Newsletter: August 16, 2024
August 16, 2024
Principal's Message
It’s been a great first week of school! The kids have been busy getting used to new classroom routines, learning about their teacher and grade level, and testing out all the spinners on our new playground. I bet your child will sleep soundly tonight!
During the first few days of school, there are always some glitches to work through- bus assignments, lunch numbers, late buses. Thank you for your patience and grace with those small issues, and please know- it won’t always be like that!
Go Tigers,
Melissa Garris
School News
Please join your classroom teacher for Curriculum Night on Wednesday, August 21. It’s an opportunity for you to get to know your child’s teacher a little better, and learn about the curriculum and procedures for a new grade level. This is an adult only event. We have split up the times for primary and intermediate grades, but if parking becomes an issue, you may park in the business park to the west of the school building.
K - 2 Curriculum Night 5:15 - 6:00
3 - 5 Curriculum Night 6:15 - 7:00
If your child is an English Learner, our EL teachers will host a session for you at 5:30 - 6:30 in the school conference room.
School picture day is on Friday, August 23. Today, your child will bring home a flier with more information. You can also choose to order pictures in advance online here.
Today, we had two special visitors at Thomas Elementary. Dublin City Schools Superintendent Dr. John Marschhausen and Ohio State Senator Stephanie Kunze toured our building to see what the first week of school was like! They were both very impressed with our students and teachers. We were proud to show off Thomas Elementary!
School Information
At Thomas Elementary, we have a full time clinic aide named Nurse Mollie. Students visit her for bumps and bruises, illness, and everything in between! You might receive a phone call from her if your child visits her clinic.
As a reminder, NO MEDICATIONS (even over the counter) may come to school with a child in their backpack. A designated adult must bring it in. If your child requires a prescription medication, please contact the Health Office ( to make arrangements or with questions.
Upcoming Dates
August 19: All students attend
August 21: Curriculum Night (adults only)
K-2 Classrooms 5:15 - 6:00
3-5 Classrooms 6:15 - 7:00
August 23: Picture Day
September 2: Labor Day-No School
PTO News
Mum Sale
The PTO Fall Mum Sale starts August 20th through September 4th. The Flyers will be sent home with students. The Mum delivery date is September 19th from 4 pm to 6:30 pm. Any questions, please contact Heather Lovell at
We hope you will considering joining the PTO this school year! Join us if you are looking to be more involved in your child's education, have fun, meet friends, and make a positive impact on our school! Check out the PTO website today for more information and join our FB Group.
Report an Absence (email)
District News
Redistricting Webinar on August 27
Dublin City Schools is hosting a public information webinar on Zoom to discuss the upcoming redistricting process, led by third-party expert Cropper GIS. The session will cover the process, timeline, and how parents can provide input. The link to join will be available on the district's redistricting webpage the day of the event. At this time, impacted schools include Glacier Ridge Elementary, Abraham Depp Elementary, Eli Pinney Elementary, Deer Run Elementary, Sells Middle School, Karrer Middle School, Grizzell Middle School, and Eversole Run Middle School.
Need to Transfer Lunch Funds
Families who wish to transfer lunch money from the account of a student who has graduated to a younger sibling can do so easily. Just follow these simple steps:
Log into your PaySchools Central account
Go to Dashboard (if not already there when signing in)
Look for the symbol in the area labeled Meals
Click on the symbol
The Transfer Cafeteria Balance screen appears where you enter the Patron information for the transfer of funds.
Press PROCEED to continue to the next screen to enter the transfer amount(s).
Authorize the transfer details and click on TRANSFER.
After School Activities
New this year, we have a dedicated space on our website to provide families information about activities provided by local organizations in our schools. We are still adding classes for the Fall. Check it out: After School Activities
Info Hub
This page is a resource for families to find information about local organizations offering classes and activities to our students throughout the community. This is where you will find links to Dublin Youth athletics, online art courses, Columbus Children’s Choir and more! This page is updated with new opportunities frequently. Check it out here: Info Hub
From the City of Dublin
Know Before You Go: DCRC Annual Shutdown
The end of August means it's time for Dublin Community Recreation Center's annual maintenance and cleaning. The building will be closed Saturday, Aug. 24, through Monday, Sept. 2, reopening Tuesday, Sept. 3. Find more DCRC info.
Summer Fun Doesn't Stop
The Dublin Summer Fun Series continues with Workout Wednesdays and Games on the Green! Join us for the last Games on the Green of the season, Aug. 22, and enjoy yoga with Life Time Fitness through September. See you there.
Riverside Crossing Park Master Plan
It's public engagement in the park! Join the City of Dublin for the second Riverside Crossing Master Plan community input session. Come to the east plaza at Riverside Crossing Park from 6 to 8 p.m. Aug. 29 to share ideas about the park's future. Learn more.