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Community Connection
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November 22, 2024
Message From the Office
Dear Families,
We want to remind you that next week is a short week. There will be no school from Wednesday, November 27, through Friday, November 29. We hope this Thanksgiving Fall Break provides you with time to relax and enjoy with family. Classes will resume on Monday, December 2.
When we return, there will be just three weeks remaining in the semester. We encourage you to take some time with your student(s) to review their progress, ensure they are staying on track with classes and homework, and prepare for any upcoming activities or deadlines.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Thank you,
Dr. Samuels - Principal
Mr. Beckham - Assistant Principal
Counselor Corner
Weekly Counseling Updates
Weekly Updates:
FAFSA has opened up sooner than originally thought. Each student planning on going to college will need to fill out the FAFSA. First step is going to https://studentaid.gov/ and creating a student ID. This will only take a few minutes but you will need your social security number. Your parent will also need to create a FAFSA ID as well (only one parent will need to create an ID if parents are divorced please see me on which one will need to create an ID ) Once you create your ID and password take a screen shot of it or write it down somewhere. It will take a day or two before your ID and password goes through before you will be able to login to FAFSA and complete it. I will be coming into Mrs. Slinkard's classroom Tuesday during 2nd hour to help anyone that needs help creating an ID or please stop by my office before then. Mrs. Nichols and I will then come back to Mrs. Slinkard's 2nd hour class to help students fill out their portion of the FAFSA.
Here are some helpful links for the FAFSA
Click here for video on FAFSA information for this year / Click here for the PDF-Powerpoint of this informational video on the FAFSA
Pittsburg State Rep will be here at Jayhawk on December 10th during 2nd hour in Mrs. Slinkards room. Any Junior or Senior can attend with teacher permission.
Today is the last day to register for the December 14 ACT Test. Go to https://www.act.org/ to register.
For Seniors that are planning on attending KSU, click here for a letter they sent me with upcoming deadlines and information.
If anyone has questions over their IPS that Mrs. Nichols and I went over this week please reach out to Mrs. Nichols or myself
The following is nothing new just want to make sure everyone is still aware of this information and events:
* Spring Enrollment is open for FSCC online classes for Juniors and Seniors. Please come see Mr. Kramer ASAP if you need help enrolling for the spring semester.
* Seniors most of our local and state scholarships do not come up until March but the Rudd Scholarship is a State scholarship and it is due Dec. 1. Click here for a link to apply for this scholarship.
I have the requirements for this scholarship are: : GPA 3.0 and must be a KS resident
* 12-1-24 Is the priority scholarship deadline for most 4 year colleges in Kansas, If you need help apply please see Mr. Kramer.
* 12-1-24 PSU Housing applications open up
* 1-30-25 KS Virtual Health Care Career Day / Click here to register / Please let Mr. Kramer know if you plan on registering for this / All Grade levels are welcomed for this event / Click here for more information
* Click here for helpful links for seniors
* For those Seniors that are needing help on anything from applying to college or even figuring out what they want to do after high school please stop by Mr. Kramer's office for help.
* Mr. Spencer and I were able to secure two $1,000 dollar scholarships for anyone that plans on an Engineering Technology degree at Pittsburg State. Please see Mr. Kramer if you are interested.
Thank you,
Brett Kramer
Jayhawk-Linn 7-12 Counselor
Cultivating Kindness
Aaron Coleman - 9th Grade
Kevin Martin - 7th Grade
Karley Owenby - 11th Grade
Tyrus Chadwick - 8th Grade
Upcoming Dates
November 25 - JH Bball @ Central Heights
November 27 - 29 No School - Thanksgiving Break
November 29 - 30 TBD HS V FB State Championship Game
December 2 - JH Bball Home vs. South Coffey County
December 3 - JH-HS Winter Concert
December 4 - Welding Contest
December 5 - JV Wrestling @ Spring Hill
December 5 - JH Bball Home vs SE Cherokee
December 6 - FFA - Af Communications
December 6 - FFA - Discussion Meet
December 6 - V Girls Wrestling @ Caney Valley
December 6 - V Boys Wrestling @ Ft. Scott Dual Tourney
December 6 - HS Girls/Boys V/JV Basketball vs Cass Midway
December 9 - JH Basketball @ Marmaton Valley
December 10 - V/JV Boys/Girls Dual @ Anderson County and Wellsville
December 10 - HS Girls Bball @ Linn County Tourney hosted by Prairie View vs Pleasanton
December 10 - HS Boys Bball @ Linn County Tourney hosted by Prairie View vs Pleasanton
December 11 - JV Wrestling @ Paola Mixer
December 12 - JH Bball @ SE Cherokee
December 12 - HS V/JV Girls Bball vs Osawatomie @ Linn County Tourney hosted by Prairie View
December 12 - HS V/JV Boys Bball vs Osawatomie @ Linn County Tourney hosted by Prairie View
December 13 - Girls Wrestling V/JV Mixer @ Coffeyville
December 13 - HS V/JV Girls Bball vs Prairie View @ Linn County Tourney hosted by Prairie View
December 13 - HS V/JV Boys Bball vs Prairie View @ Linn County Tourney hosted by Prairie View
December 14 - V Boys Wrestling @ Anderson County
December 16 - JH Bball Home vs Uniontown
December 17 - HS Girls/Boys/ V/JV Bball @ Central Heights
December 19 - JV Boys/Girls Wrestling @ Wellsville JV Torney
December 19 - JH Basketball @ NE Arma
December 20 - End of 1st Semester
December 21 - V Boys Wrestling @ Emporia Tourney
December 21 - V Girls Wrestling @ Effingham Tourney
December 23 - January 3 - No School - Christmas Break
January 3 - HS Girls Boys V/JV Bball Home vs NE Arma
January 6 - No School - Teacher Inservice
January 6 - JV Wrestling @ Baldwin Mixer
January 7 - School Resumes