Mustang News
August 2024
Hello Monroe Families!
It was so great to see most of you at Meet the Teacher and Kindergarten Round Up! We are looking forward to our first day of school on Tuesday, August 20th! Please don't forget that students can begin coming into the building at 8:30 am and will need to be here by 8:50 am! On the first day of school, parents may walk their students to class and enjoy our Boo Hoo breakfast in the cafeteria. Starting on the second day, parents will need to say "see you after school" at home or in the car so that students can attend morning assembly in the gym. Our staff members will help any students who may need help navigating the building (especially our kindergarteners and new students!)
The first week of school is always a fun time while our staff and students are building relationships and getting to know each other! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher or the office!
Office Staff
Our office staff is here to help you and wants to ensure all students have the best possible experience at school. Below are our office staff members and how to contact them.
Mrs. Worland-Principal
Hi! I'm Tiffanie Worland and I am so fortunate to serve our Monroe students and families as the building principal! This will be my third year as building principal. Before that, I served as the assistant principal for four years. I have a special appreciation for our teachers and community because my own children have spent their elementary years here. My son, Kypton, will be entering 5th grade and my daughter, Annalynne, will be in 3rd grade at Monroe. When we are not at school we are typically watching our kids play sports or spending time with friends and family.
I'm so excited for this school year and can't wait to see all of our students again. If you ever need anything or have any questions, I can be reached by phone at 636-443-4804 or by email at
Mrs. Nemens- Assistant Principal
Hi, Mustang Families! My name is Elisha Nemens. This is my 11th year being a Mustang and 19th year in education. I have been a first and second grade teacher and was an RTI Specialist. I am excited to serve as the Assistant Principal at Monroe for my second year. Outside of school, I love spending time with my family. We are usually watching sports, playing sports or hanging out with friends and family. I have two kids, Addi and Jack. Addi graduated from St. Charles High School last year and will be starting her freshman year at Lindenwood. Go Lions! Jack will be a Junior and loves to play soccer. I can’t wait to welcome everyone back to Monroe and start our new school year. I am looking forward to working with you to make this the best year. Please reach out if there is anything I can do to support you.
Mrs. Nunn-Counselor
Welcome Back Monroe Families! I am so excited to start another school year! My name is Betsy Nunn and I am the school counselor at Monroe. This is my 13th year here at Monroe as the school counselor. I am really looking forward to working with you and your children. I work with our students in their classrooms on feelings and social skills. I also get to work with students individually and in small groups as well. I will be a resource for your children and for you too. Speaking of resources, I often receive information about various free and low cost resources in our community. If you would like me to share those resources with you, please fill out THIS form. Just click on the link and it should take you to the form. Please feel free to give me a call at 636-443-4807 on my office phone or email me at if there is anything I can help you with. I am looking forward to an amazing school year for both you and your child(ren)!
Mrs. Coomer- Nurse
Hi Monroe my name is Lauren Coomer and I am the nurse at Monroe. My husband Travis and I have 3 kiddos who keep us busy; Grasyon, our oldest, is going into 2nd grade here at Monroe, Hudson is 4 and attends the Early Childhood Center and Harper is 1 1/2. We love to travel and watch our boys play hockey. This summer I was very excited to also pass and become a National Board Certified School Nurse! I have had the pleasure of being a Monroe Mustang for 11 years! I love being able to help when your student is feeling sick, hurt or if they are in need of medication while at school. If your child may need to take medication while at school (even over the counter medicine) they must have a signed order from their prescribing doctor to be able to administer the medication here. Please feel free to reach out if you have medication to drop off, have any questions or if you would like to share any information about your student! Looking forward to a great school year!
Phone: 636-443-4803
Mrs. Mace-Principal's Secretary
Hello, my name is Mrs. Mace. I work in the office as a secretary and am so excited to see all of you at school this year. I'll be happy to answer your questions and help in any way that I can. A few things I enjoy outside of school are spending time with my family, riding my bike and baking. I can't wait to see you all soon.
Phone: 636-443-4810
Mrs. Walter- Attendance Secretary
Hi Monroe Families,
I'm Kate Walter and I will be the new attendance secretary at Monroe. It is my first year in this position. I worked as a recess/ lunch aide last year at Monroe. I am married and have 2 children- a 13 year old son who attends Hardin and an 8 year old daughter who attends Monroe. I am so excited for the new school year and I'm so happy to be part of the Monroe family!
Phone: 636-443-4802
Thank you to everyone who has completed enrollment information! We have only a few students left that need to prove residency or fill out their enrollment forms. Please take care of this before the end of the work day Monday so that there is no delay in the start of the school year!
Students may arrive to school via bus/ daycare transportation, walking, Y-Club, or riding in a car. Arrival begins at 8:30 and students should be at school by 8:50.
Bus Riders
Bus information is available in your Parent Portal under the tab labeled "Transportation Info." Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the bus stop. For new families, students in SCSD are not eligible for a bus if they live less than a mile from their school.
Walkers should follow all school rules on their way to school. They should also stay on sidewalks when possible, walk bikes up the hill, and listen to directions from the crossing guard if they have to cross a street.
Car Riders
Car riders will be dropped off in the front of the building. Students will enter the main doors if they are going straight to morning assembly or door 12 if they are going to breakfast. Please follow the path illustrated in the map below.
Students will be dismissed from school via bus/ daycare transportation, walking, Y-Club, or riding in a car. Dismissal will begin at 3:50pm and is usually complete by 4pm.
Bus Riders
Teachers will dismiss students to the bus to ensure all teachers know that each student got on the right bus. Bus stop/ time information is available in your Parent Portal under the tab labeled "Transportation Info." Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the bus stop. For new families, students in SCSD are not eligible for a bus if they live less than a mile from their school.
Walkers are the first group of students dismissed from the building to ensure they do not have to cross paths with moving vehicles. Walkers will exit from the front of the building and walk towards their homes. We have a crossing guard in the parking lot and at the street to ensure safety. Walkers should follow all school rules on their way home. They should also stay on sidewalks when possible, walk bikes down the hill, and listen to directions from the crossing guard if they have to cross a street.
Car Riders
Parents will pick students up in the lot outside of the gym making an upside down U shape. Students will be given a number based on the order of cars and told to walk to the adult at their number. Please drive all the way around the U shape leaving no gaps so that cars can reach their students. Please also follow the U shape all the way around to safely exit the loading area. Please see the map below for a visual of this process.
Other tips- students should be seated on the right side of the car and should be able to open/ close their doors and be able to buckle themselves. Please refrain from getting out of your car. If our youngest students need help, we will help them but please be practicing these skills at home.
School Calendar
Our school and PTO events can be found online on our website at:
You will also receive a paper calendar from your student's teacher. If you need another copy, just let your teacher know!
Upcoming Events
- August 20: First Day of School and Boo Hoo Breakfast
- August 30: Early Release Day (Dismissal at 12:50)
- September 2: No School-Labor Day
- September 5: PTO Meeting 6pm
- September 10: Family Night 5:30pm
- September 15: PTO City 2 Game Fundraiser
- September 26: School Picture Day
- September 27: Early Release Day (Dismissal at 12:50)
- September 28: PTO Music Bingo 5pm
Free/ Reduced Lunch Application
All families are encouraged to fill out our free and reduced lunch application! You can find that online at:
Room Parents
Monroe PTO needs you! We need 2 room parents per class to help with class parties, connect with the school on a regular basis, and be a point of contact for teachers and staff members to get parent input. The responsibilities of room parents will include:
Attending monthly PTO meetings (the first Thursday of each month)- officer positions are available
Working together to plan class parties (Fall, Winter, and Spring parties)- PTO will reimburse the cost of materials
Volunteering for events and field trips when possible
This is a very important role to ensure class parties are equally as fun for all students. Please let Mrs. Worland know if you are interested in committing to being a room parent for the 24-25 school year!
Contact Us
Location: 2670 Zumbehl Rd, St. Charles, MO 63301
Phone: 636-443-4800