Pearl R. Miller Middle School
Weekly Update 10/18/24
PRM Spirit Week 10/21-10/25
Our first Spirit Week of the year will take place next Monday-Friday, October 21st-25th. Students can earn Colt Cup points for their grade level by dressing according to these daily themes:
- Monday: Pajama Day
- Tuesday: Throwback Tuesday (Dress in clothes from another decade.)
- Wednesday: Teacher/Student Dress-Up Swap (Students dress as staff members.)
- Thursday: Jerzday (Wear a jersey supporting your favorite team.
- Friday: Kinnelon Spirit Day (Wear Kinnelon gear.)
For our new PRM students and families, the Colt Cup is a school-wide competition in which our grade levels compete with each other throughout the year to show school spirit. Each time we have a spirit day or other type of Colt Cup event, students earn points for their grade level by participating. At the end of the year, we tally the points and determine our Colt Cup winner for the year. The winning grade level gets their class memorialized on the Colt Cup. It is a very prestigious honor!
PRM Veterans Day Observance/Honoring Veterans in Our Community
Dear Parents of PRM Students,
We will be having an assembly on Wednesday, November 13th, in recognition of Veterans Day. At this assembly, we will also be honoring veterans in our community. If you or a family member (including family friends) are a veteran and would like to attend this event (Wednesday, November 13th, 12:30-1:30, at PRM), we ask that you please RSVP using this form. Within this form, there is a question asking whether you would like to speak during the program. Please make sure to answer all of the questions.
We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our veterans, and we look forward to celebrating them on November 13th.
Sincerely yours,
Mark P. Mongon Principal
PRM Student Council Halloween Costume Contest
The PRM Student Council will be holding the annual Halloween Costume Contest on Thursday, October 31st. All students are encouraged to wear their costumes and participate. Costumes must meet the following guidelines:
● No blood
● No gory costumes
● No guns, swords, knives or weapons of any kind.
● Must be school appropriate (dress code still applies)
● Props must fit in your locker and may only be used for the first period judging. This includes masks.
● Costume cannot disrupt you or other students from class.
Each homeroom will choose one winning costume. Those winners will come to the cafeteria where a panel of judges will select one winner from each grade level and one overall winner. Students can win prizes, and the best overall costume will earn 50 Colt Cup points for that student's grade level. Please see this flyer for more details.
Happy Halloween, everyone!
Points for Parents
Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday and Tuesday, November 4th and 5th
Dear Parents,
Parent/teacher conferences at PRM will be held on November 4th and 5th. We recognize that, due to the volume of information available through Realtime and teacher communication throughout the year, you may not need to schedule conferences. However, if you would like to schedule conferences with any or all of your child’s teachers, you can do so by following the directions included below.
Scheduling Conferences (Friday, October 25th-Friday, November 1st)
Please note: The conference scheduler will open at 6:00 PM on Friday, October 25th, and it will close at 11:59 PM on Friday, November 1st. Conferences must be scheduled during this scheduling window. We encourage you to schedule your conferences as soon as possible once the scheduling window opens. Teachers have limited time slots just as they did when conference appointments were made in person, so availability will diminish as the end of the scheduling window approaches.
To see a list of your child’s teachers, log in to Realtime. Click “Schedule” under “Menu” on the left-hand side to see a list of your child’s classes and teachers.
Go to our conference sign-up page. Click the tab for the teacher with whom you would like to schedule a conference. You may need to scroll to the right to find your child’s teacher. The tabs are organized alphabetically by last name.
Click on an available conference time. Conference appointments will be available in five-minute increments on Monday, November 4th, from 1:30-3:30 PM and 6:00-8:00 PM, and Tuesday, November 5th, from 1:30-3:30 PM.
Click “Submit and Sign Up” at the bottom of the screen.
Enter the requested information and click “Sign Up Now” to reserve your spot.
Repeat this process to schedule conferences with other teachers.
Conferences must be scheduled ahead of time.
Parents may only sign up for one time slot per teacher in order to allow as many parents as possible to participate in conferences. Parents of the same student may only sign up for one conference per teacher except in cases of divorce.
Once the conference scheduling window closes at 11:59 PM on Friday, November 1st, no more conference appointments will be scheduled. Email, phone, or other requests for conferences outside the scheduler will not be honored.
On the conference days, parents will only be permitted in the building during the times of their conferences. Walk-up conferences will not be accepted.
HSA Highlights
Teen Canteen: Tickets for this year’s Teen Canteen are now available via Membership Toolkit! These events are always a student favorite, providing a safe, social environment at PRM school with a DJ, inflatables, basketball, Photo Booth, games and more. Tickets are $10 now through Nov. 16, $15 through yearend, and $20 after Jan. 1.
- 6th Grade: Jan 24th 6-8pm (snow date Feb7)
- 7th & 8th Grade combined (New this year): Mar 21st 6-8pm (snow date Mar 28)
Go to Membership Toolkit > My Account > My Forms/Paperwork. You must be a PRMHSA Member for your child to attend this amazing event! Contact Brandi Greco ( or Annika Levitt ( with any questions.
SOAR: Our SOAR program (Stories of Adversity & Resilience) brings various speakers to our school to share influential and educational stories. This donation funded program has brought speakers such as Katherine Switzer (1st woman to run Boston Marathon when women were not allowed to compete), Jack Wallace (child athlete involved in boating accident who is now a Paralympic 2x Gold Medalist after a right leg amputation) and Laura Benanti (Broadway star who broke her neck at age 22 while performing)
SOAR planning is underway! We are currently booking speakers for the school year. Our best resource is YOU! Do you know someone who speaks about obstacles they have overcome? Please reach out to Mrs. McClain ( or Mrs. Conklin ( with referrals or questions!
Please consider donating to this wonderful program! Donations accepted via Membership Toolkit > My Account > My Forms/Paperwork or by sending in a check made out to PRMHSA into school.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 23rd-PRM Principal's Forum (6:30 PM in the PRM Cafeteria and online via this link; a recording will be posted afterward)
Monday, November 4th-Early dismissal (12:55 for PRM)*, PRM parent/teacher conferences
Tuesday, November 5th-Early dismissal (12:55 for PRM)*, PRM parent/teacher conferences
Wednesday, November 6th-Early dismissal (12:55 for PRM)*
Thursday-Friday, November 7th-8th-Schools closed for Teachers Convention
*Please note that lunch is not served in the cafeteria on early dismissal days. Students may bring a small, peanut-free snack to eat in the cafeteria during their lunch period if they would like.
Please click here to see the announcements for the week of October 21st, 2024. These announcements are also posted on the PRM Website.
Have a great weekend,
Mark P. Mongon