School Newsletter Term 2, Week 8
Friday 21st June 2024
Kia ora,
We extend our thanks to Riverdale School for joining us in a successful exchange program for our junior students. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with another local school and engage in enjoyable physical activities together. This collaboration has fostered a sense of community and mutual respect among our students, highlighting the importance of such inter-school interactions.
A special mention goes to our outstanding Kapa Haka group, whose performance at the Pae Tamariki Festival was a true highlight. Their dedication and talent shone through, and it was evident that many hours of practice and hard work had been invested. The pride felt by our kaiako, principal, and whanau was immense. Witnessing our students embrace and showcase their performance with such passion and skill was a moment of immense pride for our entire school community. A big thank you to Oriwa, Nehe and Darcy for supporting our kura in such an amazing capacity.
We look forward to continuing these enriching experiences, fostering connections, and celebrating the achievements of our students. Together, we are building a strong foundation for our students to thrive and succeed. A big thank you once again to everyone involved for making these experiences memorable and meaningful.
As we move through to our reporting phase of the term it is important we convey the understanding around our values as they play an integral part of how we operate on a daily basis. Below is an explanation of why we use these values and the understanding that sits underneath them.
Kotahitanga, Manaakitanga, Whakamana, and Mana Aotūroa are four fundamental values that can significantly enrich a school community by fostering a sense of unity, respect, empowerment, and sustainable well-being.
Kotahitanga emphasizes unity and collective action. It encourages everyone in the school; students, teachers, parents, and staff to work together towards common goals. By fostering an environment of collaboration, Kotahitanga promotes a strong sense of belonging and togetherness. In a school setting, this could mean collaborative projects, inclusive decision-making processes, and team-building activities that bring the community closer.
Manaakitanga is about hospitality, kindness, and the care we show towards others. It involves respecting and looking after each other, creating a nurturing and supportive environment. In practice, this can be seen in how we welcome new students and staff, the way we treat visitors, and our daily interactions. Schools that embody Manaakitanga will have a culture of empathy, support, and genuine care for the well-being of every individual.
Whakamana is the concept of empowerment and respect. It means to uplift and give authority to others, recognizing their mana (spiritual power and authority). In a school context, Whakamana can be demonstrated by encouraging student voice, providing opportunities for leadership, and respecting the diverse talents and perspectives of all community members. This helps individuals feel valued and motivated to contribute positively.
Mana Aotūroa is about sustainability and the long-term well-being of people and the environment. It stresses the importance of protecting and maintaining our resources for future generations. For a school, this means implementing environmentally friendly practices, teaching students about sustainability, and creating a learning environment that promotes the health and well-being of both the people and the planet.
By integrating Kotahitanga, Manaakitanga, Whakamana, and Mana Aotūroa, a school community can create a harmonious, respectful, empowering, and sustainable environment that nurtures the growth and success of all its members. We understand that this is new learning for lots of our parents and wider community and thank you for joining us on our journey together.
Nga mihi,
A lot of sickness around!
A huge thank you to those who are messaging in to the office to let us know their child is unwell and unable to come to school. It makes Amanda and Sue's job a lot easier! A reminder that if your child is unwell, please keep them at home so they don't get other children and our staff sick. Thank you for your kotahitanga and manaakitanga around this!
Lego Masters came to visit!
At last Friday's Tipuranga VIBE, we were very lucky to host Charlie and Oli, the Season 2 Lego Master Champions. They shared valuable life lessons with us all, answered some of our questions, and our West End Lego Club got to chat to them at the end. Thank you to Charlie and Oli for sharing their time and experience with us!
Lesson 1: Do the mahi - get the treats!
Lesson 2: Recognise the strengths of others.
Lesson 3: The importance of failure
Lesson 4: Expect the unexpected
Term 2 Report Information
From this week, you will be receiving your child’s report. Between Weeks 8 - 9, these will be sent as 4 seperate Seesaw posts. They will include…
Comments about your child’s progress and achievement for reading, writing, maths, as well as a general comment relating to their attitude, behaviour and showing our school values.
An example of your child’s work to show what they have been doing and the progress they have made in that area.
Pae Tamariki
“He oranga ngākau, He hikinga wairua” E rere ana ngā mihi ki te roopū Pae Tamariki. We as a kura are so proud of the stand from our kapahaka roopū. They all stood with pride and done us all proud. Our kapa haka journey does not stop here. We will now come together in preparation for the primary school regionals. More details will follow next term.
Matariki is next week!
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, Ka ora ai te Iwi! Ngā mihi nunui e te hāpori!!
What an amazing community we have to koha an abundance of kai for our upcoming Matariki feast. We have plenty of potatoes so these are no longer required. Thank you to all those who have offered to come in and help with preparing the veges. If you are able to come in on Wednesday 26th June, please let Whaea Karen know.
Matariki Activities on Thursday 27th June
Mānawatia a Matariki
For Thursday the 27th of June we have a dawn blessing for Matariki and all whānau are invited to join us at 6:45am. Come along and join in the celebrations with your community!
Later on, we have an open day for whānau to come and join us from 9:10am at the Vibe Assembly, Matariki activities after morning tea and kai. Haere mai e te whānau!!
Senior Camp
Children come to school in the PJ's. A change of clothes can be brought, especially if they are playing on the field.
Tipuranga and Riverdale Exchange
Ki o Rahi Competition on Wednesday
All students attending the Manawatu Ki O Rahi competition on Wednesday have been sent home with a notice. The bus will depart school at 9am, heading to Fitzherbert park. We are delighted to be sending twenty children to this event. Ki O Rahi is a traditional Maori game and fits in well with our Aotearoa New Zealand histories curriculum.
Kindo App
Upcoming Events
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 26th June
- Dawn Blessing//Matariki Activities/Hangi/Concert - Thursday 27th June
- VIBE Assembly (Pihipihingā) - Thursday 27th June
- Matariki - PUBLIC HOLIDAY (no school) - Friday 28th June
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 3rd July
- PJ AND MOVIE - Wednesday 3rd July
- Last day of Term 2 - Friday 5th July
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 29 Jan - Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 Sept
Term 4: Monday 14 Oct - Friday 13 Dec
If your child is absent from school.
It is really important under the current circumstances you notify the school if your child is absent.
Please remember to advise the office by 8.30am if your child is not attending school.
You can telephone 358-2465 and leave a message or txt 021 118 0156.
In both cases please give a reason for absence.
Thank you.
Kindo Online Shop
It is very important that families register with Kindo, as this is now the only way to register your child for school sports, and ordering PTA lunches.
Below are the links to register.
If you require help please call the Kindo helpdesk on
0508 454 636
New users need this link
Existing users need this link
Location: West End School, 196 College Street, Palmerston North
Phone: 06 358 2465