Welcome Back, Caruso!
July 31, 2024
Looking Forward to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Dear Caruso Families,
We hope you are all relaxing and enjoying the summer! The school year is right around the corner, and we are all excited and busy preparing for the start of the year. Below, you will find some important dates and information:
- Student Schedules
- Locker Day
- Locker Day Student Volunteers
- First Day of School
- Open House
- Picture Day
- Cold Weather Gear Order (Part 2)
- Fall Athletics Information
- PTO Information
We are excited to see you all very soon!
Mark, Donnie, Marcia & the Caruso Staff
Mark T. Schwarz - Principal - mschwarz@dps109.org
Donnie Castans - Associate Principal - dcastans@dps109.org
Marcia Klita - Director for Student Services - mklita@dps109.org
Student Schedules: (8/5/2024 - 3:30PM)
Official student schedules will be available in Family Access on Monday, August 5, 2024 after 3:30PM.
Developing student schedules is a complex process. We have put a significant amount of time into creating balanced classes that meet student needs. The student schedules listed represent the final student schedule for your child. Changes to student schedules will not be made. Our teachers are very excited about their new classes and have been working hard to prepare for the new school year.
Locker Day: (8/14/2024 - 1:00-4:00PM)
New Jay & Locker Day is an optional time, on August 14th from 1-4 pm, for any new and returning families to visit our building, walk your student's schedule, and get acclimated to Caruso! Upon arrival, students will be able to pick up their locks and place supplies in their lockers. While this is not a guided tour, maps will be available to help you navigate the building. Please note, teachers will not be in attendance and classrooms will not be open. If your student cannot attend, alternative times are not available due to staffing needs. Staff will be available to help students on the first day of school.
A Note on Locks: Using a lock on a locker can be a source of anxiety for students, especially those who have not done it before! Especially for new students and our rising 6th-grade students, we highly recommend you have your child take their lock home and practice the combination. It can be tempting to set up lockers during Locker Day, but saving that for the start of school and—instead—getting familiar and confident with the lock at home can help set your child up for success with using lockers this year and beyond!
Locker Day Student Volunteers: (8/14/2024 -12:45-4:00PM)
We are in need of 7th & 8th grade student volunteers for the New Jay and Locker Day! Students will help out other students, pass out items, and answer questions. Please complete this form to sign up. Students should arrive between 12:45 and 4 pm and will finish at 4pm. Students should wear a CMS spirit wear shirt. Questions? Please email Mr. Castans (dcastans@dps109.org).
First Day of School: (Monday 8/19/2024 - 8:00AM-11:00AM)
The first day of school will be a half-day. Bus routes will run as scheduled. Route information will be posted in Skyward the week before school starts.
Open House (Thursday 8/29/2024 - 5:00PM-7:00PM)
Save the date and time for your planning purposes. More info to come!
PE Cold Weather Gear Flier - 2nd Ordering Wave!
Caruso is pleased to offer cold weather gear options for ALL 6th, 7th & 8th grade Physical Education (PE) Classes. We want to emphasize that purchasing these items is entirely optional but highly recommended. Should you decide to acquire them, students will have the flexibility to wear these specialized garments both indoors and outdoors during PE sessions. They are great to have on our chilly weather days. Click here for more information and ordering link. Deadline 9/1/2024
Contact Ms. Signa (msigna@dps109.org) for any questions.
Fall Athletics Information - Get Medical Forms In Soon!
We are thrilled to invite all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to join our Fall sports programs! Participating in sports is a wonderful way for students to get involved, stay active, and showcase their Caruso pride. However, a current physical must be on file for students to participate in tryouts and play on teams. Click here for more information and click here to upload required health documentation.
If you have ANY questions regarding fall athletics, reach out to Mrs. Signa at msigna@dps109.org.
This fall season, we are offering:
- Cross Country (Open to 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys/Girls) - 1st practice is Thursday August 22, 2024 from 3-4pm
- Co-Ed Soccer (Open to 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys/Girls) = 1st Practice is Wednesday, August 21, 2024 from 3:30-4:30pm
- Girls Volleyball (Open to 6th, 7th & 8th Graders) = Tryouts are Thursday, August 22 from 3:15-4:30pm & Friday, August 23 from 3:15-4:30pm
Meet/Contact Our Coaching Staff:
Boys/Girls Cross Country:
Melissa Signa msigna@dps109.org
Dana Spies dspies@dps109.org
Jeff Swanson jswanson@dps109.orgGirls Volleyball:
Bea Revelins (8th) brevelins@dps109.org
Ben Serck (7th) bserck@dps109.orgCo-Ed Soccer:
Tom Hoy thoy@dps109.org
PTO Membership Flyer
School Supplies
6th Grade Bash
Follow on Facebook
Coffee @ Caruso
Join us for coffee @ Caruso; a way for the adults in our students' lives to build stronger connections with us at Caruso. Space is limited to 25 people per event, please RSVP by calling the Caruso Main Office at 847-945-8430. Thanks to the PTO for Sponsoring Coffee.
Important Dates
Mark your Calendar...
Monday, August 5
- Student schedules are posted in Family Access by 3:30PM
Wednesday, August 14
- Locker Day 1:00-4:00 PM
Monday, August 19
- 1st Day of school. 1/2 Day AM
Tuesday, August 20
- First FULL day of school
Thursday, August 22
- Coffee with Caruso 9:00-9:40AM
- 6th Grade Bash 3:00-4:00PM
Thursday, August 29
- Open House 5:00-7:00
Monday, September 2
- No School, Labor Day
- Picture Day
Mrs. Klita, Director for Student Services
School: Crawford Day School, Chicago, IL
Mr. Schwarz, Principal
First Year of Teaching: 2013
School: Holmes Jr. High, Mt. Prospect, IL
Mr. Castans, Associate Principal
First Year of Teaching: 2009
School: Hoffman Estates High School
Caruso Middle School
Email: cmsoffice@dps109.org
Website: https://www.dps109.org/Page/9
Location: 1801 Montgomery Road, Deerfield, IL, USA