The Lion's Roar
September 20, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Bowden...
As Leadership Prep continues to grow, so does our commitment to ensuring that every student receives the support they need to grow. The LPS Student Services Department plays a vital role in providing a range of resources directed at promoting academic, social, and emotional well-being.
Whether through our Social Workers, special education services, or student support programs, the Student Services team works collaboratively with families, teachers, and administrators to create an inclusive and nurturing environment for all.
As we expand, we remain focused on enhancing our services to meet the diverse needs of our students. Together, we are committed to fostering a community where every student can succeed and feel supported on their education journey.
Please enjoy the first LPS Student Services newsletter.
It is a great day to be a LION.
Mrs. Bowden
Secondary Principal
Homecoming Dress Days
All students 5th grade - 12th grade can participate in the Homecoming Dress Days.
Homecoming dance information, the dance is October 5th at the LPS Gym from 7pm to 9:30 pm. This event is semi-formal as Prom is considered more formal, however either dress attire will be okay to wear as long as they follow the dress code. Dress Code Info. Tickets can be purchased in Coach G's room (room130) for $15 CASH ONLY as presale prices. We will accept ticket purchases at the door for $20 cash only. You may bring a date from another school but they must be approved by Mrs. Bowden and the date’s principal with NO BEHAVIORAL ISSUES! Forms can be located on the LPS Website and are due no later than Wednesday October 2nd on Mrs. Bowden’s desk or mailbox.
High School students only for Homecoming Dance.
Lion Nation,
If you have not heard already one of our own students, Celeste Ocampo (12th Grade), received the horrible diagnosis of stage 2 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She is the captain on the girl varsity volleyball team and the week prior to receiving the diagnosis she committed to playing D1 volleyball at Binghamton University. We wanted to do something to help and show our support as a community by selling a shirt and proceeds of the sale will go towards Celeste’s treatment. Please click the link to purchase a shirt and show your support! https://lpspurpleforceleste.itemorder.com/.
Homecoming Games
Homecoming Games Tuesday, October 1st
Location: Strike Middle School Football Field
Middle School Secondary Team plays at 5pm
Middle School Primary Team plays at 6pm
Varsity plays at 7pm
Cheer Fundraiser
Hot Food Lunch Option
We have continued our partnership with Wholesome Foods for families to order food, if they choose. These options are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please use the link to set up your account. If you are a returning family, please update your child's grade and teacher so that it is delivered to the right campus.
Marco's & Chick-fil-a Ordering Open for October!
Marco's and Chick-fil-a ordering is now open for October! Please visit myschoolbucks.com to order. Be sure to select the correct student when ordering, changes cannot be made.
- Marco's will be offered on Mondays.
- Chick-fil-a will be offered on Thursdays.
- Marco’s will also be offered on FRIDAY 10/18.
Ordering will close on September 24th.
My School Bucks
We will continue using My School Bucks for payment. You will start receiving invoices for student fees. If you paid before school, we have that noted.
School Fees are due October 4.
Girl Scout Interest Meeting
Meet the 6th Grade Team
Mr. Knudtson, Science
Mr. Strickland, Social Studies
Ms. Kays, Math (Math Department Head)
Mrs. Moreno, ELAR
Leadership Prep
A Note From The Nurse
Parents, please remember that Texas state law requires the following vaccinations for all 7th-grade students:
Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap): A booster dose is required if it has been five years or more since the last dose.
Meningococcal Vaccine: One dose is required.
Additionally, all new students must have updated immunization records on file.
All 7th graders must have updated immunizations submitted by October 18th.
If you haven't submitted your child's immunization records yet, please email a copy to mchau@lpsfrisco.com as soon as possible.
For new students or parents wanting to verify immunization status, please refer to this Texas Immunization Checklist.
If your child is exempt from vaccines and holds a current affidavit, please ensure that the affidavit is submitted to the school clinic.
9 Week Habits to Learn About & Practice
Habit #1 Means:
- I am in charge of the choices I make.
- I can react to things happening around me, like a soda bottle fizzing over, or I can Be Proactive and choose my mood and attitude.
- I can do the things I need to do without being asked by my teacher or parent.
Habit #5 Means:
- I listen to others without interrupting.
- I raise my hand when I want to speak and I wait to be called on.
- I don't blurt out.
- I try to understand other people's views and feelings, even if they are different from my own.
GT Referral Window
The GT referral window for 1st-11th grade students is open. Parents, teachers, or students themselves can complete this referral form. Submissions will be accepted until 3pm on Friday, September 27th. For students who are referred, phase 1 qualifications will be checked to see if phase 2 testing is recommended.
Phase 2 GT testing will take place the week of October 21st during the regular school day.
- The complete GT program guide can be found here
- If you have questions, please contact Lori Callaway (lcallaway@lpsfrisco.com)
Servant Leader Checks
Parents, please complete the Servant Leader Background Check. Field Trips and Serving Opportunities are close and we would love for you to be in the school serving.
See You at The Pole
Orange juice and donuts provided by Elevate Life Youth.