Hawk Happenings!
Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy
Message from the Principal - Aug. 17, 2018
We just have one week to go before families come back to drop off supplies! Don’t forget to stop by on Friday (from 8 am - 12 pm) if you want to visit the teachers and drop off supplies. Our hallway is getting put back together (thank you, Jose Luis!). The demo is done, as is the sheetrock, and painting. Monday and Tuesday, all fire alarm speakers will be put back and we will have all new LED lighting installed in the hallway. This will make it energy efficient and bright!! We need your help with clean up on Wednesday. If you have time on Wednesday or Thursday, please come by to help us with removing the protective material from the hallway, sweeping, and dusting, dusting, dusting! We will be at the school from 7:30 - 3:30 so come anytime...but make sure to wear your grubby clothes. We will provide dust masks and gloves.
We are asking for A LOT of volunteer help for this next week and we really appreciate any assistance that you can provide. From taking Mr. Kelah to get groceries (see request below) to dusting at the school and making everything shine for the first day of school...we couldn’t do it without you. So, thank you...and let us know if you can help.
Have a blessed week!
Katie Dempsey
P.S. If you have a child in Pre-K, keep an eye out for a special newsletter just for you. It has important info about drop off, pick up, and much more!
Volunteer Needed to Welcome Mr. Kelah!
Calling All Volunteers
- Clean-up from all of the dust during construction
- General dusting and cleaning around the school
- Help moving desk and setting up classrooms
- Decorating bulletin boards
- Musician (piano player) needed to play at our school masses on Fridays. If you can help us, please contact Ms. Dempsey at kdempsey@holyrosarybilingual.org.
If you can help us, please contact Berenice at office@holyrosarybilingual.org or 253-272-7012. The teachers and staff really appreciate your help. Thank you!!
Reminder: Tuition Payments Due in August!!
School Schedule for the Beginning of the Year
- Monday, Aug. 27th: 8 am - 12 pm (No before or after school extended care)
- Tuesday, Aug. 28th - Thursday, Aug. 30th: Regular school hours (8 am to 3 pm) with drop off from 7:45 and until 3:15. Extended Care is in the mornings from 6:30 am and in the afternoon until 6 pm.
- Friday, Aug. 31st: School hours are from 8 am - 12 pm. Before and after school extended care is available.
Week 2:
- Monday, Sept. 3rd: No School for Labor Day
- Tuesday, Sept. 4th and going forward: Regular hours with morning and evening extended care
Don’t forget to check the school calendar for important dates!
Other Important Items...
- Don’t forget to shop Tommy Hilfiger or Land’s End for uniforms. There is more info on the school website at: http://hrrsjda.org/wordpress/?page_id=361
- Our first day back is Monday, Aug. 27th. (Noon dismissal and no extended care)
- Friday, Aug. 24th is Teacher Meet and Greet and supply drop off from 8 am to noon.
- Back to School BBQ for all school families is from 1 pm - 3 pm on Sunday, Aug. 26th.
Teacher Meet and Greet (Supply Drop Off Day)
Friday, Aug 24, 2018, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Back to School BBQ
Sunday, Aug 26, 2018, 01:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
First Day of School - Noon Dismissal and No Extended Care
Dismissal for Pre-K begins at 11:45 and all students in all grades must be picked up by 12:15.