Stanley Avenue School Newsletter
Term 4, Week 3, 2023
Hello, Kia ora, Chomreabsour, Mālo ni, Ni hao, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Namaste, Hola, Hallo, Chào bạn, Bula Vinaka, Kumusta, Guten Tag, Mālō e lelei , An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, greetings to all our School Families
From the Principal's desk...
Kia ora koutou,
What a day we had on Thursday with our ‘All Blacks’ themed day. Hopefully, telepathically, Stanley Avenue’s support gets through to the boys! Go the AB’s!!!!
2023 Community Consultation
The Stanley Avenue Board of Trustees have been working hard to put together our 2023 Community Consultation. This afternoon our Community Consultation will be sent to all school families. The google doc is titled ‘Easy Community Consultation,’ due to the fact it’s short in length (5 minutes max) and user friendly, particularly when filling out on mobile phones. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated to help assist our strategic direction moving forward.
Families/ Whānau that complete the consultation will go in the draw to win a $100 Prezzy Card!!!! Please note the Consultation closes on Friday 10th November at 3pm.
New Zealand Online Junior RoboCup Competition
It’s pleasing to announce that students from Stanley Avenue School have achieved national awards in this year's 2023 competition. Students from Room 3 worked incredibly hard over Terms 2 and 3 in their teams in a range of Robocup challenges. We acknowledge and thank Mrs Harrison for all of her mahi and drive, to guide the students to these results.
Senior Art Challenge
2nd Place: Ashwanpreet Singh, Regardt Prinsloo and Sharon Ye
Senior Biorobotics Challenge
3rd Place: Druss Newton, Nate Moore and Seb Narayan
Senior Helper Robot Challenge
3rd Place: Aaliyah McLaren and Navaya Wilson
Upcoming Events
- 30 Oct BOT Meeting Staffroom 6pm
- 1 Nov Stanley Ave Athletics 8yr +
- 8 Nov District Athletics
- 7 Dec Year 7/8 Graduation Social
- 11 Dec Prizegiving Assembly 9.30am
- 13 Dec Whole School Picnic at Matamata Pools
- 14 Dec Last Day of School for 2023
Safety of our children - walking, biking or scootering to school
If your child is walking, biking or scootering to school on a footpath, it would be timely to remind them to watch out for cars reversing or coming out of driveways. It is extremely hard for someone in a car (even if they are being very cautious) to see a child who is speeding down the footpath. Before they know it, they are behind the vehicle.
Rueben the Safety Bear says.. On every trip, when using the footpath, look out for Sneaky Driveways. You can check out more from Rueben by watching the video below
Helpers needed!!!!
Next Wednesday 1st November is our Athletics sports for all of our children who were 8 years old and older on Monday 9th October.
We are needing some help with running the event:
- Parent help needed on events
- Selling of Juicies and Moosies
- First aid
If you could help with any of these things please contact Di Meyler or the school office. You could also reply to the message sent out on our HERO app.
We are also looking for helpers on Wednesday 8th November, as we are hosting the District Athletics as well.
Thank you
Di Meyler
Waihou Junior touch draw - 27 October 2023
End of Year Whole school pool trip - Wednesday 13th December
Please ask your child, if you haven't seen this notice. Spare copies are available at the office. The cost is $10 per child which includes the bus fare and pool entry and is payable online to 03 1573 0009816 00 or with cash/eftpos at the office.
Te Aroha College Enrolment Evenings
Te Aroha College are holding two enrolment evenings at the college for anyone who missed the enrolments at primary schools.
The dates are Monday 30th October and Tuesday 7th November, both evenings are from 4pm until 6pm.
Appointments can be booked by either email rjohnson@tacol.nz or by phone 07 884 8625
Congratulations to our Term 4 Week 2 Certificate Recipients
Piwawaka Zoo trip 2023
A fantastic day was had by all, lots of animals seen and tired wee students on the bus ride home!
A HUGE thank you to the 27 wonderful parent helpers, and to the other parents who joined us on the day. Also many thanks to my wonderful team of teachers and learner assistants who were part of this adventure.
We couldn't have done this visit without your support!
Chris Finucane
Purchase your Own New SAS Sports Shirt!
We have gone live on DirectGroup Uniforms with our new Sports Shirts that you are able to purchase. We feel moving forward this is a great option and will save a lot of time issuing and collecting sports shirts. At this time we still have our other sports shirts for anyone that is playing and has not purchased their own yet. Check them out at:
You can purchase the sport shirts and they arrive directly to your address and they even have Afterpay so that it makes it possible to budget. We are looking forward to seeing these appearing on our sports fields.
Change of day ---- Uniform room is open Thursday Mornings 8.30am - 9.30am
Give Athletics a go!
Want to learn new skills, get outdoors, and have fun? The skills you learn in athletics are the perfect foundation for almost any sport.
Every student can give athletics a go. Te Aroha Athletics Club is welcoming new members now and we encourage students to get involved and get active.
Contact details for all athletics clubs nationwide are available here athletics.org.nz/FindaClub and become a member.
Te Aroha Mountain Lions Book Fair
Thursday 2nd Nov 9am- 5pm
Friday 3rd Nov 9am- 5pm
Sat 4th Nov 9am - 3pm
Two venues: Te Aroha Historic Post Office ,111 Whitaker St and the Bridge Club just 3 doors down.
Books from $2 each!
We have had some lovely children's books donated again this year, as well as novels, non fiction books, jigsaw puzzles, CDs, DVDs and records. Lots of bargains to be had.
Proceeds to local groups.
Cambridge festival of Sport 23-26 November
Cambridge Festival of Sport is a new event in 2023.
There are some great activities including:
- A Pool party, bar-b-cue, and swimming for 25m, 50m, 100m certificates - at the Perry Aquatic Centre in Cambridge on Friday afternoon/evening (24/11)
- A 2.2km fun run - or the last 2.2km of a Rod Dixon's Kids Marathon - at the Cambridge Raceway on Saturday morning (25/11).
- Teams to do a 4 x 1km relay - they can be children, competitive teams, business house (staff), families.
- A Triathlon NZ supported split triathlon - swim Friday evening (200 for 14 and under, 400 for 15 up), run at the Cambridge Raceway on Saturday morning, cycle at APL Hautapu on Saturday afternoon.
- A 5km fun run for adults.
- Attend a great concert in Hamilton for Gumboot Friday (Mike King). It is alcohol free and family friendly.
Check out our website https://www.cambridgefestivalofsport.co.nz/
Come along and join us for a fun family event.
Stanley Ave School Bank Account Details
Contact Us - Whakapā mai
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Website: https://stanleyave.school.nz/
Location: Stanley Avenue School Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha 3320, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-884 8479
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanleyaveschool/