Carlock Corner
Upcoming Dates - Mark your Calendar
Friday, Sept. 20: Fire Drill and Bus Evacuation Drill @ Carlock
Sunday, Sept. 22: First Day of Autumn
Friday, Sept. 27: NO School
Tuesday, Oct. 1: Dine to Donate at Culver's (see flyer below)
Carlock Safety
Note from the Unit 5 District Office:
We wanted to share that Unit 5 is expanding its use of the Verkada Visitor Management system to all district schools. This system, which has been used in Unit 5 high schools for the past year, is designed to enhance the safety and security of our students, staff, and visitors.
Upon entry into a school, visitors and volunteers will enter the main office and present their photo ID to be scanned by the Verkada system. The system tracks the arrival and departure of visitors, while also strengthening student safety by checking all visitors against a registered sex offender database.
The visitor's full name and date of birth is searched on sex offender registries. Additionally, the name is reviewed on our district banned person list. Within seconds, the system will share the results with school staff and will print an ID badge for entry.
If someone doesn’t have an ID, they will be checked in manually by office staff, sharing other forms of information.
It is important to note, this is only in use for times a visitor is entering the school during the day. It will not be used for after-school activities or when a parent is just coming to pick up a child.
We believe that the implementation of Verkada will greatly contribute to a safer and more secure environment for everyone in our school community. We are committed to providing a secure learning space and appreciate your support as we integrate this new system.
If you have any questions or concerns about Verkada, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Thank you for your continued partnership in ensuring the safety and well-being of our students.
Carlock is in need!
Carlock is in search of 2-3 clubs to start up this school year. If you are interested in helping to start a club at Carlock, please email fitzgeke@unit5.org. We are looking for club coaches for a paid position to host meetings during the lunch hour (11am-11:45am) or possibly after school from 2:30pm - 3pm.
Clubs can help students to hone their communication skills, foster creative thinking, and teach our students how to work effectively with other people.
Club Ideas:
Gardening club
Chess Club
Book Club
Coding Club
Lego Club
Board Game Club
Unit 5 and Carlock Elementary are always open to new substitute teachers. If you are interested in being a substitute at Carlock, please check out this link or email fitzgeke@unit5.org.
PBIS September - Being Positive
What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This is a program designed to better engage our learners and minimize distractions throughout the school day.
Once of the important aspects of this program is having consistent expectations throughout the building.
What is an "Out of the Blue Day"
Carlock will hold monthly out of the blue days. These are unannounced days in which we recognize good behavior and positive choices. Incentives / prizes and extra recess time maybe included as prizes for OOTB Days.
Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
NWHS Homecoming Parade
For those interested, Carlock PTC will be participating in the Normal Community West High School Homecoming Parade on September 25, at 4:30. We would love for you and your student(s) to walk with us. Parade participants will need to arrive between 4:00-4:30 at Normal Community West High School near the tennis courts. Please sign up by September 23 to indicate if you would like to walk in the parade with Carlock and if you are willing to donate candy for the students to pass out.
Harvest Day - Oct. 31
Carlock families - The annual Harvest Day for our students is Oct. 31st this year. Be on the lookout for donation and volunteer forms. They will be coming soon!
Box Tops for Carlock
Help the Carlock PTC to earn a few dollars! Download the app, scan receipts and click on Carlock!
Connect with Carlock
The Carlock Corner will be sent throughout the school year for families to stay updated with Carlock happenings.
Email: fitzgeke@unit5.org
Website: https://carlock.unit5.org/
Location: 301 W Washington St, Carlock, IL, USA
Phone: 309-557-4412
Carlock Cell Phone: 309-989-2643 (text or call) use after 2:30pm if no one answers main line
Facebook: Carlock Eagles Principal Page
Twitter: @Carlockeagles