Liberty Newsletter: Volume 139
July 2, 2024
Iowa City Liberty High School
Email: colbert.justin@iowacityschools.org
Website: https://liberty.iowacityschools.org/
Location: 1400 South Dubuque Street, North Liberty, IA, USA
Phone: (319) 688-1350
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LibertyHighSchool2017
X: @ColbertJust, @ICLibertyHS
Instagram: liberty_bolts
**District & Liberty Offices Closed: July 1-5**
**First day of school is Friday, August 23**
Liberty's Smore Newsletter
Although over half your summer vacation is still remaining, welcome Liberty families to a new school year, and a new set of Smore Newsletters. For our entering 9th grade families and our new-to-District or Liberty families, WELCOME TO LIBERTY! This newsletter is your opportunity to stay up-to-date on all things Liberty. The information found here is a collaborative effort between staff, students, and families across our Liberty school community. Information is shared with me so I am able to share important information, as well as the neat things occurring across our school with students, staff, and families. During the summer months it is shared in the first week of June and July. Beginning in August and running though May, it will be published during the first and third week each month. Usually around the 1st and 15th of each month.
Dr. Justin Colbert
Liberty High Principal
Enrollment & Registration
Enrollment & Online Registration Information for the 2024-2025 School Year
Whether your child is returning, or new to ICCSD, all families need to register their student(s) each school year. Before beginning the registration process please use the attendance area look-up tool to confirm your assigned attendance center. The registration process consists of three steps: (1) Registering your student in Infinite Campus, (2) Completing and turning in forms & (3) Paying Fees. This process can be completed entirely online in most cases. Click on the links below for access to the detailed registration instructions and links on the District website:
- Click here to register your RETURNING ICCSD Student(s)
- Click here to register your NEW to ICCSD student(s)
The Liberty High main office is open throughout the month of July, Monday-Thursday, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. You can schedule an appointment if you need assistance or call 319-688-1350 with any questions you may have. Additionally, if you do not have regular access to a computer and/or internet, or would like in-person assistance completing the registration process, we have one day for New-to-District student registration and two days scheduled to assist returning student's families with this process in-person.
- New-to-District families may come to Liberty High School between 8:30 AM- 3:30 PM on Monday, August 5, 2024.
- Returning families may come to Liberty between 8:30 AM- 3:30 PM on Thursday, August 8 or Friday, August 9, 2024 to Liberty High and receive assistance with the online registration process.
- Optional math placement testing will be held at Liberty on Wednesday, August 7 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
- English language learner (ELL) math & English proficiency testing (if needed) will be held at Liberty on Wednesday, August 7 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
District Messages
Pay-to-Ride Program Information
We would like to notify you of the 2024-25 Pay-to-Ride program, which is available to families that do not qualify for mandatory transportation as required by the State of Iowa.
Iowa Code 285.1.a. The Board of Directors in every school district shall provide transportation, either directly or by reimbursement for transportation, for all resident pupils attending public school, kindergarten through twelfth grade, except that:
- Elementary pupils shall be entitled to transportation only if they live more than two miles from the school designated for attendance.
- High school pupils shall be entitled to transportation only if they live more than three miles from the school designated for attendance.
If you have any questions, before applying, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at Davis.Esme@iowacityschools.org.
The Pay-to-Ride program details are available on the attached Pay-to-Ride application and on our District website at www.IowaCitySchools.org/Transportation.
Payment and Fees for Service
- Pay-to-Ride fee is:
- $650 per student, per year, round trip
- $390 per student, per year, round trip, for students who qualify for reduced-price lunch.
- $0 per student, per year, round trip, for students who qualify for free lunch.
- Full payments must be made no later than June 7, 2024, to be included on a bus roster for the start of the school year.
- Applications submitted after June 8th through September 8th will be included on a bus no later than September 27 if space available. Efforts will be made to make placements earlier; however, a date prior to September 27th cannot be guaranteed and remains dependent on space being available.
- After September 8 applicants will be notified no later than 10 school days from submission if space available.
- Applications will be accepted after the due date while capacity remains on existing routes. (Note: Students will only be assigned to existing bus stops and routes; buses will not be re-routed to accommodate requests.)
- Students are not eligible to ride until payment is received and the application is approved.
Application Process
- To apply for pay-to-ride busing, please complete the attached Pay-to-Ride application.
- Payment can only be made online: https://www.myschoolbucks.com
- Mail or bring your application and receipt from MySchoolBucks to the following address:
Iowa City Community School District
Transportation Department
1725 N Dodge Street
Iowa City, IA 52245
If you are interested in participating in the Pay-to-Ride program, please return the application and payment no later than June 7, 2024, to be considered for a bus roster for the start of the school year.
Support Resources
We want to remind you that your mental health matters. While there is much to celebrate within our school district family, we also recognize the challenges many face throughout the year. As summer approaches, we understand that this transition can bring a new set of challenges for many. It is important that you are aware of local resources that can provide support throughout the year, including during the summer months.
Below is a list of local and national support services. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know needs help.
In addition, our District maintains and continuously updates a webpage dedicated to support resources available to our community. Don’t hesitate to visit www.IowaCitySchools.org/Support to access the resources below and more. A QR code linking to this support page is printed on every secondary student’s school ID.
We genuinely hope you have a safe and healthy summer!
Matt Degner
Iowa City Community School District
Examples of Local and National Mental Health Support Services:
CommUnity Crisis Services & Mobile Crisis Outreach: Mobile Crisis operates in our community as a mental health crisis response. CommUnity Crisis Services & Food Bank has counselors equipped to help individuals struggling with a wide variety of issues. If you or someone you know is in emotional distress, thinking of suicide, or experiencing overwhelming mental health symptoms, Mobile Crisis is there to respond to you in person.
- To contact the Mobile Crisis team, please call 1-855-581-8111 and ask to meet with Mobile Crisis counselors.
- Crisis Phone/Text: 988
- Food Bank: 319-351-0128
- https://builtbycommunity.org/
Johnson County Social Services: Comprehensive resource directory of services available across Johnson County.
Phone: 319-356-6090
- Website: https://www.johnsoncountyiowa.gov/social-services/resource-directory
United Action for Youth: Prevention and intervention services specifically aimed at supporting youth and their families.
- Phone: 319-338-7518
- Website: https://www.unitedactionforyouth.org/
Four Oaks: Network of programs available across the state to support children and their families.
- Phone: 319-364-0259
- Website: https://www.fouroaks.org/
ChildServe: Specialized support for children with mental health concerns, developmental delays, disabilities, injuries, and other special healthcare needs.
- Phone: 319-351-5437
- Website: https://www.childserve.org/
IC Compassion: Community services aimed at supporting our immigrant families
- Phone: 319-330-9883
- Website: https://www.iccompassion.org/
Abbe Mental Health Center: Provides a variety of behavioral health service options to provide help and healing with expertise in nearly all aspects of counseling, mental health and psychiatric treatment.
- Phone: (319) 338-7884
- Website: https://www.unitypoint.org/cedarrapids/abbe-mental-health-center.aspx
University of Iowa - Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Resources: Multiple options for mental health care and support through the University of Iowa
- Website: https://mentalhealth.uiowa.edu/mental-health-resources/
- Website: https://uichildrens.org/health-library/suicidal-adolescent-family-empowerment-safe-program
988 National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Provides 24/7, free and confidential support for anyone in crisis.
- Phone: 988
- Website: https://988lifeline.org/
If you or someone you know has attempted suicide or is facing imminent physical harm, please call 911 immediately.
Liberty Features & Information
New Student Orientation
Liberty's New Student Orientation will take place on Wednesday, August 21 from 9 AM- 2 PM. Our National Honor Society members planned an exciting day for all of our new Bolts coming to Liberty in the fall for the first time.
A few highlights include:
- Meet your Lighting Leader and advisory group classmates
- Acquire high school "how-to" tips and tricks from fellow Bolts
- Enjoy an assembly with games and prizes put on by your Lightning Leaders
- Experience a guided tour around the school and campus
- Master the lunch process and navigate the Bolt Café
- Walk through your schedule, see classrooms, and meet your teachers
- Learn about clubs and other opportunities Liberty has to offer
Check in at the main entrance starting at 8:30 AM, and please have your lunch accounts funded. The Bolt café will be open during lunch time, similar to a regular school day.
For those students who need transportation assistance and live in the Kirkwood Elementary attendance area, a school van will be available to pick up and drop off students from Northwest Junior High School. The van will leave Northwest at 8:15 AM and will depart from Liberty High School at 2 PM.
We can't wait to see you there!
- Your NHS Lightning Leaders
2023-2024 Spring Trimester Honor Roll
The PDF below lists every Liberty student who earned a 3.5 or higher for third trimester. These names will be broken down by grade level, placed on a poster, printed, and displayed in the academic commons at the beginning of next school year. Congratulations to all of our third trimester honor roll recipients!
Liberty High National French Competition Results
Select Liberty High French students competed this spring in the National French competition, Le Grand Concours. The National French Competition is an annual exam released by the American Association of Teachers of French that tests proficiency in leveled interpretive reading and listening skills, and also leveled vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Students compete against other high school students who are enrolled in the same level. Over 40,000 students competed across all levels nationwide this year.
The following Liberty High Students are National French Competition Award Winners for 2024:
Level 2A
Neala Gillespie - 2nd place in Iowa and 13th place nationally - Silver Medal Winner
Leona Rupp - 4th place in Iowa
Adeline Bair - 5th place in Iowa
Thea Coobs - 7th place in Iowa
Alyssa Myers - 8th place in Iowa
Shalom Djinadou - 10th place in Iowa
Randy Nuro Gyina - 10th place in Iowa
Level 2B
Precieuse Lusanga - 1st place in Iowa
Level 3A
Taylor Smith -4th place in Iowa and 12th nationally - Bronze Medal Winner
Queren Bungu - 6th place in Iowa
Lydia Keene - 7th in Iowa
Mia Eastman - 10th place in Iowa
Level 4
Megan Smelser - 4th place in Iowa
Amakoe Ajavon - 7th place in Iowa
Level 4 AP
Jack VanScoyoc - 2nd place in Iowa
Abbie Chidister - 3rd place in Iowa
Claire Franzwa - 4th place in Iowa
Kaelyn Rickels - 9th place in Iowa
Aurora Delin - 10th place in Iowa
We are very proud of all winners and the hard work they have invested in learning French at Liberty.
Catie Liddle & Jake Lanagan
World Affairs Seminar
Peace Through Understanding is the World Affairs Seminar (WAS) motto. Its vision is to build global leaders and citizens through an international seminar with an innovative, rigorous academic program. At WAS, open dialogue is encouraged. Their focus is current global topics and trends. They also offer recreational activities that foster interaction and understanding among participants, staff and speakers.
This years World Affairs Seminar took place at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin during the last month in June. Students were selected to attend the camp through an application and interview process. Once selected, the students attend the leadership camp with all expenses paid by the Iowa City Noon Rotary Club.
Liberty Path of Recognition
Leave a Legacy and support The Liberty Fund - Recognize your graduating senior, current, or soon to be Liberty Bolts! The Liberty Fund’s Mission is promoting a strong Liberty community through collective fundraising to:
- Provide students a broad and rich learning experience
- Support school co-curricular programs
- Ensure all students have access to opportunities
- Champion Liberty Pride
You are invited to become a permanent part of Liberty with your own personalized, engraved paver in your preferred location at the entrance of Liberty. Your donation helps ensure all students have access to opportunities.
- Donate $250 or more for the opportunity to engrave a paver brick at the entrance of Liberty High School on our Path of Recognition.
- Red “terra cotta” pavers can be inscribed with a gift of $250. Silver pavers can be inscribed with a gift of $500.
- Donations toward an inscribed paver may be made in a single payment or in multiple installments over time. If you elect to make multiple gifts over time, please track your total donations and email us at libertyhighfund@gmail.com when you have reached the donation threshold for a red or silver paver.
- Donations made on or before March 31 of each school year will be engraved in May of that school year.
Please see this Google document for more information on how to purchase your paver.
Thank you for your support!
The Liberty Fund
Extracurricular Activities
Mike Morrison Retirement & Scott Kibby Recognition
On Thursday, June 27 retiring Athletic Director Mike Morrison was recognized along with former Liberty Principal Scott Kibby at the varsity softball game. Before retiring in December of 2020 as the Executive Director of Secondary Schools for the Iowa City Community School District, Scott Kibby served as the inaugural principal at Liberty from July of 2016 until July of 2020. In order to recognize Scott for the significant contributions he made to Liberty High School, the Liberty faculty suprised Scott by renaming the academic commons, located on the west end of the academic wing, to the "Kibby Commons". A namesake plaque was recently added so all current and future Liberty students, staff, and visitors can see a reminder of the difference Mr. Kibby made during his time leading Liberty.
Mr. Morrison was also recognized for being Liberty's inaugural Athletic Director and for retiring following a 35-year career as a teacher, coach, and athletic director. As the first Athletic Director at Liberty, Mike poured his heart and soul into laying the foundation for Liberty's athletic program. No one worked harder or has spent more hours at Liberty supporting students, staff, families, and the entire school community more than Mike. Mike was presented with a few custom Liberty athletic jerseys, a signed softball from the varsity softball team that he helped coach in 2022 & 2023, and a replica plaque that will eventually be added to the entrance of the outdoor athletic complex to commemorate his years of service and his supervision of the construction of the entire outdoor athletic complex at Liberty.
2024-2025 Liberty Athletic Registration
All athletic registrations must be completed online and paper forms are no longer accepted.
Registrations can be completed or renewed by clicking on GoBoundIowaCityLiberty Once on the Bound Website, click on 'Registration' and follow the directions provided.
If you do not already have a Bound account, please create one by entering your information and creating an account. Next, follow the steps listed for setting up a new Bound account. If you cannot remember your password - click the "forgot password" link. Do not create a new account.
Physicals must be uploaded as a .pdf or .jpg file. Please make sure you have completed the health history questions and provided a parent/guardian signature to avoid delays in processing. You must upload and go through all forms before your registration is complete. Please make sure that you are creating a registration for the 2024-25 school year.
Every cell phone can turn a photo into a PDF using one of these free apps:
If you have any registration questions - please email the athletic trainer, Anna Manternach, directly: manternach.anna@iowacityschools.org or contact Athletic Secretary, Tristan Sievers via email (sievers.tristan@iowacityschools.org) or the Athletic Office by phone, 319-688-1352. You can also access a registration step by step guide here.
Girls Soccer
5A Regional Softball Pairings
With an overall record of 20-11, the Bolts are nearing the competition of their regular season and preparing for the postseason. Most recently the team split with Dubuque Senior and Western Dubuque before earning the two game sweep against Cedar Rapids Jefferson at home on June 27.
The team will take on Maquoketa and Keokuk away on July 1 and July 8 before hosting Davenport North here at Liberty on July 13 at 7 PM in the 5A Region 6 contest.
4A Substate 8 Baseball Pairings
The Liberty baseball team currently has a record of 21-11 after splitting their last four doubleheaders. All four of these opponents were ranked in the top 10 in recent state baseball rankings. The team will take on Dubuque Hempstead and Iowa City West this week in a pair of doubleheaders before finishing their season next week with a single game against Solon and Marion.
Liberty will host the first round substate game against Waterloo East on July 12 at 7 PM.
Liberty Baseball Hat Shop
LHS Baseball is excited to announce that with the help of BSN Sports, we have opened up a Liberty Baseball Hat Shop/Fundraiser!
- Shop Now: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/LIBBSBHAT
- Store Closes: July 8, 2024
- These custom-made hats will ship out in 4-5 weeks from the shop closing
Every hat purchased will help our baseball program raise funds! So please feel free to pass along to friends, family, or anyone you think might be interested in a Liberty Baseball Hat.
Silver Cord Hours Volunteer Opportunity- North Liberty Summer Lunch Program
It is time for North Liberty Summer Lunch and Fun 2024!
We are in need of 5 volunteers each weekday from 11AM - 1PM. Duties include set up, food prep, serving, clean up, and assisting with the daily activity as needed. Volunteers are not expected to provide the activity for the day, but if you are volunteering as a group and would also like to provide an activity, please sign up here to serve as well as on the Activity Sign Up.
If you have questions please reach out to us at cbrase@northlibertyiowa.org or mjames@northlibertyiowa.org
Graduation Gown Donation
Cultural Diversity & Equity Newsletter
Liberty Lightning Virtual Spirit Store
Check it out by clicking on this link: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/iowa/northliberty/liberty-high-school or by clicking the image below.
The Liberty Fund
Support Student Programs. Leave a Legacy. Donate today!
The Liberty Fund needs your help! We want to ensure all Liberty students can participate in school activities where belonging and school pride come together through both academic and co-curricular activities.
The Liberty Fund has provided grants to students and groups to support student access to opportunities through fundraising. Here are a few program examples that grants have supported:
- New Student/Freshman Orientation
- National French Competition Exam
- Liberty Lightning Technical Theater
- Garden Club
- African American Literature Classes & Black Student Union
- Business Professionals of America Leadership Conference
Make a tax deductible donation to The Liberty Fund today! Donate at The Liberty Fund Website or email for more information at libertyhighfund@gmail.com.
Liberty High PSTO
Liberty High PSTO (Parent Student Teacher Organization) welcomes all new and returning families to Liberty for the 2024-2025 school year. Please follow us on Facebook: Liberty High PSTO to stay up-to-date.
All PSTO meetings will occur on the 3rd Wednesday each month at noon via Zoom. Keep an eye out for the 24-25 PSTO meeting dates in an upcoming newsletter.
If you have any questions, please send them to libertyhsPSTO@gmail.com
The PSTO has an ongoing fundraiser with our Amazon Smile account. Please consider using this with your next Amazon order.