Drop Off/Pick Up @ the Ranch
Important Information for Families 2024
Hello Stallions!
Our goal is to make parent drop off/pick up as smooth, safe and efficient as possible. Vehicle traffic around schools is always a concern for student safety, as such, all parents dropping off students will do so by entering campus at the school marquee off of Key Biscayne.
Vehicles will proceed down the driveway and make a right turn onto the drop off/pick up lane. Once the vehicle is at the wrought iron fencing, where there will be a person on duty, students may exit on the right side of their vehicles onto the sidewalk. Vehicles will then proceed forward and exit the property onto Maple Drive, making a left or right turn.
Students may not exit the vehicle until they are in the area with supervision, on the sidewalk, along the wrought iron fence. Students are not to be dropped off on the north side of the building. Students will enter the building upon arriving to school. They can go to the cafeteria for breakfast or head directly to their classroom. There is no morning recess.
You may drop your students off in this area between 7:45 AM and 8:05 AM. Please do not drop students off before 7:45 AM. If you arrive to school after 8:05 AM there will not be duty people assigned to this area. Once the big gate is closed, please pull around to the front of the school and have your student enter through the front doors.
When picking up your student you will do so in the same manner as drop-off. Vehicles will enter campus at the school marquee off of Key Biscayne. Vehicles will form two lines until the turn at the cones to the parent pick up area along the back (east) drive. Your students will wait for pick up inside the building. As you pull around, please display your students first and last name on a sheet of paper on your dashboard and the duty person will call for your student. Your student will then head to the sidewalk where they can access your vehicle safely. Students should board vehicles from the sidewalk; our staff can assist them in doing so if necessary. Please do not exit your vehicle, as this creates a delay in the process. If you would prefer to have more time for this process, please consider parking on the nearby streets and walking to meet your child at the exit gate, then walking back to your vehicle.
About us
Email: lori.schuermann@gilbertschools.net
Website: sonomaranch.gilbertschools.net
Location: 601 N Key Biscayne Dr, Gilbert, AZ, United States
Phone: (480) 497-9343
Twitter: @stallion_strong