Surfside Shark Bites
Week of September 3-6, 2024
Save The Date!!! Back to School Night 2024
A Note From Principal Frandsen
Happy Friday, Sharks and families!
Mark your calendars, this coming Thursday (9/12) from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm, Surfside will host our back to school night. Meet the teachers, ask questions and learn more about our school. See you then!
It was a great week at Surfside with lots of neat things going on. Our soccer team has been practicing and is gearing up for their first game of the season, our elementary independent study students are engaged in all kinds of fun learning activities, and our high school students are making great strides in their courses.
If your student needs academic support or tutoring please know help is available through the free online tutoring system called Tutor.com. This is a great resource and very helpful for students needing assistance. Also, it's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For those students enrolled in Surfside's direct instruction learning, please know that we are almost half way through the quarter. This leaves just enough time to complete any outstanding assignments in order to bring those grades up. Please remind your student to attend every class, every day, and get that work done. Of course, we are here to help should questions arise or if help is needed.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Principal Frandsen
Surfside On Display
This week during Advisory, the Direct Instruction high school students participated in the Pringle Chip Challenge.
The Pringles Ringle is an engineering challenge in which students create a ring using only Pringles chips, no tape or glue allowed!
The challenge requires a lot of patience as well as careful and precise chip placement. Although, the hardest part of the challenge is not eating all of the chips before finishing the ring.
Makeup Picture Day is Coming Soon!!
Vista Community Clinic On Campus!!
Shark Nibbles - K-8
Shark Nibbles K-8
We are excited to begin the 2024-2025 school year!
As we begin, please look for correspondence from your supervising teacher via emails for important information.
Grades K-5: Anthony.Madsen@oside.us
Grades 6-8: Kelly.Crouthamel@oside.us
Grades K-5
Monday, August 19: Virtual Meetings Begin
K-2: 8:00am-8:30am
Grades 3-5: 8:30am-9:00am
Virtual Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/hbz-zzvt-cbo?authuser=0
In person will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Make sure to get your new school devices from the school library. Insurance is only $20.
K-5 News
Dear Families,
Work Turn-in Reminder: Please submit any work completed for Unit 1 by September 13, 2024. For those who have completed their Unit 1 work, Unit 2 will be available in the office.
Questions about what to complete in each unit before turning in it? Please reach out to your Supervising Teacher. What is an appropriate amount of work varies by student, so some students may find most or all of the packet work possible, while many others will find it overwhelming. This would be the same in a traditional classroom setting. Your teachers can help prioritize work that most benefits your student’s progress and helps avoid worksheet fatigue and ensures program progress. There are general guidelines within the Parent Guide, however, your Supervising Teacher loves to help customize your Independent Study pathway. Our goal is to create an educational experience that fosters a love of learning and creativity.
These must be completed! If your child has not completed them, please get them done as soon as possible. This is a mandatory requirement of Independent Study and we want data to show where they are rather than rushing through the answers.
You are amazing!
Middle School News
Middle School…
Dear Families,
Thank you all for another great week as we work together to support student progress!
Family Sensei Updates- New families may not yet have access to Family Sensei where weekly progress reports are sent and student progress can be tracked. The Tech Department is working on completing the integration for the new school year. We will update you when it is complete. In the meantime, please continue to monitor your students' work by viewing their student account, and help them stay on track by looking for incomplete assignments and skills that are not yet mastered. Students should not be moving on to assignments beyond the target dates until ALL module components are successfully completed.
Work Samples & Fitness logs are due no later than September 13, 2024 for Month 1 attendance. Samples include a completed lesson from each subject Study Guide Workbook.
We appreciate you all!
Shark News and Updates
Coaching For Parents
OUSD is excited this year to partner with the Cook Center for Human Connection to offer a variety of resources and opportunities to support student and family mental health, including but not limited to:
- Parent Guidance - ParentGuidance.Org offers parents/guardians/caregivers access to courses, on-demand webinars, and additional resources to support their child's mental health and support needs.
- My Life is Worth Living - My Life is Worth Living™ is the first animated series that models the human connection shown to be protective against suicide. The series tells stories of characters who face some of the most difficult issues that young people deal with and shows their evolution in the key decision: that life is worth living.
- Parent Coaching - Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Coaching is exclusively available to OUSD as a partner and parents/guardians/caregivers can sign up for free to meet individually with a coach or therapist and therapist-created content to help you navigate the ups and downs with confidence. (Flyers in English/Spanish are attached)
- Mental Health Series - The attached calendars provide a host of opportunities for parents/guardians/caregivers to jump on a webinar (some are live) at their convenience with topics ranging from "Your Child's Anxiety" to "Establishing Boundaries" and "Body Positivity - Nurturing Self Image".
Student Data Confirmation
As a reminder, please make sure you have completed your students Data Confirmation in your Aeries Parent Portal. This process takes about 5-10 minutes. This is where you can make any changes to your email, home address and phone numbers. Remember, this is how we keep in touch with you.
You can use the link HERE
New District Cell Phone Policy
"During the Day, Off and Away"
To create a focused learning environment and support student mental health, Oceanside Unified School District will now require all student cell phones to be off and stowed in backpacks upon entering campus and remain off until leaving. Exceptions are made for students with IEPs or 504 plans if specified for medical or anxiety-related needs, as determined by site administration. Classrooms have landlines for students to contact parents if needed, and students will have access to their phones during emergencies. The policy aims to reduce distractions, enhance engagement, and prevent cyberbullying, while also reducing the risk of phone theft or loss. Support and disciplinary actions for policy violations could include warnings, phone calls home, and phone confiscations, with increasing consequences for repeated offenses. OUSD is committed to student safety and mental health, fostering academic and emotional growth. For more details, refer to OUSD's Handbook.
Student Device Protection Plan
The enrollment window for the Device Protection Plan for student Chromebooks is now open.
We highly recommend taking advantage of this affordable plan to safeguard your child's Chromebook against accidental damage or theft. The cost of repairs for Chromebooks can range from $40 to $400, but for only $20 per school year, the Device Protection Plan provides coverage for up to two incidents of accidental damage or theft.
Purchasing the plan is simple and convenient. You can do so online with a credit card or electronic check through our secure payment portal at www.myschoolbucks.com.
The enrollment window for the Device Protection Plan is limited, so we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible. Invest in your child's learning experience and ensure their Chromebook is protected throughout the school year.
2024-2025 Student Accident and Sickness Insurance
The safety of our students is of critical importance to all of us and we want to protect them from injury. Even so, accidents do happen (at school and elsewhere) and required medical care can be expensive. Please know that Surfside does not assume responsibility for such costs but does offer you access to several student accident insurance plans for voluntary purchase. Details can be found in this linked brochure/enrollment form - English (SPANISH brochure/enrollment form).
For more detailed information, please see this letter - ENGLISH (Parent Letter - SPANISH).
Surfside Math Tutoring
Are you in need of extra help in math? Surfside can help. We offer before and after school math support with Ms. Jarvis in room 7.
Tutor.com Available for FREE
As a reminder, OUSD provides Tutor.com for FREE to all students! Every OUSD student can access Tutor.com at no-cost with 1-to-1 online tutoring in English and Spanish. Students also have access to use drop-off writing review, self-paced test prep from The Princeton Review®, as well as other learning resources. Students can access Tutor.com 24hrs a day every day of the year, except Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Top 10 Facts for Parents - ENGLISH Flyer; Top 10 Facts for Parents - SPANISH Flyer; How it Works - ENGLISH Flyer; How it Works - SPANISH Flyer
Surfside Cares - Mental Health Support
Surfside has created a link to help students with their mental health. Click the QR code to access phone numbers, website and more.
Surfside Spirit Wear Store
The Surfside spirit wear store is OPEN!! Represent Surfside in style. You can even put any of the amazing Surfside designs on any piece of clothing offered. Follow the steps on the homepage!!
Items will ship directly to you. Go Sharks!!! All items are available to students, families and staff!!!
Seniors...You can also order your Class of 2025 gear!
Click HERE
Reusable Water Bottles
It's warm outside. Please make sure you pack a reusable water bottle. Surfside has bottle filling stations around campus.
O'side USD in One Minute
Surfside Events
Back to School Night
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 04:30 PM
Surfside Educational Academy, South Ditmar Street, Oceanside, CA, USA
Makeup Picture Day
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024, 08:00 AM
Surfside Educational Academy, South Ditmar Street, Oceanside, CA, USA
Surfside Educational Academy
Website: surfside.oside.us
Location: 1125 South Ditmar Street, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: 760-901-8600
Twitter: @SurfsideOUSD
Instagram: surfsideousd