WAVA Wave Newsletter
-September 2023-
Welcome Back to School
Please take a moment review our September Newsletter!
We hope you have had time to relax and enjoy some summer fun! It is that time of year again, we are back to school WAVA! Our teachers and staff have been busy planning and preparing for your students learning experience this year. We welcome all of our returning students that re-registered and we welcome those that are new to WAVA!
This year at WAVA you can know that you are important!
- At WAVA, Students come first
- At WAVA, Learning is our focus
- At WAVA, Community is valued
- At WAVA, Cultures are respected
During your first weeks of school we have resources available to help make your adjustment smooth. Please take a moment to visit the WAVA Bulletin Board and you will find important dates, newsletters, clubs info, helpful links/videos, contact info and more! Take time in this first month to reach out to your students teacher, send an email to your counselor, reach out to another learning coach through the WAVA LC Community, follow us on social media outlets! We want your transition into a new grade to be a success!
We look forward to this 2023-2024 year with you and your family and please always reach out for any support and assistance we can provide to you throughout the year!
Executive Director, Susan Boyer
Important Dates:
08/30: WAVA First Day of School
08/30: K12 Zone for Grades 3-5 launches: K12 Zone - WAVA-Omak
09/01: Look at helpful links/videos to start your year right! link
09/01: WA State Fair Opens: Tickets available first come first serve
09/04: Labor Day - No School
09/05: WAVA Spirit Day - Taco Tuesday Day
09/06: WAVA Spirit Day - Pet Day
09/07: WAVA Spirit Day - Art Day
09/08: WAVA Spirit Day - WAVA Wear & Gear
09/13: Get involved in a club/activity: https://www.k12.com/parent-student-resources/extracurriculars-events/
09/15: Visit Helpful Links and get ready for school to start soon
09/18: Are you ready for school to start, mark important dates on the calendar
09/19: Learn more about CTE at WAVA
09/20: WAVA 2023-24 Info Session, Learn more about WAVA
09/21: Learn about a Club Week, checkout clubs for Fall
09/22: Share your September pics and activities on the padlet
09/26: Project Elevate Day, Share a special story with our Stride Media Team
09/27: Reminder to mark important dates on the calendar
09/29: WAVA Outing - Back to School Picnics "outings"
10/01: Clubs begin to promote and meet
- View the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar here
- K12 Zone is our new online platfor for WAVA students to connect, Grades 3-5 Zone is open starting August 30th link
- K12 Photography Challenge is happening now: https://enrichment.k12.com/home/2023-k12-photo-contest/
- Check out Esports: Visit Stride Esports (WAVA's team will begin in September, look for email communications)
- Check out some of the ways students can communicate, post messages to the WAVA Padlet and share about your summer and what you are up to! For the gamers out there, you can connect on our Gaming Padlet, post your game of choice tag and start playing with fellow WAVA students. If you are an artist and want to draw and share with others about your art you can post to the Art padlet. Do you love to bake and want to share with fellow students, post to the Baking padlet.
- Bookmark the Clubs, Competitions and Activities page for K12 and look for potential ways to stay involved as an online learner, https://www.k12.com/parent-student-resources/extracurriculars-events.html
- Congratulations to our Robotics students Ismaeel, Maryam, Aidan and Leor! These students have placed #1 and #2 in the Top Teams in the country for our K12 Robotics!
- Class of 2024 Graduates, look for planning info to start going on early January!
- Do you have a unique story to share and you want to spread it across the news! Our PR team at K12/Stride wants to know! Submit here
- You can continue to give back to the community through WAVA and donate to food banks across WA, here.
Follow our Stride Student Instagram Channel! @stridestudent
We are so excited to announce we have a Stride Student Engagement Instagram Channel! You can find us @stridestudent
Check out College Prep with K12: https://www.k12.com/stride-career-prep/about-college-prep/
Join Learning Coach Community for WAVA on the K12 App or OLS, Social Sessions every Tuesday on Zoom. Download the K12 app, log in using your Learning Coach credentials and join the National LC Community. #learningcoachlife
Learn more at www.learningcoachlife.com
WAVA Open House Info 23-24
What is the K12 Zone?
WAVA Career and Technical Education
CTE - Career and Technical Education with WAVA and K12
Career technical education (CTE) programs can help fill that gap and better align what is learned with what is needed, making learning relevant to work and everyday life.
College Prep with K12
Meet our State Testing Coordinator
Reach out to your Counselor and our Student Support
Counselor Info: https://www.wavabulletinboard.com/services-4
WAVA Student Support Contacts Include:
Heather Bennett, Student Support Administrator, hbennett@K12.com
Kathy Swartz, Student Resource Coordinator, kswartz@K12.com
7 Mindsets
Community and Family Engagement
Community and Family Engagement
At WAVA we want to connect with students and believe that all student can succeed. In addition to connection in the classroom through academics, student support, class connect sessions and learning platforms students can connect on their own time for community engagement. Club options for Stride can be found on the OLS Announcements and the Class Connect Schedule. WAVA Clubs will be on the WAVA Bulletin at https://www.wavabulletinboard.com/esports-and-clubs. Clubs may include options in Gaming, Art, Baking, Music, ASB, SkillsUSA, GLSEN, Social Chats and Esports.
HOSA - https://forms.office.com/r/kE5uu4zS7H
FCCLA - https://forms.office.com/r/m2LDVwwPKt
You can share news on your student success with our National Social Media team through Project Elevate! If you are a Learning Coach interested in being on our Parent Advisory Council for 2023-2024, please contact us!
Class of 2024 - Look for planning info to come in January!~
Welcome to Student Engagement Opportunities
Newsletter and National Contest Winner News.
WAVA Clubs Schedule and Info
Outings Coming Up
Throughout the year WAVA offers suggested outings across WA State. Please visit the outings link and look for opportunities near you! If you do not see an outing in your area, please post a suggested outing on the WAVA LC Community and offer to meet up with others in your area!
WAVA ASB for HS and MS
Meet WAVA Families and Friends
Looking to meet WAVA Families and Friends? Make sure to join our WAVA LC Community and connect with others! The Learning Coach Community is ONLY for WAVA families and K12 and we look forward to you sharing and connecting!
7 Mindsets We Are Connected
Stride Tutoring
WAVA Office and Enrollment
Enrollment and Registration Contact Us Information:
For all records requests we want all emails going to recordsrequest@wava.org
For all transcript requests: : WAVA Transcript Request Form
General Enrollment Questions: enrollment@wava
General Registrar (non records or transcript) questions: registrar@wava.org
Contact WAVA:
WAVA Office: 253.591.6888
Enrollment/Program Inquiries: 866.548.9444
WAVA General Info: info@wava.org
K12 Clubs: clubs@K12.com
K12, Competitions and Challenges: competitions@stridelearning.com
Student Support Helpful Resources
Ms. Giske, Operations Manager
Ms. Andoy, Office Manager
Special Programs Support
Special Programs Team:
Check out the Special Programs Page on the WAVA Bulletin
If you have questions or concerns about the diverse needs of your learner, please contact -
- Shelley Sears, ssears@wava.org - Special Programs Administrator
- Scott VanGerpen, svangerpen@wava.org – 504
- Melanie Wyckoff, mwyckoff@wava.org – Highly Capable Program
- Star Downey, sdowney@wava.org - Highly Capable Program
- Karen O'Leary, koleary@wava.org – English Learner Program
- Lauren Garcia, lgarcia@wava.org, English Learner Program
Success Stories
We are WAVA, We are ONE
What's Important at WAVA?
At WAVA, students come first. We partner with families to provide a free and excellent public eduction that meets the needs of the whole child.
At WAVA, learning is our focus. We empower one another to become life-long learners through innovation and inspiration. We plan for success.
At WAVA, community is valued. We seek to positively impact our community through partnership, offerings, and collaboration.
At WAVA, cultures are respected. We celebrate diversity and commit ourselves to positive and meaningful teamwork.
Follow us on Instagram!
Follow us on YouTube!
Follow us on our main WAVA facebook page!
Washington Virtual Academies
Email: info@wava.org
Website: www,wavabulletinboard.com
Location: 2601 S 35th St Suite 100 Tacoma, WA 98409
Phone: (253) 591-6888
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WAVAESLC/
Twitter: @K12_WAVA
Omak Statement of Non-discrimination
Omak School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator: Brittney Richter, (509) 826-7687, brichter@omaksd.org or WAVA Family Resource Coordinator: Kathy Swartz, (253) 682-7906, kaswartz@k12.com; and Section 504 Coordinator: John Holcomb, (509) 826-8342, johnholcomb@omaksd.org , P.O. Box 833, Omak, WA 98841 or WAVA 504 Coordinator, Scott VanGerpen, (253) 591-6888 svangerpen@wava.org
El Distrito Escolar de Omak no discrimina en ningún programa o actividad por motivos de sexo, raza, credo, religión, color, nacionalidad, edad, estado militar o veterano, orientación sexual, expresión de género o identidad, incapacidad o el uso de un perro entrenado o un animal guía o de servicio, y proporciona el mismo acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos de jóvenes que sean designados. Los siguientes empleados han sido designados para estar a cargo de preguntas y quejas de presunta discriminación: Coordinadora de Derechos Civiles y Coordinador del Título IX: Brittney Richter, (509) 826-7687, brichter@omaksd.org; Coordinador de recursos familiares, Kathy Swartz, (253) 682-7906, kaswartz@k12.com; y el Coordinador de la sección 504: John Holcomb, (509) 826-8342, johnholcomb@omaksd.org, P.O. Box 833, Omak, WA 98841 or WAVA Coordinador de la sección 504, Scott VanGerpen, (253) 591-6888 svangerpen@wava.org.