The Current
LOSD News • April 3, 2020
In this Message:
Message from the Superintendent
Distance Learning for All: What to Expect
Distance Learning Resources: Getting Started
Tech Support
Quick Tutorial on Self-Service iPads
Need a Device?
Hotspots in High Demand
Meal Service for All Students in Need
School Counselors Available for You
Five Key Ways to Support Mental Health
Safe Oregon
Emergency Childcare
Restricting Access to Schools
OSAA: Status of Spring and Summer Seasons
Bond Accountability Committee Meeting
School Board Elementary Boundary Discussion
Board Committee Application Deadline Extended
Student Services Parent Advisory Committee Positions Open
LOSD-City Build Aquatic-Rec Center Together
Regular Reminders:
- Get Social with LOSD
- Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
Message from the Superintendent
This week we began a new journey together of distance learning. This is quite a feat, and it involves the commitment, dedication and partnership of our entire LOSD community. We have already heard from many families who are grateful that students are able to reconnect with teachers and staff.
I especially want to thank staff for all they have been doing to prepare for this transition. We have been in rapidly changing circumstances, and everyone’s being nimble and ready. In this issue of The Current, you will see a lot of information and resources that have been developed for our students and families.
Distance learning can never replace the experience of being in school, and I know we all look forward to being in school together again. I also want to reiterate this is new for all of us, and we are going to have bumps in the road along this journey. We will learn and adjust as we go. I appreciate the support and contributions of everyone in LOSD as we embark on this journey together.
Please click here for a video message from Dr. Lora de la Cruz.
Distance Learning for All: What to Expect
Earlier this week LOSD received new guidance from the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) from the original mandate of providing “Supplemental Education and Learning Supports” to delivering “Distance Learning for All.” This shift means students will be learning new material and receiving assessments and credit for their work remotely.
Between now and April 13, which is the date ODE has identified as the “go live” date for the new guidance, LOSD is putting structures and resources in place to help transition our community into a new way of teaching and learning. It’s an opportunity for us to practice and try new things, figuring out what works and what could work better.
Starting April 13, LOSD will provide teaching and learning experiences in accordance with the guidelines provided by ODE. Please click here for a preview of ODE's guidelines for a sample instructional day by grade level. Your principals and teachers will be providing more details on what to expect in the coming days.
Distance Learning Resources: Getting Started
Resources range from setting up Seesaw and Google Classroom and submitting a requests for tech support and passwords, to participating in our "grab and go" meal service and registering for emergency childcare.
Tech Support
Having trouble with your device? Please submit a help request ticket here or go onto losdschools.org if you run into any technology concerns. Your help request ticket will get routed to the best person to assist you with your needs.
Having trouble with student user names and/or passwords? Your school library tech can help -- please click here for their emails.
Quick Tutorial on iPads Self Service
Student iPads are centrally managed by the district; meaning, an Apple admin adds and removes apps and configurations for each device. Apps are vetted and approved by the Director of Technology and must comply with COPPA/FERPA guidelines. When free apps are approved, they're placed in Self Service. Think of Self Service as the District's app store. Paid apps are not placed in Self Service; instead, they're installed automatically. If your student is missing an app on their school iPad, please submit a work order here. Thank you and stay safe.
Need an Instructional Device?
Hotspots in High Demand
Hotspots are in high demand around the country with many more individuals working online from home. LOSD has ordered hotspots for those students who do not have any Internet access at home. As soon as the hotspots arrive at LOSD, we will be reaching out to those students to coordinate a delivery.
We understand as students begin their distance learning opportunities that you will have even greater demands on your home bandwidth. We want to assure you that the distance learning opportunities will be flexible, allowing students to engage online at different and various times to accommodate teachers, staff, students and families’ demands of working from home.
Here are some additional tips to help all of us working from home:
If you have a modern cell phone, it is very likely able to function as a hotspot. If you need help with that, you can call your service provider. The steps vary by provider and phone.
Many local Internet providers have initiated free programs to help during these times. We can't guarantee that your local companies have such a program but they just might. It is worth a call to your local phone company (think of who would give you an old-fashioned landline) or your local cable TV company. This would be the best option in most cases — free and possibly the best quality of service.
Comcast recently announced that they have opened free access to all of their "public" hotspots - https://corporate.comcast.com/covid-19. Go to http://wifi.xfinity.com/, click on "Find a Hotspot," enter your zip code, and you will get a map of the areas where this should be available.
Comcast also has their Internet Essentials program that they are offering to qualified homes for no charge for two months. More information is available at https://internetessentials.com.
If you have wifi to share, consider creating separate guest Wi-Fi access on your home account. By calling it "Student" with no password, you allow guests to use the Internet connection. Here's how to share our wifi safely:
Thank you for your understanding, flexibility and resourcefulness as we navigate this new way of teaching and learning.
Meal Service for All Students in Need
LOSD is providing free meal service for all students in need -- no sign-up required. The “grab and go” meals will be packaged individually, consistent with the requirements provided by the Oregon Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Meals are available for pick up at any one of the following four schools every Monday and Wednesday, between 10:30-11:30 a.m., until further notice:
Lake Oswego High School
Lake Grove Elementary School
Lakeridge Middle School
Lakeridge High School
Recipients may pick up the “grab and go” meals at the front entrance of each school. Students or a parent or guardian may pick up on behalf of a student by showing enrollment ID number or by providing the student’s name. Pick up will be for 2-3 days worth of breakfast and lunch meals.
For questions about the meal service for students, please email LOSD Director of Food Services Christ Hogan at hoganc@loswego.k12.or.us.
Additional Community Resources
Hunger Fighters is continuing to serve all families in Lake Oswego on Wednesdays between 4-6 p.m. and Saturdays between 1-4 p.m. Please check the Hunger Fighters website for updates and more information. Local businesses and individuals have donated generously, and Hunger Fighters is prepared to serve all in need.
Mountain Park Church is offering free sack lunches to any family in need on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, between 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Families can either register online or via phone. Families need to register for the upcoming week by Sunday at 8 p.m.
We understand the additional hardships brought on by school closures. Please consider participating in these meal services provided by LOSD and our community partners.
School Counselors Available for You
We care deeply about the social and emotional well being of our community, and want you to know that LOSD school counselors and social workers are available if ever you need them. Please email your school counselor. Or, if your concern is urgent, please call the 24-7 Clackamas County Crisis and Support at 503-655-8585.
Forest Hills, Hayley Drimmel, drimmelh@loswego.k12.or.us
Hallinan, Brittany Erspamer, erspameb@loswego.k12.or.us
Lake Grove, Wendy Post, postw@loswego.k12.or.us
Oak Creek, Diana Thompson, thompsod@loswego.k12.or.us
Oak Creek, Hannah Dawson, dawsonh@loswego.k12.or.us
River Grove, Blaise Hammer, hammerb@loswego.k12.or.us
River Grove, Jodi Pope, popej@loswego.k12.or.us
Westridge, Gary Kieser, kieserg@loswego.k12.or.us
Lake Oswego Junior High
Carrie Trullinger (6th grade), trullinc@loswego.k12.or.us
Molly Healy (7th grade), healym@loswego.k12.or.us
Emily Gillard (8th grade), gillarde@loswego.k12.or.us
Lakeridge Middle School
Monica Binder (6th grade), binderkm@loswego.k12.or.us
Marcy Watts (7th grade), wattsm@loswego.k12.or.us
Callista Charon (8th grade), charonc@loswego.k12.or.us
Lake Oswego High School
Molly Clark, (9th grade), clarkm@loswego.k12.or.us
John Benz, (A-Ha, 10th-12th grade), benzj@loswego.k12.or.us
Michele Tyra, (He-O, 10th-12th grade), tyram@loswego.k12.or.us
Molly Ferris, (P-Z, 10th-12th grade), ferrism@loswego.k12.or.us
Sina Wibstad, School Social Worker, wibstadt@loswego.k12.or.us
Lakeridge High School
Brent Prasnikar (A-Di), prasnikb@loswego.k12.or.us
Debra Stevens (Dh-Kh), stevensd1@loswego.k12.or.us
Olivia Young (Kl-Pq), youngo@loswego.k12.or.us
Lee Brown (Pr-Z), brownl@loswego.k12.or.us
Suzanne McCann, School Social Worker, mccanns@loswego.k12.or.us
Five Key Ways to Support Mental Health
We all play an important role in helping each other. While it is natural to experience fear and anxiety, children and adults may be particularly worried about themselves, friends and family getting ill with the Coronavirus. It is important to support each other in managing our feelings and anxiety in healthy ways to reduce the effects of stress on our health. ODE has prepared the following ways in which we can support each other during this time of uncertainty.
Here are five ways adults can support children and each other:
1. Remain as calm as possible. The most important thing that we can do is to remain as calm as possible. Consider small things that you can do each day to calm your mind and body. Even a moment or two of quiet can go a long way. You can model this for your children, or have them practice calming strategies with you.
2. Children are looking to us for guidance. Children will often mirror our emotions, words, and body language. You do not have to be perfect, but do pay close attention to what you say and do, what media you interact with and how it affects your mood and behavior. It is important to stay updated, but also to take breaks from the news when overwhelmed.
3. Provide a safe emotional place. The more we can provide a safe emotional place for ourselves and children, the less fearful and stressed we will become. Children often fear what they do not understand. Make time to listen, and calmly and directly provide them with clear and accurate information that is appropriate to their age. Expect them to ask the same question more than once. If you’re not sure of the answer you can find information about COVID-19 and how to talk with children on the CDC and OHA websites.
4. Take action. There is a great deal that we cannot control right now, and feeling powerless may increase our anxiety and distress. The more we empower ourselves and children to control the things that we can, the better. Use this as an opportunity to teach children how to reduce the spread of disease. That may mean offering instructions about washing hands for at least 20 seconds, keeping at least six feet away from others and coughing or sneezing into a tissue and discarding it. It is important to remember that exerting too much control of children’s lives might lead them to feel more anxious. Allow them to make age-appropriate decisions about how to spend their time.
5. Find ways to stay connected with others. Being alone or isolated from friends, family, classmates and other supports can make being out of work or school particularly challenging. Make sure to connect with others at a distance as much as possible. Use the telephone, video conferencing and other forms of messaging and communication to keep in touch, and schedule time with others. Help children to connect with friends and family, and schedule as much quality time with them as possible. Also, make sure to take time and space away from others if needed.
Remember, we are all in this together.
Parents who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal, and to maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Emergency Childcare
LOSD is providing emergency childcare for first responders, emergency workers, health care professionals and all who are working on the frontlines to keep our community safe and whole. Childcare is consistent with the guidance and requirements provided by the Early Learning Division of ODE.
To find available childcare providers in our area and to begin the registration process for this emergency service, please call 211, an information service that connects people with health and social organizations.
If you called 211 earlier, and did not get referred to LOSD, please try again. We've been assured LOSD is now listed.
Restricting Access to Schools
At this time, we cannot allow parents or students to enter school buildings. In a few weeks, we will reevaluate and may consider scheduling time for parents and guardians to request access to lockers and desks.
Most district work and functions can be done remotely, but a few essential tasks require an onsite presence. For the safety of our staff and the community, we are restricting the number of people entering schools to essential staff only.
OSAA: Status of Spring and Summer Seasons
Earlier this week the Oregon Schools Activity Association (OSAA) decided to continue its current suspension of Spring activities but chose not to cancel any other remaining state championships at this time. If the Governor orders that in-person student learning is shut down for the remainder of this school year, OSAA will cancel its Spring activities and state championships.
OSAA discussed the potential of shifting Spring activities and state championships into the summer. It's board is not supportive of that concept at this time. Concerns included increased staffing and personnel costs for school districts already facing uncertain financial impacts, scheduling issues regarding facility availability, plus student/family commitments for jobs, travel, etc.
Bond Accountability Committee Meeting
All are welcome to attend (remotely) the upcoming Bond Accountability Committee Meeting:
Thursday, April 9
4-6 pm
Committee members and administrators will be participating in the meeting remotely. We will not be holding a public gathering. You can observe the meeting and listen to the discussion remotely by calling +1 (872) 240-3212 and entering the Access Code: 887-666-869
School Board Elementary Boundary Discussion
The recommendations developed by the Boundary Review Committee were presented at the School Board Meeting on March 30. These recommendations can be found on the boundary landing page on losdschools.org, as well as in the board agenda materials.
These recommendations will be discussed further at the next School Board meeting on Monday, April 13. This meeting will be conducted remotely.
You can observe School Board meetings and listen to the discussion remotely in the same way you can with other board meetings. Simply click on the "View Live" link on losdschools.org. You can watch the meeting live or a recording after the end of the meeting.
If you wish to comment on an agenda item or another item not on the agenda, please submit your comments by the Monday of the meeting at 12:00 p.m. to losdschoolboard@loswego.k12.or.us. IMPORTANT: Please type the date of the meeting, such as "4/13/2020 Testimony" in the subject line and include your name in the body of the email. Names of patrons providing input will be read during the meeting and written testimony will be posted online under the agenda item for which the testimony pertains to. All non-agenda item testimony will be posted online under the agenda item. For testimony received after the 12:00 noon deadline, names of patrons will not be read during the meeting, however, testimony will be posted online at the conclusion of the meeting in accordance with the aforementioned procedures.
Thank you for your continued engagement and participation during our school closures.
Deadline for Applications Extended to April 17
Applications for board appointed committees are due today. For terms beginning in June 2020, please complete and submit the attached application to the chair of the committee or principal of the SAC of interest to you by April 17.
Interested in getting involved? If so, consider serving on one of the district and board-appointed advisory committees. As part of its continuous efforts to increase communication with the public and to provide for citizen involvement, the School Board appoints advisory committees to consider matters of district-wide importance. Committees meet monthly, September through May.
Bond Accountability Committee (BAC)
District lead: Tony Vandenberg, anthony.vandenberg@loswego.k12.or.us
Diversity, Equity and Inclusive (DEI) Advisory Committee
District lead: David Salerno-Owens, david.salerno.owens@loswego.k12.or.us
Long Range Facilities Planning (LRFP) Committee
District lead: Tony Vandenberg, anthony.vandenberg@loswego.k12.or.us
Student Services Parent Advisory Committee (SSPAC)
District lead: Patrick Tomblin, patrick.tomblin@loswego.k12.or.us
Talented and Gifted Parent (TAG) Advisory Committee
District lead: Frank Luzaich, frank.luzaich@loswego.k12.or.us
School Advisory Committee (SAC)
District lead: School principal
Committee members are appointed to serve two-year terms, except SSPAC is three-year term. Applications will be reviewed, and recommendations sent to the Board for appointments.
Student Services Parent Advisory Committee Positions Open
The purpose of the Student Services Parent Advisory Committee is to provide advice and feedback to district staff and the LOSD School Board on issues related to disability. This committee strives to connect special needs families in Lake Oswego with resources, events, and each other to benefit our kids.
The committee strives to have all schools and as many needs as possible represented. The coming year SSPAC is seeking members to fill three positions: one representative from Forest Hills, and two at-large positions (from any school in the district).
If interested in serving on SSPAC, please submit this application to Patrick Tomblin, patrick.tomblin@loswego.k12.or.us by April 17.
LOSD-City Building Aquatic-Rec Center Together
The LOSD School Board and Lake Oswego City Council approved the proposed joint recreation aquatic center at the Lake Oswego Municipal Golf Course.
Now, the City and LOSD staff are working on drafting a memorandum of understanding that will guide the design and development of the center. Completion of the MOU is expected at the end of spring.
To watch the historic decision, please click here for a video recording of the meeting.
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Lake Oswego School District
Email: info@loswego.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.losdschools.org
Location: 2455 Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 534-2000
Facebook: facebook.com/LOSDProud
Twitter: @LOSD_Proud
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