The Gilbert School E-News
September 2024
Dear Parents and Students:
Welcome Back! With each new school year comes change - however, for the faculty and staff of The Gilbert School, our commitment to our students and the Winchester community does not waiver. The team you have entrusted with the education of your children is devoted to providing an enriching middle and high school experience for every student.
Please join us in welcoming the following new teachers to TGS:
- Thomas Lutka, Career & Technical Education
- Scott MacDonald, HS English
- Madeline Ziegler, HS English
The Gilbert School offers tremendous opportunities for our students, both in and out of the classroom. I hope to see you all out and about at the many exciting events to come this year. We look forward to a happy and successful school year!
Greg Shugrue, Head of School
PARENTS: Save the Date: Open House is 9/19
Greetings Gilbert families!
Now that the 2024-25 school year is underway, Gilbert faculty and staff looks forward to seeing you at our Open House night next Thursday, September 19. Please join us to meet your child's teachers and participate in Open House Bingo for a chance to win some great prizes!
Also, remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram (gilbert_school) where you're sure to see new photos, events, and glimpses of life here at Gilbert! We are super excited to share our experiences with all of you and to celebrate our students and the entire Gilbert community!
Please know that your students’ teachers, counselors, and administrators are here to help make this the best year ever - let's go Yellowjackets!
With Yellowjacket Pride,
Miss Lewis
TGS Principal
Just like that- into a new school year full of excitement and opportunity! Miss Lewis and the entire faculty are so happy to have you all back!
Gilbert Administration welcomes students back at the first assembly of the 2024-25 school year.
8th Grade students in Mr. Levesque's Science class designed foam marble "roller coasters." A goal was to create a way for their marble to stop at the end of the track on its own without flying off.
Marching Band Season is in Full Swing!
By Scott Minnerly, Director of Bands
In August, the Yellowjacket Marching Band came together for Band Camp 2024! Students spent hours and hours before the school year began in order to prepare their 2024 show "Haunted ". This year we are led by Drum Majors Natalia Rodriguez and Kate Hudak with Assistant Drum Major Mackenize Hale. Mackenzie Steeves is the Color Guard Captain, and section leaders are Caralyn Parent (Woodwinds), Alec Marvin (Brass), Ethan Cavajani (Percussion) and Aiden Picard (Percussion).
We have several performances coming up this fall. We have home football games on September 14th, September 27th (Night Game!), October 26th (Homecoming!) and November 28th (Thanksgiving!) In addition, we are competing in three USBands shows. We are at Sheehan High School on September 21st, Naugatuck High School on October 12th, and Southington High School on October 19th. Lastly, we have a performance at the Fall Foliage Festival in Winsted on September 28th.
We hope to see you at one, two, or all of the performances!
Middle School Counseling News
Student Recognition Program
At the end of quarter 1, 7th and 8th grade students will attend their first ‘Town Hall’ of the year. Teachers will recognize their ‘Students of Quarter 1’. Students that receive honor and high honor grades on their report cards will be invited to attend a special celebration for their hard work in their academics.NWR7 and Oliver Wolcott Info Sessions
Between the end of September and early November, 8th grade students will hear about the Northwestern Region 7 VoAg program and Oliver Wolcott Technical High School from representatives of those schools/programs.
Middle School Extracurriculars and Clubs
The Middle School Student Council will be starting up in September! Middle School Counselor and Student Council Advisory, Mrs. Thompson, will be speaking with all students about the engagement opportunity of this club. Student informational session will be on September 20th during Advisory. Students interested in joining the extracurricular club should attend the informational meeting and sign the contract form with parent consent, returning it to Mrs. Thompson or their Advisory teacher by October 5th. Other clubs and extracurricular activities include:
Computer Club
Aerial Drone Competition
Stage Crew
Gilbert Drama
National Junior Honor Society
Hive Time for 7th Graders
School social workers are meeting with 7th grade students 2-3 times weekly in groups to provide social/emotional support, curriculum, and skill development lessons during Hive Time. If you would like more information about Hive Time for your middle school student, please contact Ms. Thompson at thompsonm@gilbertschool.org.
Gilbert Yellowjackets Athletics
By Josh Penn, Gilbert Athletic Director
The fall season is officially underway! Girl’s Soccer has played its first three games and is still looking for its first victory, but they have played hard and look to get their first win vs International on Friday 9/13 under the lights.
Cross Country had its first official meet on 9/10. Junior Kate Hudak placed 2nd for females while Junior Alec Marvin placed 8th and Senior Richie Reeves finished just behind in 9th!
Volleyball has also played two contests and is 1-1 on the season. The Volleyball team was led by Senior Captains, Mackenzie Steeves, Emily Fedorwicz, and Gabriella Sosa to their win over Oliver Wolcott Tech.
Football has a tough week 1 matchup with perennial powerhouse Ansonia. They look to get their season off to a good start with a win. Cheerleading may have a smaller squad than last year, but they have just as much passion and energy as always. Golf has played in several matches so far and improved their team score in every match. Boy’s Soccer has also played their first two contests and have improved every game. They take on Shepaug on Friday and look to get their first win of the season. Middle School Sports started on 9/4 and will play their first contests on Monday 9/16, good luck to all of our Middle School student-athletes!
Gilbert Athletics Dates & Information
Fall Home Games at TGS:
- 9/16 - Girls Soccer vs Shepaug
- 9/17 - Boys Soccer vs Lakeview
- 9/17 - Volleyball vs Terryville
- 9/20 - JV Football vs Kennedy
- 9/24 - Boys Soccer vs Housatonic
- 10/1 - Girls Soccer vs Thomaston
- 10/1 - Volleyball vs Housatonic
- 10/3 - Freshman Football vs Capital Prep
- 10/8 - Girls Soccer vs Lakeview
- 10/10 - Volleyball vs Nonnewaug
- 10/16 - Volleyball vs Lakeview
- 10/22 - Girls Soccer vs Nonnewaug
- 10/26 - Football vs Watertown
- 10/28 - Football vs St. Paul
Miscellaneous Information:
- The Travel Release Form can be found here on the Gilbert Website and is an online form. Once completed, the Athletics Office will receive a notification.
- Game schedules are posted on the Gilbert Athletics website. I look forward to a great fall season and hope to see the stands filled with Blue and Gold!
- 10/22 - Girls Soccer will take on Nonnewaug on Van Why Field here at Gilbert.
- 10/26 - Football takes on Watertown, a rematch of the State semi-finals last year.
Contact Josh Penn, Gilbert Director of Athletics 7-12 at: pennj@gilbertschool.org or call 860 379-3721 with any questions regarding Athletics. If you have specific questions regarding practices and games please contact the coach directly.
- Cheerleading - Megan Schibi schibim@gilbertschool.org
- Cross Country - Scott Mueller muellers@gilbertschool.org
- Football - Scott Salius saliuss@gilbertschool.org
- Golf (Boys) - Shane Centrella centrellas@gilbertschool.org
- Boys Soccer - Kris Kelsey kelseyk@gilbertschool.org
- Girls Soccer - Jared Fritch fritchj@gilbertschool.org
- Volleyball - Gerald Brochu brochug@gilbertschool.org
- MS Cross Country - Gene Michaud michaudg@gilbertschool.org
- MS Girls Soccer - Bryan Sundie sundieb@gilbertschool.org
- MS Boys Soccer - Nikita Tarabara tarabaran@gilbertschool.org
International Program Welcomes Back Students
By Lauren Orr, International Program
The International Program welcomes back students from Brazil, China, Germany, and Vietnam for the 2024-25 school year. This dynamic group does not shy away from challenges or new experiences. Our international students are enrolled in honors and AP courses, while also participating in team sports. One of our young ladies has joined our Gilbert Golf team. Our Gilbert soccer field continues to be a fan favorite. One of our seniors serves as an intern at the school library. Others have shown interest in volleyball, basketball, orchestra, esports, and our drone club. Welcome Yellowjackets, we're so glad you're here - and so glad that you're making the most of all that TGS has to offer!
Pictured above: International students in the dormitory, enjoying a meal of Chinese hotpot for the first time (provided by Daisy's mother and family friend).
Pictured above from left to right: A lively Laser Tag outing with Mateus, Vitor, Residential Coordinator Emory, Jia Ye, Lars, Luis, David, and Jerry
SENIORS: Important Post-Secondary Planning Info
SENIORS & JUNIORS: College Reps Are Coming To TGS!
Wondering what it takes to get accepted into a certain college or university? Curious what campus life is like there, or if they have they have the majors you're considering? Speak with an Admissions Rep to find out! Reps for the colleges/universities listed below will be visiting The Gilbert School this fall. College rep visits are for junior and senior students, and will take place in the library. Students should click HERE to sign up for College Admissions Rep visits at TGS. Students are responsible for all missed classwork. Check your email, Naviance, and/or future issues of the newsletter for an updated list, as additional colleges/universities are being added daily!
- 9/16 - University of New Haven - 11:30 AM
- 9/17 - Western Connecticut State University - 10:35 AM
- 9/18 - Eastern Connecticut State University - 1:00 PM
- 9/20 - Quinnipiac University - 9:15 AM
- 9/23 - Rhode Island College - 9:45 AM
- 9/26 - University of Connecticut - 9:45 AM
- 9/27 - Binghamton University - 9:45 AM
- 9/30 - Dean College - 1:00 PM
- 10/1 - Endicott College - 10:35 AM
- 10/2 - Western New England University - 9:45 AM
- 10/4 - University of Rhode Island - 11:30 AM
- 10/15 - University of Hartford - 1:00 PM
- 10/17 - Mitchell College - 1:00 PM
- 10/21 - Worcester Polytechnic Institute - 10:35 AM
- 10/24 - Savannah College of Art and Design - 9:45 AM
- 10/28 - Southern Connecticut State University - 11:30 AM
- 11/6 - Lasell University - 1:00 PM
- 11/7 - Lincoln Technical Institute-East Windsor - 10:35 AM
- 11/13 - Plymouth State University - 9:45 AM
Workforce Opportunities Career Fair 10/31
On October 31st, the School Counseling and Career/Tech Ed departments will be taking 50 high school students to the Aerospace Components Manufacturing Workforce Opportunities Career Fair at the Hartford Convention Center.
The goal of this trip is to make students and their families aware of the wide array of employment opportunities and well-paying careers available in the local aerospace industry. Students will have the opportunity to meet representatives from over 90 local aerospace firms to learn about what employees look for when hiring new employees and the leading-edge technologies that modern manufacturers are using.
Students in grades 9-12 will have an opportunity to sign up and visit. See Mrs. Fiducia in the School Counseling office to sign up. Click on the button below to watch a video about the event!
GRADES 9-12: Upcoming College Fairs
Hundreds of colleges and universities from the US and worldwide will be ready and waiting to talk with you at an upcoming in-person college fair. Don't miss these free, one-day events for high school students and families. See the info about the next fair below.
- Southern Connecticut College & Career Fair, Tues., 10/1, 4:30-7:30 pm at the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater, Bridgeport
- NEACAC College Fairs, various Fall dates & locations
GRADES 8-11: PSAT School Day is October 16
PSAT testing will take place during the school day on October 16 for all grade 8, freshmen, sophomore, and junior students. Students taking the PSAT may be dismissed early with written permission from their parent or guardian. Permission must be provided to the main office prior to test day. Additional information will be provided in the month of October. Registration for the PSAT is not required.
AP Students: May 2025 Exam Registration
Our AP courses are in full swing. Students completed summer work for each course and are already starting to progress through their rigorous college-level curriculum. Fees for the mandatory AP tests (required for the course) will be due to Mrs. Fiducia soon; listen for the announcements on when and where to turn in your payments. Those students who pass the test will be refunded money back as an incentive from Gilbert. Also, many colleges accept scores 3 and above for college credit (check specific university/college requirements for credit). Students who take AP courses in high school are proven to perform better academically in post-secondary programs than those who do not. If you have any questions about AP courses, please contact your school counselor.
For 2025 testing information and dates, please visit this link on the College Board website.
GRADES 9-11: Get FREE Customized Online SAT Prep
Khan Academy, in conjunction with College Board, offers free customized SAT prep based on a student's performance on the PSAT/SAT. Generated SAT practice is tailored specifically to focus on those areas in which the student requires the most practice. Click on the button below to find out more information!
GRADES 9-11: Additional SAT & ACT Test Dates
In spring 2024, all junior students participated in the Connecticut SAT School Day at The Gilbert School. However, any student (not just juniors!) can register online to take the SAT and/or to take the ACT throughout the year - as many times as you choose. Like anything else, the more you practice, the better you'll get!
*Please note that The Gilbert School is no longer a testing site and will not be hosting SAT testing on alternate dates.
By Darlene Webb RN BSN, Director of Health Services
Required Physicals
All Grades 7 & 9 Students Are REQUIRED To Have A Physical By Their Physician
Students are required to have a physical exam for seventh grade, and also during ninth grade prior to the start of tenth grade. "Blue" physical forms were mailed out in your student's back-to-school packets in August. Forms can also be found in physician’s offices, the TGS main office, as well as the nurse's office. Physicals are also required every 13 months for students who are trying out for sports. If you have any questions regarding this State mandated requirement, please contact the nurse. If your child has already had a physical, please submit it to the Nurse's Office. If you would like to have your physician fax a copy, the confidential direct fax number is 860 738 9651.
Sports Physicals
Does your child want to play a sport? Don’t forget to book your sports physica! Students need a current physical on file in the nurse’s office to try out for a sport. Physicals should be dated within 13 months.
Welcome Letter From Food Services
EdAdvance Food Service and Gilbert School welcome you to the 2024-2025 School year. All students at The Gilbert School can receive a free healthy breakfast and a free lunch each school day as the district participates in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Therefore, parents will not need to complete an Application for Free & Reduced Meals. Click on the letter below to read more important info about Food Services.
Join Our Team!!!
- Would you like a part time job with summers off?
- Are you available to work during school hours?
- If you answered yes, School Food Service may be the place for you!
Opening for cafeteria workers, daily, or on a substitute basis. The work schedule follows the school calendar, approximately 5.25 hours/day, on an as needed basis. Applicants must be flexible with times, as school lunch schedules occasionally change. No experience needed, will train. Application, resume, letter of intent and 2 letters of reference are requested. Interested individuals should click HERE to apply online.
An Important Note From The Main Office
The Main Office reminds all parents to submit your student's school forms as soon as possible, if you haven't done so already. The school forms were included in the Back to School Packets that were sent to each Gilbert family in August. If you've misplaced your child's packet, please email Mrs. Battista at battistas@gilbertschool.org.
Bus Information for 2024-25
Click on the button below for bus stop and pick up information for bussing to and from The Gilbert School.
GRADES 7-11: Picture Day is 9/18
For all underclassmen and middle school students, School Picture Day is Wednesday, 9/18. Order forms were distributed during Advisories. If you didn't receive an order form, there are extra forms available in the Main Office. Please email Mrs. Zap at zaprzalkas@gilbertschool.org if you have any questions.
SENIORS: More Portrait Dates Have Been Added
For those seniors who haven't taken your senior portraits yet, the second round of sessions will be on Wednesday, 9/25 and Thursday, 9/26. There are also appointments available for Wednesday, 10/23 and Thursday, 10/24. You should have all received an appointment code via your Gilbert email, but if you have not, please reach out to Mrs. Zap. All photos will be taken from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the Gilbert library.
Purchase Your 2025 High School Yearbook NOW To Get Early Bird Pricing!
2025 Gilbert High School Yearbooks are on sale now for $65. Prices will only increase, so get it now before the price goes up! Click on the button below to purchase your yearbook and add ons.
Yearbook Pricing:
- $65 until 9/30
- $75 from 10/1-11/30
- $85 from 12/1-12/30
New this year: Donate a yearbook to someone in need! Click on the button below to donate an entire yearbook to a student, or you can donate any dollar amount towards a yearbook. Any questions please email Mrs. Zaprzalka at zaprzalkas@gilbertschool.org.
Buy An Ad For Your Business or Your TGS Senior!
Business yearbook ads are now available for purchase. Creating an ad that will seen by local parents, students, and community members is a fantastic way to promote your greater Winchester area business. Click on the button below, and scroll down to purchase an ad.
Personal yearbook ads are also available for purchase! Personal ads for your students are a great way to support them and show them how proud you are of all their accomplishments! Ads can be purchased and created on the yearbook website by clicking on the button below.
Any questions please email Mrs. Zaprzalka at zaprzalkas@gilbertschool.org.
PowerSchool Registration Instructions
Unsure how to set up your PowerSchool account? No problem! Follow these simple steps:
- Begin at The Gilbert School Webpage www.gilbertschool.org
- From the Parent dropdown menu, choose PowerSchool
- Click on the PowerSchool logo
- Click the create an account button
- Completely fill out the form
(The Access ID is your child’s student ID number, and the Access password is the first 8 letters of your child’s last name.)
- At least 7 characters
- At least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character (!,$,&,*, etc.)
Should you need assistance, please contact battistas@gilbertschool.org
Mark Your Calendars: Homecoming is 10/26!
It's almost time to show that Yellowjacket spirit! Spirit Week will be the week of 10/21-25, and will be filled with dress-up days, class contests, and wall building! The Homecoming Court will be announced at the Homecoming Football Game versus Watertown High School on Saturday, 10/26. Kickoff is at 1:00pm.
Parking Policies for Dropoff/Pickup 2024-25
AM DROPOFF (7:00-7:45 AM):
Morning student drop-off procedures: Students may ONLY be dropped off in the student parking lot in the morning OR at the bottom of the hill on the faculty side. Parents may NOT pull up to the teacher lot and drop at the door unless students have significant physical impairments that require handicapped parking to drop off (ex: crutches, injury, etc.).
If you are dropping off paperwork to the office or making a quick stop to school, we will have a Short-Term Parking spot available for you to make a fast trip into the building and out with no worries of where to park. If you are here for a meeting with staff, please use one of our “Visitor Parking” spots. They are located in the teacher lot and accessible for public visitors during school, or right after school hours.
PM PICKUP (School Dismissal 2:00-2:30 PM):
Afternoon pickup procedures: Students may ONLY be picked up in the student parking lot in the afternoon OR at the bottom of the hill on the faculty side. Parents may NOT pull up to the teacher lot and park in the teacher parking lot to wait unless students have significant physical impairments that require handicapped parking-which is where they may park to wait for dismissal (ex: crutches, injury, etc.).
Important Dates to Remember
Open House
10/14 - Columbus Day
Early Dismissal (12:16 PM)
School Picture Day
Senior Portrait Days
9/25-26, 10/23-24
PSAT School Day
Spirit Week
Pep Rally
Homecoming Game