This Week at MHS
February 3rd - 7th

PTSO Meeting Wednesday 6pm
Please join our PTSO for their regularly scheduled meeting on February 5th at 6pm in the Ed Harmon Room. Be Aware Blount will be a guest speaker and sharing tours of their Stashed Away trailer.
Dear MHS Parents and Students,
It's Spirit Week! MHS will have a pep rally Friday to celebrate our Winter Sports teams. Students - we hope you will participate in the Dress Up Days next week. See the graphic above for the themes!
While we are cheering on our Rebels, we want to take a moment to recognize our incredible School Counselors during National School Counseling Week. Our team of 6 dedicated counselors work to support our students and faculty with academic and social-emotional counseling. Their daily work helps us be Maryville Strong! Thank you Counseling Team!
The Blount County Campus of Pellissippi State is excited to invite students and families to a Dual Enrollment Showcase designed to explore a variety of dual enrollment opportunities. Join us on February 13th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM to discover pathways that lead to transfer options and career-oriented degree programs. In addition, representatives from TCAT will be on hand to discuss the programs available in Blount County.
It is almost time for the Annual Starlight Gala! Tickets are on sale now for the Friday, February 28th event. The Silent Auction portion opens February 21st and the available packages are listed below. We hope you will be able to attend the gala or support MHS through purchasing a silent auction item. We are grateful for the items the foundation has supported for our school - to include portable microscopes for our science teachers, audio equipment for the band program, and so much more.
Here's to a great week at MHS!
Network Opportunities for Students
This spring, students will have several opportunities to network with local employers currently hiring by potentially attending FOUR career fairs over the next three months!
The first opportunity is Thursday, February 13, 2025, at MHS. All MHS students will attend the career fair during their third block class. Over 35 local employers will be represented. Preregistration is not needed for this event.
On Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11th and 12th grade student will have the opportunity to attend the Blount County Job Fair at Foothills Mall. Space is limited so students must pre-register for the field trip and attend a mandatory information meeting on Tuesday February 19, 2025, at 8:00 AM in the Ready Graduate Classroom to attend. Register here: https://tinyurl.com/mhsjfair
This year's 865 Ready Hiring Expo is scheduled for Thursday, April 10, 2025, Jacob Building at Chilhowee Park and Expo Center. Space is limited so students must pre-register for the field trip and attend a mandatory information meeting on Tuesday February 19, 2025, at 8:00 AM in the Ready Graduate Classroom to attend. Register here: https://tinyurl.com/mhsjfair
Finally, all MHS students are invited to attend the MHS Summer Job Showcase at Maryville High School during lunch from April 7-11, 2025. This showcase is specifically designed for students looking for part time and summer jobs. There is no registration for this event.
Gradebook Information
To help clarify information within PowerSchool, the following symbols will be consistently used to communicate to parents and students regarding assignments and grades.
This Week's Schedule
Monday, February 3rd, A Day - HAT DAY
Regular Bell Schedule
Tuesday, February 4th, B Day - TEACHER STUDENT SWAP DAY
Regular Bell Schedule
3:30 pm Afterschool Tutoring @Ed Harmon
6:00 pm Basketball vs Farragut
Wednesday, February 5th, A Day - DRESS AS YOUR FUTURE PROFESSION DAY
Regular Bell Schedule
7:50 am Key Club Meeting @Ed Harmon
9:50 am Winter Signing Day
6:00 pm PTSO Meeting @Ed Harmon
Thursday, February 6th, B Day - RHYME WITHOUT REASON DAY
Regular Bell Schedule
7:45 am Spanish Honors Society @Ed Harmon
3:30 After School Tutoring @Ed Harmon
Friday, February 7th, A Day - SCHOOL COLORS DAY
Afternoon Bell Schedule Pep Rally
2:30 pm Pep Rally
6:00 pm Basketball @William Blount High
Saturday, February 8th
8:00 am MHS Boys Wrestling Host Region 2AA
Registration Information
Parents, we want to provide some key pieces of information to support you as your student goes through the registration process. Below you will find the link to registration information on our website as well a PDF document that shares the numerous pathways that students in MCS can select as an elective focus area. All students are required to select an elective focus area by the end of their 10th grade year, and complete three credits within that area to graduate from high school. The course offerings worksheet below identifies all the courses and pathways that students have access to from 9th -12th grade.
Students will complete/revise their personal 4 year plan through SchooLinks. Within this system students can see the graduation requirements they still need to complete, select their elective focus area, and plan out their course choices for all high school years. These course selections will be updated each school year.
Mark your calendars for the Spring Mini College Fair that will take place on Thursday, February 20 from 9:00-10:30 in the library. We encourage faculty who teach juniors and high achieving sophomores to attend the fair with their class. It is a drop in event during this time window.
The registration window for the 2025-26 school year is January 15 through March 7, 2024. Counselors will host informational sessions for current 10th and 11th graders via homeroom on January 15, 22 and 29. These sessions will review four-year plans and graduation progression via the SchooLinks Course Planner and outline the registration process. Counselors will meet with current juniors individually January 15-March 7 and current sophomores via classroom meetings February 18-March 7. Stay tuned for more information!
The Blount County Campus of Pellissippi State is excited to invite students and families to a Dual Enrollment Showcase designed to explore a variety of dual enrollment opportunities. This event will take place on February 13th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Participants will discover pathways that lead to transfer options and career-oriented degree programs. In addition, representatives from TCAT will be on hand to discuss the programs available in Blount County.
Need help with the FAFSA but can't make it to the FAFSA help at MHS on January 30? The College for TN website has several financial aid support webinars including a line-by-line explanation of the FAFSA with live demonstration. Parents, students, and college access professionals must register to watch at https://www.collegefortn.org/events/category/student-webinars/
MHS will offer the ASVAB test on February 14 beginning at 8:25. Students can choose whether or not they want their scores to be reported to the military. Participation in the ASVAB does not obligate a student to talk with a military recruiter or consider a military career. ASVAB results offer access to excellent career exploration information that can assist students in finding a career that matches their strengths. Please see the QR code posted on the TVs to sign up.
May 25th-May 30th 2025 The American Legion Boys State is held at Tennessee Tech University and is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for high school students. It is a participatory program where each participant becomes a part of the operation of his local, county and state government. If you are a current Junior male with a 3.3gpa or higher that are interested in citizenship, please see Mrs. Murphy in guidance. Nomination Forms are Due by Friday, February 28th.
Girls State will convene on the campus of Liscomb Univeristy from May 25- May 31st. Since 1947, Volunteer Girls State, a program of the American Legion Auxiliary, has invested in more than 25,000 rising senior in Tennessee by providing the tools they need to become confident, informed citizens and voters. The nonpartisan program is offered annually to more than 575 of Tennessee’s rising high school seniors. If you are interested please see Mrs. Murphy in guidance. Nomination Forms are Due by Friday, February 28th.
Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines:
**Please note: the January scholarship newsletter was emailed to all seniors and parents of seniors on January 17, 2025.**
2/1/25: TN Society of Mayflower Descendents Scholarship
2/3/25: TN Connect Credit Union Scholarship
2/28/25: Ned McWherter Scholars deadline (TSAC website states March 1. However, March 1 is a Saturday and MHS will not send documents on a student's behalf on a Saturday).
3/3/25: Dr. Penny Ferguson Scholarship due
3/3/25: Boone Dixon Memorial Scholarship due
3/3/25: Skeeter Shields Scholarship due
3/3/25: William Bennett Scott Scholarship due
3/15/25: Abbie Jane Harper Memorial scholarship due
For a comprehensive list of scholarships opportunities, please consult the school counseling Canvas page.
Check-outs should be held to a minimum and are limited to the following:
Emergency - Decision to be made by the principal or assistant principals.
Prior arrangement - If a written request is received by officials in the student services office prior to the beginning of the school day, the student will be dismissed at the requested time. The checkout note must include the student’s full name, date, time of dismissal, phone number where parent/guardian can be reached for verification, and signature of the parent/guardian.
- The parent/guardian comes to the main entrance office to sign the student out.
Students who become sick during the school day must report to the assistant principal’s office/school nurse before they call home. The assistant principal’s office will assist the student and permit the student to call home. The student will remain in the assistant principal’s office or with the school nurse until he/she receives permission to go home or until he/she is picked up by a parent/guardian.
Students are allowed to check out during third block only for medical or legal purposes, and proper documentation must be provided. Students are not allowed to check out to retrieve items needed for school. Leaving school without permission will result in disciplinary action.
Students checking out of school on an altered schedule day will receive an unexcused absence unless the school is provided the appropriate legal or medical documentation.
In the know with PTSO!
The Maryville High School PTSO is a committed group of individuals seeking to create lasting memories for students and teachers. They meet monthly at 12:30pm at MHS. We invite anyone interested in joining this group to attend the monthly meetings below.
January 8
February 5 (evening meeting)
March – My Real Life Committee Meeting only
April 2
May 7
Regular Day Bell Schedule
8:25-9:55 First Block
9:55-10:10 Break
10:10-11:40 Second Block
11:47-1:47 Third Block and Lunch
Lunch 11:40-12:10
Class 12:17-1:47
Class 11:47-12:17
Lunch 12:17-12:47
Class 12:47-12:47
Class 11:47-12:47
Lunch 12:47-1:17
Class 1:17-1:47
Class 11:47-1:17
Lunch 1:17-1:47
1:54-3:25 Fourth Period
Homeroom Bell Schedule
8:25 - 9:45 First Block
9:50 – 10:30 Activity
10:35 - 11:55 Second Block
12:00 - 2:00 Third Block & Lunch
- A Lunch
- Lunch 12:00- 12:30
- Class 12:30 - 2:00
- B Lunch Class 12:00 - 12:30
- Lunch 12:30 - 1:00
- Class 1:00 - 2:00
- C Lunch Class 12:00 – 1:00
- Lunch 1:00 - 1:30
- Class 1:30 - 2:00
- D Lunch Class 12:00 – 1:30
- Lunch 1:30 - 2:00
2:05 - 3:25 Fourth Block