LP Brown Community Newsletter
December 2024
Strive for Fewer Than 5 Days Absent!
I really need everyone's help with attendance! This is something that is going to require a whole team effort to get under control. This started as we came out of the pandemic and has not yet improved. In the public school setting, students are considered chronically absent from school when they miss 18 days of school on the year (10% of total school days). Missing more than 10% of the school year can have a significant impact on learning in the classroom.
Right now, 37% of our total student body is on track to be chronically absent from school. That means that 37% (122/330 students) have missed more than 10% of school already this school year (in the first 3 months of school). I have never seen an absence rate like this before. I know that some of the absences are unavoidable. Kids get fevers and need to be held home.
Beginning right now, I am creating a challenge called "Challenge 5." I challenge all of us to miss fewer than 5 days absent on the rest of the school year! In January, I am going to start talking to classrooms about attendance and helping kids understand the importance of coming to school every day. I want parents to have a heads up now that this is going to be a focus of our school through the balance of the school year.
I sincerely appreciate your support and anything you can do to help get kids to school every day (as often as possible).
No School and Early Release Days in December
Winter Break. No School: Monday, December 23rd through Friday, January 3rd.
- School Resumes on Monday, January 6th.
Early Release December 4th, 11th, 18th. School Dismisses at 1:25 PM
2nd Grade Music Performance
Our second grade musical is coming up soon! This year’s show is called “Flakes!” and it's all about snow! The performance will be in the LP Brown cafeteria at 6:00 on December 18th. Please have your second grader to the school by 5:45. Thank you for supporting music at LP Brown!
Lunch and Recess with Parents
You are invited to have lunch with the kids on Thursday, December 19th! This will be a super fun event. We are decorating the tables to make them fancy and we have a string ensemble coming to play music during lunch.
- Kinder and First Grades: 10:25 - 11:05
- 2nd and 4th Grades: 11:10 - 11:50
- 3rd and 5th Grades: 11:50 - 12:30
If you want to purchase a school lunch, you can do that in the main office when you arrive. The cost is $5.50 per adult. We can accept exact change and take credit card payments. You are also welcome to bring lunch with you on that day. Lunch on this day is chili.
Canned Food Drive!
Westside Schools are teaming up with Capital High School to put together a canned food drive for the Thurston County Food Bank. The goal is to donate 50,000 cans of food!
Send the kids to school with canned goods, or drop canned goods off in the main office.
We are collecting food through Friday, December 13th.
Lost and Found
Any time you are around the school, please take a minute to check out our lost and found. Any unclaimed items will be donated over Winter Break. Please come take a look if you are missing clothing items.
Family Support!
Big Smiles Dental Event- December 12th
Our school has partnered with Big Smiles to offer dental care at school. Best of all, in most cases there is no cost to you if your child is insured with Medicaid/CHIP!Private insurance and affordable self-pay options are also available. Sign up forms have been sent home in the Monday folders or you can sign up online at https://www.myschooldentist.com/ Any questions contact Family Liaison Genevieve Carnes gcarnes@osd.wed.net.edu
Holiday Giving Program
We are still collecting donations from our wonderful community. If you are able to donate please fill out the donation form Gift Card Donation Form
Holiday Baked Goods for Staff
Please help us celebrate the amazing staff at LP Brown with a baked goods extravaganza. Homemade or store bought, let's shower the staff with delicious holiday treats. All treats and goodies are welcome but please have them be peanut free and dropped off to the front office by Monday (anytime), December 16th so they can be enjoyed all week. If you'd like to include a recipe for your item that would be amazing. Please review the available slots in this sign up genius. Thank you!
PTO Meeting
L.P. Brown's next open PTO meeting is December 11th at 6pm in the library. Superintendent Murphy will be on hand to give a district update and hear from the LP Brown Community. All are welcome to attend.
MOD Pizza Fundraiser
MOD Pizza will host an all-day fundraiser for our school on Sunday, December 22nd at their Cooper Point location.
25% of all proceeds will go directly to supporting our students. Please plan to get out and support LP Brown on this day. You can mention LP Brown when you go into the store, or use the code MODGIVES25 for online purchases.
We will send reminders. For now, please mark your calendars.
Important Upcoming Dates
December 4th: CISPUS Parent Mtg. @ Hansen Elementary School @ 5:30 PM for 5th Grade Families
December 10th: New Coat Distribution During School Day
December 11th: PTO Meeting @ 6:00 PM
December 12th: SMILE Bus During School Day
December 16th: K-2 All Star Assembly @ 1:40 PM
December 17th: 3-5 All Star Assembly @ 1:40 PM
December 19th: Elegant Lunch During Lunch Times
December 20th: :Last Day of School in 2024!
January 6th: School Resumes