W.E.stchester Weekly
January 2024

News from the Principal
Greetings WE Families,
We have made it!!! The end is here and it has been a terrific 2023-2024 school year. The students have grown so much as we were able to see through our Student-led Conferences, Celebrations of Learning and Community Circles. Thank you for partnering in this work this year. We are looking forward to next week and celebrating the DHS graduates and bringing our Building Bridges Expedition to a close for the year. Please join us at 8:20 on Wednesday May 22nd at 8:20 for the last Community Circle.
Mark your calendars for Friday July 26th from 1:00-3:00 PM for the 2024-2025 Teacher Meet-n-Greet. Yes! July 26th!
Thank you again for a fabulous school year. Your support is greatly appreciated. Be safe and enjoy the slower pace of summer.
From you grateful principal,
Christine Knox
Calendar of Events
Walk & Roll Friday
Hello wolves and middle-aged wolves!
Our last walk and roll day of the year is the last day of school
Wed. 5/22! Let's give one last hurrah to helping our planet!
Walk and Roll is easy peasy since parents will be heading to Community Cirlce anyway at 820! See you next Wednesday!
Spring Data Reports 2023-2024
You will find your child’s end-of-year assessment data in their blue folder today, including the following reports:
All Grade Levels:
Spring MAP® Growth™ Family Report (Math and Reading)
Kindergarten and First Grade:
Acadience Parent Report (Reading)
Each report includes details about the assessment and the resulting data. These assessments contribute to determining your child’s instructional level and measure their academic growth throughout the school year in the areas of Math and Reading.
Westchester uses these assessments to measure student progress three times per year. We also use a variety of ongoing classroom assessments to plan differentiated instruction to help all students grow academically.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher or our Instructional Coach, Mrs. Manasso (cmanasso@csdecatur.net).
For Rising 3rd Graders
Compassion Camp with Ms. Morrison this Summer
Looking for a summer camp? Ms. Morrison is hosting a camp with Decatur Parks and Recreation. Click below to learn more about this amazing opportunity
2024-25 F.AVE school supplies ORDER
Parents, it's time to buy your First Day of School SuppliesI know it seems early, but before you know it, summer will be here. Start the school year with the exact supplies your teacher requested, and give your child the confidence they need to conquer next year! Get them today before it's too late!
Media Center News
It is that time of year for all library books to be returned so that we can do our annual inventory. This is a very satisfying job of scanning and organizing books on the shelf. If this sounds like something you would enjoy doing, please contact Ms. Nation.
School Supplies
Westchester Elementary Parents, the BEST way to buy school supplies for next year is with our partner, 1st Day School Supplies. Get the exact supplies your teacher requested packaged all in one beautiful, newly redesigned box. They only sell the highest quality branded products like Ticonderoga, Elmer's, Crayola, and Fiskars... GUARANTEED! Plus, you will be amazed at how much money you save compared to shopping at Walmart, Target, and Amazon, up to 30%. Buy your 1st Day School Supplies kit today before it’s too late. 1st Day School Supplies is the BEST way to buy back-to-school supplies. Order Now!
Order Now --> http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=1179392
***** We will share the list for rising 3rd graders when FAVE is ready. Thank you!
The news and announcements in this section are sent form the Wilson center.
Name / Gender Change Request
Parents and families have the option to request a name change for your student. If you wish to have your child's chosen or preferred name updated in our records, please complete the name/gender change request form. Please note that the updated name and gender marker will be reflected in our Infinite Campus and Google Workspace applications. However, it's important to keep in mind that only legal names will be used on official documents such as transcripts requested by outside sources.
If a legal name change has occurred, please contact your child's school to have the student's records updated accordingly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and for helping us ensure that our records are accurate and respectful of each student's preferences.
Board Approves Food Services Management Policy for 2024-2025 School Year
The Food Services Management Policy EE was approved by the City Schools of Decatur (CSD) Board of Education during the board meeting on May 14, 2024. The Board is committed to providing every child with access to a healthy breakfast and lunch during the school day. CSD is required to comply with all federal regulations concerning the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. The School Nutrition Program (SNP) functions as a self-sustaining entity, covering its costs through meal payments and reimbursements from the federal and state governments.
Implementation of the new Food Services Management Policy EE will begin in the 2024-2025 School Year. The full policy is available in Simbli on the Board of Education section of the CSD website.
CSD Grading Quick Facts for Grades K-5
Thank you to parents, staff, and students for your partnership and feedback as CSD's school board developed a new grading policy this school year. As we prepare to implement this policy for the 2024-25 school year, we would like to provide you with quick facts about the grading system. At the beginning of the school year, you'll receive an updated grading handbook for reference, and our schools will hold parent informational sessions to ensure clarity and understanding. Together, we'll support our students' success!
As a CSD stakeholder, your input and feedback is a critical component to ensuring academic achievement and overall success for all students. Please use the links below to access important feedback forms.
Mark Your Calendars for the All-In Decatur 2024-2025 Back-to-School Bash!
City Schools of Decatur is excited to invite all students, families, staff and the community to the 2024-2025 All-In Decatur Back-to-School Bash, Thursday, July 18, 2024, from 4 pm - 7 pm, at the green space across from the Elizabeth Wilson Student Support Center and Ebster Gym. The Rain Date will be Saturday, July 20, 2024, from 10 am - 1 pm.
Join us in jump-starting the new school year during a fun-filled day of togetherness and activities for all ages to enjoy!
As valued members of our All-In CSD community, opportunities are available for you or your organization to support this event by donating food, school supplies, and book bags, or by offering on-site health services, school resources, and educational programs. Your involvement will make this year's bash an incredible event for our school community.
Attached is a form for you or your organization to confirm your participation. Your response is kindly requested by May 30. If you have questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Chanell Huff-Cox at chuff-cox@csdecatur.net or 770 901-1018.
Let's work together to kick off another great school year!
CSD Extra Mile Award
Students: Do you know a teacher or CSD employee who has gone "the extra mile" this year? Nominate them for the CSD Extra Mile Award! The Extra Mile Award is an annual award that allows students to show appreciation for the teachers or staff they feel go above and beyond what is expected of them.
Students (not parents) at any grade level can write an essay describing how their teacher (or staff member) goes the extra mile (parents can help younger children write the essay). The essays should be detailed and describe how the employee goes above and beyond.
Click here to submit a nomination. Students can also find the form any time via LaunchPad (it’s the purple icon labeled “Extra Mile Award nomination”).
The deadline is May 31, 2024.
These awards will be presented at the CSD Opening Day Celebration in July.
Questions? Contact cburnett@csdecatur.net or 404-371-3601
Elementary Orchestra classes begin in the fall! Classes are open to all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. If interested, please fill out this interest form. Registration will begin in August. Have a great summer.
City Schools of Decatur Community Partners
Decatur Education Foundation
Teachers and staff LOVE receiving Step Up tributes, and they also LOVE being able to write grants for classroom equipment, books, experiences, and technology! Participating in DEF's Step Up for Teachers campaign checks both boxes - these funds support the Teacher Innovation Grants that DEF awards each fall!
For the rest of the school year, visit www.StepUpForTeachers.com, make a donation, and leave a short note of gratitude for a teacher, administrator, or school support member. Tributes will be posted on the website, and notifications will be sent to the individuals being honored.
DEF volunteers will deliver your "We Step Up" sign to your home for you! Have a graduating senior? Choose the "Congratulations!" sign instead!
Let's cover Decatur in signs of support for our CSD teachers, staff, and graduates!
* If you would like to make a tribute but donation is a barrier, please email Drew@DecaturEducationFoundation.org
Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta is planning an educational pollinator event for our community to celebrate the end of another fabulous school year! Please share the following and attached information with your students’ families and staff:
You're invited to come see what the Girl Scouts BUZZ is all about!
BEE Yourself, Bloom with Girl Scouts!:
An educational pollinator event
with Beecatur and The Wylde Center
Saturday, May 25, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Legacy Park
(Nickerson area)
500 South Columbia Drive
Decatur, Georgia 30030
*This is an outdoor event!
Please bring a camping chair and/or picnic blanket.
RSVP: aritchie@gsgatl.org
Reminders from Last Week
Visit past newsletters for answers to your questions🤗
Westchester Elementary School
Who to Contact: Please see who the best contact is for your questions for a quicker response.
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Westchester
Location: 758 Scott Boulevard, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westchesterelementarycsd