were improving. The first day we lost to New Plymouth Boys' High School with William Carter shooting 20 points, we then came out taking an early lead against Napier Boys' High School but couldn't quite hold onto it ending in a loss with some outstanding performances from our junior players that traveled with us. On Tuesday we played Tauranga Boys' College and Palmerston North Boys' High School losing both in close battles. Logan Timmins proved to be a thorn in the opposition's side close to the basket. On Wednesday we picked up a win against Gisborne Boys' High School to finish our Super 8 campaign on a high we are now working hard during training to gain a better placing at senior premierships which is coming up soon.
Congratulations to our Hockey Reps
The following students made the Hawke’s Bay U16 and U18 Hockey teams:
Hawke's Bay Hockey Under 18 Mens
Isaac Hillard
Dylan Nel
Cowan Scotton
Amanjot Singh
Hawke's Bay Hockey Under 16 Mens
Alfie Jones
Austin Powell
Mason Pulepule
Bryce Simpson
Bhupinderpreet Singh
Additionally Amanjot Singh Kullar made the following National Teams:
- Future Black Sticks NZ U18 Mens Squad
- NZ Indian Senior Mens team
NZ Indians Team plays against NZ Maori, NZ Pacifica and NZ Asians in the National Heritage Tournament
Just heading to waka Ama Worlds in Hawaii and 28 hours of travel to get to Hilo, Hawaii