The Weekly Update #16
December 1, 2024
From the Principal
As we enter into the holiday season, it is important for us to continue to reflect on the blessings that we each have been bestowed with. Whether we think so or not, we are blessed for different reasons. One of the many blessings that I have been bestowed with is my Cougar Family! This first half of the school year has brought many laughs, some tears, some learned lessons, and a lot of love for my students. Not all has been perfect, but we continue to strive for the best at Southeast Middle!
With that being said, we have a lot of work to do in the second half! With our school's SPS remaining unchanged (we were a 56.2 in 2023, and a 56.3 in 2024), we want to make sure that our students understand the importance of state testing, which includes not just the LEAP, but also the ELPT for our English Language Learners, and the LEAP Connect for our students with special needs. Not only these, but our students who are in classes such as Algebra I and Geometry have to strive for Mastery in those LEAP courses, as well. We want to show our district that Southeast students are more than a "D." Our students tell our story, and it needs to be heard.
With 3 weeks left in the 9 weeks, I want to remind you all that students only have one week of direct instruction, a week of review, and a week of testing. It is incumbent on students to ensure that they are paying attention in class in order to pass their mid-terms. Also, it is important that students are present and participating in class. We have had to deal with too many classroom distractions, which not only hurts the students that are creating them, but those who are wanting to learn, especially.
Again, I want to reiterate the dress code policy as we are inching closer to "cooler" weather. Students are allowed to wear whatever outer wear deemed necessary while they are at the bus stops. However, once they enter the building, only Southeast Middle outer wear is acceptable per the dress code policy. Not only this, but blankets are not allowed on the bus or in the classrooms. So, please ensure that your student leaves his/her blanket at home. Furthermore, during Casual Dress days, please ensure that your child is adhering to the school's dress code, which can be found in their planners.
Additionally, I ask that parents waiting in the carpool line do not block the handicap ramp in front of the building. We have several students who are wheelchair-bound and need the ramp to enter into the building. So, until the line begins to move, please do not block the ramp.
Also, please note that students are considered tardy after 7:10 AM. If students are on a late bus, it will be documented in JCAMPUS by the front office. After 7:30 AM, students being dropped off by a parent MUST BE SIGNED IN BY AN ADULT! If the adult does not come in and sign the student in, the student will be placed in TOR until a parent/guardian can do so. This is for the safety and security of not just your child, but for the school.
Lastly, parents, please understand that we can not allow someone who is not on your child's demographic or emergency card to check him/her out. Our office staff checks this to ensure that your child is safe AT ALL TIMES. Please know that this is not to make life difficult, but to ensure the safety of our students.
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.
Principal, Southeast Middle School
Glasgow @ Southeast (basketball)
Monday, Dec 2, 2024, 02:30 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Club Day (Afternoon Activity Schedule)
Wednesday, Dec 4, 2024, 01:00 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Choir and Band Performance (P.E. and Electives participate only)
Thursday, Dec 5, 2024, 09:00 AM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Sherwood vs. Southeast @ Southeast (basketball)
Thursday, Dec 5, 2024, 02:30 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
$3 Casual Dress
Friday, Dec 6, 2024, 07:00 AM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Student and Parent Resources
Magnet Application Period
Please look at the dates on the attached graphic in order to ensure that you complete applications in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Coleman, our Magnet Site Coordinator, for assistance.
We are a Box Tops School!
Please scan eligible purchases in order to assist in raising money for our school. All monies earned goes back into the school for our students!
Mid-term Schedule
Sports Information
Boys and Girls Basketball Schedule
Boys and Girls Basketball Schedule
Students who had no referrals thus far for the 2nd 9 weeks were treated to nachos before we left for the holidays! The students were truly appreciative and enjoyed the treat!
Basketball Victories
We would like to congratulate our Girls' basketball teams for their victories against CSAL and Capitol. Way to geaux, team!