Colonial Houses
Kevin Hurley
What did people sleep on?
Mothers and fathers slept on a jack-bed. The jack-bed was short and didn't have much space. Mothers and fathers didn't sleep stretched out, because the the jack-bed wasn't long enough. The jack-bed a type a bed that was high so they could put another bed underneath the jack-bed.Babies slept in a cradle around the warm fireplace.The older children slept in the way up high attic on scratchy straw, and sometimes on a softer mattresses filled up with feathers or little bits of wool.
Where did people hang their clothes?
People hung all of their clothes on pegs on the wall.
Where did people take baths?
There were no regular bathrooms in a colonial house or running water. All of the people had to go outside the house for water. When they took a bath they stood in front of the fireplace.