News from Imaginopolis
The Pinon Elementary Art Room
Fiber Arts All Over Pinon
It has been a busy couple of months in the Pinon Art Room! Our fourth graders worked with Emily Trujillo, eighth-generation Chimayo weaver. Emily shared her beautiful weavings with us, she brought in a loom, and she taught us how to weave. Some of her visits were in person, and some were on Zoom. It was a unique way to learn to weave. The kids did well!
You can see her work at her family gallery: www.chimayoweavers.com
Our sixth graders worked with needle felting artist Lucy Ranney. Lucy is a working artist and the creative director of Artworks Santa Fe. Lucy shared her beautiful felting with us, and taught us how to needle felt a flat artwork, and a three-dimensional creature. I was really impressed with how well the sixth graders took to this medium! You an see their creations in the main lobby of Pinon.
Our third graders are about to learn how to make quilt squares with visiting artist Liz Martineau. Liz is the executive director of the Los Alamos Community Foundation. She and her husband are also the creators of the Los Alamos Math Museum. Liz is an expert quilter, and member of the Los Alamos Quilters Guild. Liz is a former LAPS teacher.
Upcoming Projects
3Y Pre-School
Dying sheep's wool with Kool Aid and using it in a project
4Y Pre-School
Rainbow fish sculptures created with the sheep wool we dyed
Felt Monsters
First Grade
Warm colors autumn cat
Second Grade
Warm colors light up silhouette lantern
Third Grade
Quilt making with visiting artist Liz Martineau
Fourth Grade
The History of Chimayo Weaving and Learning to Weave on a Cardboard Loom with Visiting Chimayo Weaver Emily Trujillo
Fifth Grade
Sheep Pillows... we've created our patterns, cut and pinned our pieces... let the sewing begin!
Sixth Grade
Shhh... the kids don't know yet... clay bobbleheads
Public Art Continues
A number of Pinon's and Chamisa's student art work was chosen from our display at the state fair, and is now on display at the NM Public Education department in Santa Fe.
Weekly Schedule
How to Behave like an Artist
Contact Information
Email: s.rittner@laschools.net
Website: https://laschools.net/pinon/
Location: 90 Grand Canyon Drive
Phone: (505)663-2694