Lincoln Bulletin
August 12, 2022
Lincoln School
Lincoln leopards are respectful, responsible, and safe!
District and School Theme-Be Here, Be You, Belong!
Location: 211 South 6th Ave, St. Charles
Phone: 331-228-2501
Twitter: @LincolnD303
Highlights you will find:
- Dates to remember
- From Principals Desk
- Lunch information
- Attendance
- Picture Day information and order form
- From the Nurse
- Early Release Information
- Principals Desk
- iReady Diagnostic
- Label your things to avoid losing them
Tuesday, August 16, 2022-iReady diagnostic assessments (Reading assessment administered to Grades 1-5)
Wednesday, August 17, 2022-6:00 pm Information Meeting for Watch DOGS (Calling all dads, more info to come)
Thursday, August 18, 2022-iReady diagnostic assessments (Math assessment administered to Grades 1-5)
Friday, August 19, 2022-PTO meeting 9:00-11:00 at Kava Diem
Tuesday, August 23, 2022-Emergency Drills conducted (More information to come)
Thursday, August 25, 2022-PTO sponsored ice cream social (more info to come)
Thursday, September 1, 2022-School Pictures (Order form attached below)
Friday, September 2, 2022-School Improvement Day (No Student Attendance)
Monday, September 5, 2022-Labor Day-No School
Thursday, September 8, 2022-Open House (Replacing Curriculum Night)
Principals Desk
Well, the first week of our 2022-23 school year has started and I couldn't be more grateful to our Lincoln community! First of all, thank you to our staff for supporting all students this first week in my absence, they did an amazing job! Thank you Mr. Buxton for being at Lincoln Wednesday and also for all other administrative support this week in my absence. I plan to return Monday after my 5 days of quarantine.
Our week as staff kicked off with Dr. Gordon pulling the whole district together for an inspirational kick-off, the positive energy was inspiring! Staff spent Monday reconnecting, team building through the creation of collective resumes, and planning for creating strong classroom and school environments with the emphasis on belonging (Some photos are included below, check out the variety of experiences and wealth of knowledge and training of our teams!)
In my absence this week, I was able to stay connected with staff and many shared photos of our first few days. I heard first graders saw the magic that will happen this year and the first evidence was their experience with the "magic dough". I saw the excitement in the eyes of our kindergarteners as they experienced their first day at school. Our fifth graders read, "What do You do With a Chance? by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom and began to learn more about their class motto for the year is "I'm not throwing away my shot!", a line from the musical Hamilton that perfectly encapsulates our goal to seize every moment and make our year count. They started narrowing their focus by writing down a one-word goal, and I look forward to seeing those goals when I return Monday. Throughout this year, I will visit classes and get to know about the learning that is taking place, and look forward to sharing that with you via social media, this bulletin, and other platforms. Some teachers will share in weekly newsletters, some are utilizing SeeSaw and others may begin to use Schoology to share our story and what is happening at Lincoln. It is important to have a partnership with you at home, our work depends on the work you do at home, if you need anything please reach out to us.
In a few weeks, we will have an Open House, this will take the place of the former curriculum night. Students and parents will visit on Thursday, September 8th in the evening between 6:00 and 7:10, more information will be shared in the coming weeks.
It is recommended that you call the attendance line by 7:30 am each day that your child will be absent. Our Attendance Hotline is available 24/7 for your convenience at 331.228.2500.
PICTURE DAY - Thursday, September 1, 2022
This year Color Portrait is sponsoring a PRE-PAY picture program. Payment may be done online or by phone. See flier below for more information.
A Nursing Note from Miss Christy:
Welcome back Lincoln Leopards. This is a friendly reminder to turn in all required medical forms to the front office or mail them directly to the school (211 South 6th Avenue).
K: physical examination, immunizations, dental exam and vision exam
2: Dental exam.
During this transition back to school, please remember that your child should be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. Your child must not vomit or have diarrhea for 24 hours without the use of medication. It is important that if your child is ill that they stay home. Some of our Leopards are lacking a healthy immune system and are susceptible to serious illness. Illness to these leopards could have a catastrophic end result.
Thank you for your time!!
Miss Christy Mathern
Fall i-Ready diagnostics are taken by students to gather baseline academic data in order for us to develop targeted instructional plans of action. A similar assessment will take place in the winter and again in the spring. Students will be taking their Fall i-Ready diagnostics on Tuesday, August 16th (Reading) and Thursday, August 18th (Math) in their homerooms. Makeups will take place on August 17th, 19th, 22nd, and 23rd. A letter explaining further details is linked below.
Early release dates
Early release days this year will be on Wednesdays and approximately once per month. Students will be dismissed from school at 2:10 pm. The following are the eight 2022-2023 Early Release Days for Elementary School:
- August 31
- September 28
- October 26
- November 30
- January 25
- February 22
- March 22
- April 26