Longfellow Newsletter
Week of September 30th

Week of Jan. 13th
Every Student Counts, Every Moment Matters!
First Bell-7:50 am / Tardy Bell-7:55 am
All visitors must enter through the main office
Message from Principal Webb
Hello Longhorn Families!
Happy New Year! As we step into January, we are excited to embrace the opportunities and adventures that 2025 holds for our school community.
This month marks a fresh start, and we are ready to dive back into learning, growth, and exploration. January brings new lessons, exciting activities, and opportunities for your children to shine. Here are some important updates and reminders for the month ahead:
Upcoming Events:
- No School on January 20th
- No School on January 29th
- All School Family Dance Night on January 30th
Focus for the Month:
- Our Longfellow League of the Month is Courage
Parent Involvement:
- We’d love to have parents join us for our zoom PTA meetings and also get involved in our spring carnival-see the sign up below! Our Parent Teacher Conferences will be the end of Feburary and the first part of March.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in making our school a wonderful place for learning and growth. Together, we can ensure a fantastic year for our students.
Wishing you and your families a successful and joyful start to the new year!
Warm regards,
Principal Webb
One School One Book -Survey
Parent book interest form: please fill out 1 per family
MidWest One Bank Art Show!
Art Room News
It’s time for the MidWestOne Bank Art Show! This is an optional project. All entries must be submitted to Ms. Lasansky by February 14, 2025. Each year, MidWestOne Bank selects 50 featured artists, and the chosen artwork will be professionally framed through their partnership with Blick Art Materials in Downtown Iowa City.
ALL entries will be displayed at the MidwestOne Bank Downtown location, and everyone is invited to the open house on April 3, 2025.
Important Instructions:
- Projects must be mounted on a separate sheet of construction paper at home.
- The entry form must be filled out, signed, and attached to the back of your artwork. (See the entry form for full instructions.)
I am very excited to see all the entries!
Ms. Lasansky
Community Dance Night
Hello Longfellow Families! On Thursday, January 30, from 6-7 PM, Longfellow Music and PE will host our second annual "Longhorn Community Dance Night!" for students and their families. We value using dance and music in our curriculum that reflects our students' rich cultural heritage. If you or a family member know a dance you would like to share with us, please reply to this message and let us know! You could teach it to the music teachers OR to your students' class, or you could share a video of it! We are excited to collaborate with you!
Mr. Broeker, Mr. Hemann, and Ms. Rogers
Rent the Celebration Rock
The purpose of the Celebration Rock is to promote school spirit at Longfellow Elementary School. Parents, caregivers, students & staff have the opportunity to “Rent the Rock” to recognize a student’s birthday, show school spirit, thank or recognize a teacher or staff member, mark congratulatory events, etc. It is a great way to spread positive messages and increase excitement in our community! 100% of the funds raised through the Celebration Rock will be used by the school or PTA for events and for school improvement for our amazing students!
Call the office if you are interested in renting the rock! 3196881135
Follow this Payment link https://givebutter.com/4GsRpD to complete the process by paying $10 or writing a check to Longfellow PTA and dropping off at the office
Get ready to celebrate! What you need to paint a spirit rock: - 1 can of spray paint for each side - acrylic paint for the colors you need for your design - paint brushes and stencil brushes worked well - chalk to plan out the design before painting - other helpful supplies: paint stirrer, paint can opener, scissors, baby wipes for drips, paper towels-- if you want to donate extra supplies after you are done, you can leave them at the office for others.
Questions? Call Longfellow office at 3196881135
Follow Longfellow Elementary's NEW Facebook Page for updates and happenings!
Longfellow World Language Program Sign ups: Spanish classes (Spring 2025)
Sign up your child to participate in an after-school world language program this spring. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to immerse themselves in Spanish through fun, engaging and interactive activities where they can practice their language skills. Spanish classes will be offered at Longfellow on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Spanish classes will have a duration of eight weeks this spring starting the week of February 3. The classes are free for families with generous support from the Longfellow PTA and the University of Iowa School of Education. Register for the program here by Friday, January 17th.
Help needed: Seeking volunteers as classroom helpers to attend each weekly session for either language. No knowledge of Spanish is necessary. If you are interested in volunteering or have questions, contact Lidia Sana Pfoccori, lidia-sanapfoccori@uiowa.edu.
PTA News
Longfellow Carnival
Longfellow carnival will be here before we know it! To make this fun event happen we need lots of help. Please reach out to the PTA if you are interested in being a part of a planning committee. We will be solidifying the date for our spring carnival at our next PTA meeting January 8th via zoom. Please email co-president Ali Nixon at annixon83@gmail.com or the PTA at IClongfellowpta@gmail.com if interested in helping with planning and/or join the PTA meeting for more information and to get involved.
Districtwide Parents Organization (DPO)
The Iowa City Districtwide Parents Organization (DPO) is an independent organization led by an executive board and composed of voting members that represent parent organizations across the district.
You are encouraged to attend DPO meetings for the following reasons:
- Connect with parents from other schools’ parent organizations
- Find out what is happening in our district directly from the school board and administration
- Learn from experts about important matters related to children and education
- Exchange ideas and gain information on local, state, and national legislative issues
Upcoming meeting dates / topics (in-person and on Zoom) 6:30-8pm:
- Wed. February 12, 2025 - Legislative update
- Wed. March 12, 2025 - Officer Mike Smithy - Safety for Students
- Wed. April 9, 2025 - Scholarship Reception
- Wed May 14, 2025 - Wrap-up & community building
Dine Out for Education- Foundation!
Mark your calendars for Thursday, January 16, 2025! Beat the winter blues with a special January Dine Out For Education! Support our schools by enjoying a meal at our amazing partner restaurants.
📅 When: ALL DAY Thursday, January 16, 2025
🍽️ Where: Partner restaurants across the Iowa City, Coralville and North Liberty area
Every bite you take helps fund programs, resources, and opportunities for students in our District. Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, or a snack, you can make a difference!
Participating restaurants are being added every day and can be found here!
Send Hy-Vee Receipts to school for PTA
Just drop receipts in the tub in the front entrance or send them with your student to take to the office.
Mark your Calendar
Jan. 14th- 4th grade Animation Workshop
Jan. 20th- No school- MLK
Jan. 21st- FAST reading and math testing starts
Jan. 29th- No School day
January 30th- Dance Night 6-7:00 pm
Feb. 7th- 3rd grade field trip
PTA Meetings:
February 5th, Zoom
March 5th, Zoom/In Person Hybrid
April 2nd, Zoom
May 7th, Zoom
June 4th, Zoom (Year End-Wrap Up, etc.)
Imagine it. Explore it. Achieve it. Preschool starts here!
We’d love to welcome your little one to our preschool family! Our teachers are certified in both general and special education, and we offer free half-day programming for 4-year-olds in all of our elementary schools, with full-day options also available.
Preschool registration for the 2025-26 school year opens Feb. 6, 2025. Register on-site between 4 & 6 pm at City High, Liberty High, or West High School. Online registration is also available beginning at 4 pm on Feb. 6.
Learn more at www.IowaCitySchools.org/Preschool
Longfellow Field Trip Permission Form:
Parents are invited to fill out the general field trip permission form for your student here:
Looking for information on Securly, our web filtering tool? Find all the information here www.IowaCitySchools.org/Securly.
Longfellow Elementary School
Every student counts. Every moment matters.
ADDRESS: 1130 Seymour Ave., Iowa City, IA 52240
PHONE: 319-688-1135
FAX: 319-688-1136
Kelli Webb, Principal
Teresa Svec, Principal Secretary
Sasha Frauenholz, School Facilitator
Non-Discrimination Policy:
It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact the Director of Equity, 1725 N. Dodge St., Iowa City, IA 52245, (319) 688-1000.