Green Lane Gazette
October 2024

Important Dates
- 10/3-10/4 - No School - Rosh Hashana
- 10/7 - Progress Reports
- 10/9 - Homecoming Dance 6-9 PM
- 10/14-10/18 - Spirit Week
- 10/16 - PSAT Exams - Only 10th and 11th Grade students attend
- 10/16 - Asynchronous Day for 9th and 12th grade students
- 10/17 - Tier 2 Second Period
- 10/18 - Homecoming
- 10/24 -Healthy Family Habits at Benjamin Franklin Middle School 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Message from the Principal
Dear parents and guardians,
Unfortunately we are in an era where social media can negatively influence our students and/or create trends/"challenges" that are often detrimental to a healthy and secure school environment. I'm reaching out to you today about one of these recent "challenges" so you can talk to your students about it and discourage them from participating.
A recent trend is to steal, grab, or take decorations, tags, laces, and other adornments from student backpacks. These items tend to have no real monetary value, but are simply decorative items which are unique to specific brands and bags. However, there are trends on TikTok and Instagram to show off how many of these tags an individual can collect (sometimes stealing them from the bags on store racks). Additionally, with the specific brand Sprayground there is a belief that if someone submits 10 of the Sprayground tags, they will receive a voucher for a free bag. That is 100% a myth, confirmed by the owner/creator of Sprayground on an Instagram video attached below.
Please speak with your students about these myths and challenges that exist. Discourage them from participating in this behavior and explain to them that taking or ripping off the tags from another person's bag will be handled as theft or vandalism by building administration. Thank you for your cooperation and support
Talking Points
Families have three easy ways to use TalkingPoints and to communicate with their children’s teachers for free! They can use:
- text messaging,
- download the separate app - TalkingPoints for Families - or
- they can use it on the web at: https://families.talkingpts.org/welcome
You can opt to receive text messages or download the TalkingPoints for Families mobile app. You can also use TalkingPoints on the web. There will be no charge from TalkingPoints* to use text messages, the mobile app, or the web.
We've begun using Talking Points as another communication method to send out information via text, as well as some of our teachers. Do you feel or know that your child's teacher has been sending out these message and you're not receiving them? Fill out the form below.
Purchase Your Yearbook
The Harry S Truman High School yearbook is a one-of-a-kind publication. It's a limited edition collection of stories and events from the school year.
You can place your order online easily by going to sscyearbooks.com and following the instructions.
You can also place your order by phone by calling (800)-600-9107.
The yearbook staff has been working hard putting together a great book - so don't delay, purchase your yearbook today!!
National Honor Society
Juniors and Seniors: If you have a cumulative GPA of 90% or higher and are interested in joining our chapter of National Honor Society (NHS), please find the link to the application here on the Truman webpage under students, clubs, National Honor Society: https://truman.bristoltwpsd.org/students/clubs/national_honor_society-_n_h_sLinks to an external site.
A $15 annual dues fee is due with your application. Please complete and return to Señora Gregory in the World Languages Department by October 7th. Email with any questions: elizabeth.gregory@bristoltwpsd.org
Student Parking Permits
Parking pass applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now open to Seniors. No student will be permitted to park on campus without an updated parking pass. Passes from the 2023-2024 school year are not valid for the upcoming school year. If you want to drive to school and park a car on campus, please apply for a parking pass by completing the attached google form.
We will be flexible on the first few days as students process their passes, but please take immediate steps to register vehicles.
Qualified applicants will be issued passes on a first come first serve basis. If your application is approved, you will be contacted to set a time to deliver your signed contract (signed by you and a parent/guardian), pay your fee, and receive your pass.
If you have any questions about this process, you can contact the Truman student affairs office at 267-599-2112.
IXL: Empowering Students to Succeed!
We are excited to announce to all parents of 9th to 11th graders that your students have full access to IXL, a powerful tool designed to help them take charge of their learning. Through IXL, students can work on their personalized action plans, and targeted skill plans for Keystone Algebra, Literature, and Biology. These tailored plans help ensure they are on track for academic success, whether they need extra practice or want to challenge themselves. Encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable resource today!
Cap & Gown Orders
Attention Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2025!
This Tuesday, October 8th, representatives will be in school during lunches to accept orders for your student's Cap & Gown for graduation.
You can either go to www.sscgradstore.com to enter SSC's online store and securely place your order, or have your student hand in the envelope they received with the order form and payment ($35 cash or money order only) on Tuesday.
If you have any questions, please call Student Services Company at 610-539-1330 or email them at gowns@studentservicesco.com
Thank you!
2024-2025 School Counselor Assignments
Please review the chart below to determine the school counselor assignments for 2024-2025.
School Counselor Emails:
- Mrs. Miller - karen.miller@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Allen - greta.allen@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Jones - adrienne.jones@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Bodnar - ann.bodnar@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mr. Wright - micah.wright@bristoltwpsd.org
- Ms. Mallon - rebecca.mallon@bristoltwpsd.org
Locker Assignments
In recent experience we have found that a limited number of students utilize their lockers during the school day as many school items have gone digital and are typically carried in a backpack. With that being said, we'll be assigning lockers by REQUEST ONLY. By doing this, students who want to utilize a locker can also seek for that locker to be assigned in an ideal location. To request a locker, please click the button below to fill out the form.
Technology Insurance Fee
Protect your student's Chromebook from accidental damage and costly repairs by purchasing a technology insurance fee for the 2024-2025 school year. All purchases can be made through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. Review this flyer for more details.
$35 today can save $100's later!
Attendance is 🔑
No factor has a more direct relationship to a student's success in school than a good attendance record. Attendance is required of all students enrolled at Harry S Truman High School during the days and hours that school is in session.
All attendance notes, excuses, doctors notes, trip approval requests, and other inquiries should be emailed to hst.attendance@bristoltwpsd.org or call 267-599-2109 to speak with Staci Spoon, our attendance clerk. **Excuse notes can also be submitted through our app**
Educational Tours & Trip Approval Requests
The Board may excuse a student from school attendance to participate in an educational tour or trip not sponsored by the district if the following conditions are met:[12]
- The parent/guardian submits a written request for excuse 10 days prior to the absence.
- The student's participation has been approved by the Superintendent or designee (principal).
- The adult directing and supervising the tour or trip is acceptable to the parents/guardians and the Superintendent.
Please submit absence notices and questions to: hst.attendance@bristoltwpsd.org
Find the Talking Points App in Your App Store Today!
School Counselor's Office
As the new school year is underway, all students in grades nine through eleven have taken the IXL Snapshot, which is a diagnostic tool that provides valuable and individualized data on the skill levels for each student. This is especially helpful for 9th and 10th grade students, as they prepare for the task of taking the State’s Keystone Reading Exam. Students will be able to be provided more individualized instruction and practice, further developing their skill sets, while also developing a growth mindset through discussion and the help of their teachers.
English 9: Students are completing an examination of the short story, “The Most Dangerous Game,” with a focus on plot, characterization, and conflict. Students are also being introduced to the R.A.C.E.S. strategy for writing constructed responses.
English 10: Students are focused on the literary elements of plot and setting, with a close analysis in short stories such as “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket.” The students will move into a closer examination of characters within literature, with a focus on direct and indirect characterization
English 11: Students are examining early American texts, currently focusing on an introduction to Puritan authors while analyzing their plain style. Students will be introduced to new literary terms, such as inversion and parallelism.
English 12: Students are currently focused on creating college and career-ready goals, while also examining Anglo-Saxon texts, with an emphasis on Beowulf.
Health & PE
Driver Education
Driver Education students have been learning the fundamental concepts of driving. The first two units have focused on driver responsibility, the IPDE process, graduated licensing programs, and the understanding of signs, signals, and roadway markings.
Unified PE
Unified PE has been developing stretching routines and allowing various students to take the lead in these stretches. They have also completed a soccer unit, where students enjoyed a variety of stations, including dribbling, shooting on goal, and passing. Next up is gameplay!
Physical Education
PE students have been enjoying the outdoors and the nice weather. After their dynamic warm-up, they have been participating in various games, with volleyball, football, walking, and soccer being their favorites. Classes will continue to go outside for as long as possible, so please remember to bring warm clothing as the temperatures drop.
Health and Wellness
In Health and Wellness, students have been focusing on good character, mental health, and stress management. There has been significant attention on the effects of social media.
Truman High School is excited to announce that the online program, IXL, is available to all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students this year. IXL offers numerous benefits for students, especially as they prepare for the Keystone Algebra Exams. With its comprehensive and interactive approach, IXL allows students to practice key algebraic concepts at their own pace, ensuring mastery before moving on to more advanced topics. The program provides immediate feedback on each problem, helping students understand their mistakes and reinforcing the correct methods. This personalized approach ensures that students can focus on areas where they need improvement, which is particularly useful for exam preparation.
IXL is aligned with state standards, meaning the skills and topics covered on IXL directly correlate with what students will encounter on the Keystone Algebra Exams. The program will be especially beneficial to students who may be required to take the exam for a second time. IXL can be personally tailored to each student, which means someone who may have only struggled in one small area of Keystone-eligible material will be able to focus on that particular concept.
If you would like to see the IXL program for yourself, ask your student for a preview. Our 9-11 graders can access the program through our district’s clever.com website. If your student took the Keystone Algebra Exam in the spring of 2024, and you are curious about their results, the district expects to be mailing home the results in the next few weeks.
Anatomy-Students have been learning dissecting terms and orientation. They performed their first dissection on pickles. (photos attached)
The biology classes learned about basic principles of biology including: characteristics that all life share, cell structures and their functions, and how life is organized. The students prepared and observed slides of their cheek cells under a microscope, drawing and identifying the cell structures they saw. In Honors Biology 2, students have been reviewing genetics and going into further depth on some of the topics that they covered in Biology.
Students completed a unit on science practices including laboratory safety and measurements. They conducted investigations on density, hydrated crystals and separation techniques. AP Chemistry students completed a unit on thermochemistry. They conducted a calorimetry experiment to predict the final temperature of a system and to measure heat transfer.
Social Studies
The League of Women Voters and our social studies department conducted a voter registration drive in the cafeteria during our lunch periods on Friday 9/27. The volunteers from the League of Women Voters had very positive interactions with our students and staff and hope to return in the spring to assist with voter registration for students who will be 18 years of age by the primary elections.
Ms. Egan’s AP Government class did some research into past and present threats to democracy creating presentations and mind maps with possible solutions.
Her Civics classes researched what it means to be a citizen and what responsibilities citizens have.
Our American Studies teachers have begun implementing a new textbook program called “US History Interactive.” from Savvas Learning Company. Our teachers and students will be able to utilize a comprehensive, standards-based collection of print and digital content through the Savvas Realize Platform.
Basic Clothing and Resources 4 Living
Clothing Crocheters are starting their donated baby hats for premature babies!
Resourceful Resources 4 Living Kiddos are starting to develop their GO BAGS - electronically - part of their survival disaster preparedness learning segment.
Civil Engineering and Architecture - Students researched, designed, and modeled Architectural Features.
Students have been working on calculating the Mechanical Advantage of various simple Machines.
The students have been working to build floor plans with Balsa wood members. The students also assembled various models.
The students have begun the year by learning how to operate all 3D printers, Laser cutter, and Design Methods in Autodesk Fusion.
Introduction to Business:
Students are learning the basics of how businesses operate, make decisions, and interact with the economy. To develop important skills, we engage in team-building activities where students work together, solve problems, and build communication and collaboration skills.
One of our key projects is a real-life marketplace activity where students create, market, and sell products. In collaboration with the engineering department, we are currently designing and producing custom Phillies keychains using laser printing technology.
Sculpture: Students researched everything Apple in Bucks County - history, where to pick, botany - and then each student made an apple and each class worked as a team to make a tree to hang the apples on
World Language
Hola, Ciao, and Hello! Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. It was a pleasure to meet some of you at back to school night. Please do not hesitate to contact any of us if you have questions or concerns at any point between now and the end of the school year.
Teacher Spotlight- Señora Reynalda Robertson (new to Truman)
Classroom Corner -
Spanish classes are celebrating Hispanic Heritage month (September 15-October 15) with a variety of historical and cultural projects.
Italian 1 is working on learning how to greet each other in Italian, how to count, and how to talk about different items we can find in the classroom.
ELD classes recently completed a culture share project.
Senior Spotlight
Siddhi Patel
AM/Arrival Process
PM/Dismissal Bus Lineup
Truman Contact Information
APP: https://harry-s-truman-high-school.edlioweb.app/#/home
Instagram:@officialharrystrumanhsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/bristoltownshipschooldistrict
Twitter: @TrumanTigerBTSD