Southeastern High School Orchestra
Summer 2024-2025
Southeastern Orchestra Mission
The mission of the Hamilton Southeastern High School Orchestra Program is to challenge, inspire, understand, and represent through the art and communication of music performance.
Southeastern Orchestra Royal Update
Happy Summer, Orchestra Families!
The summer is flying by but we are hopeful that you have had an opportunity for some well deserved rest, relaxation as well as quality time with your families!
We would like to take a moment to welcome our new Southeastern families and welcome back our existing families. Mr. Kunz and I are excited to begin our 4th year at HSE and meet our students soon! As you prepare for the upcoming school year, please take a moment to review some important dates and information below. We will be updating this newsletter monthly and keeping you up to date with concerts, activities, contests and what we are up to in class.
Thank you for joining us this year and feel free to reach out anytime via email with any questions or concerns you may have in the coming days or throughout the school year!
Heather Nieto, Director of Orchestras
Hamilton Southeastern High School
Charles Kunz, Associate Director of Orchestras
Hamilton Southeastern High School
Mrs. Heather Nieto, Director of Orchestras
Email: hnieto@hse.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.southeasternorchestras.org/
Phone: 317-594-4190-8705
Mr. Charles Kunz, Associate Director of Orchestras
Email: ckunz@hse.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.southeasternorchestras.org/
Phone: 317-594-4190-8722
Welcome Symphony Musicians! We are excited to start the year with you!
We will be hosting a Symphony Summer Social on Saturday, July 27th at Holland Park in Fishers. This will be a pitch in so please plan to bring a food item with you to share! You may also bring frisbees, corn hole, or other things to play together at the park. We do not have a pavilion rented so we recommend you bring lawn chairs. This will be an excellent time for our new members to connect with current symphony students!
This event is a pitch in so we are asking that you bring the following:
VIOLINS: Salads and/or Sides
VIOLAS: Sweets/Desserts
CELLOS: Plates and Cups
BASSES: Chips and Dip
*The Southeastern Orchestra will provide drinks and sandwiches.
**This event is reserved for the 2024-2025 Symphony Orchestra musicians only.
Monday, July 29th
Hamilton Southeastern High School
Door #18
We invite ALL of our incoming Southeastern Orchestra Freshman to join us on Monday, July 29th from 9:00am-12:00pm for some fun get to know you activities! Violins and violas should plan to bring their instruments that day. Cellos and Basses will get their school cello/bass assignments that day. *Cello/Bass students will not need to bring their cello/bass to and from school. They will be assigned a cello/bass to use at school throughout the school year.
Students should plan to dress comfortably as we will be inside and outside (weather depending). We will provide snacks for students as well.
Drop off and Pick up will be at Door #18. Families may drop off no earlier than 8:30AM. please. Please plan to pick up by 12:00PM.
Please RSVP by Friday, July 26th, if possible, so we can make sure that we have enough supplies and snacks for everyone!
We hope you and your families will join us on Friday, August 9th for our Annual Ice Cream Social! The Southeastern Orchestra will be providing ice cream with a variety of toppings. This is a wonderful opportunity for our families to get to know each other and the directors and have a fun evening together!
If you already know your student's class placement, please sign up for the class Remind! This service allows us to send you and students important information and reminders directly to your phone! We ask students and parents/guardians to please add their name as it is listed in Skyward so that we can easily identify who message are going to and coming from. Students should sign up as "student". Parents/guardians should sign up as "parent".
SSO SPRING *Symphony Orchestra students ONLY, sign up for BOTH Symphony and SSO Spring.