Weekly Community Newsletter, wk 15
Week of Monday, Oct 28 2024
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🙌 Weekly Shout-Outs and Celebrations
STHS Welding
It was great to have Sun City Welding teacher Ezequiel Rodriguez (STHS alumni) with his mentor Mr. Champagne.
STHS Diamond of the Desert
We want to congratulate the Diamond of the Desert and Mr. Carrillo on their appearance in this year's Marching Band State competition.
New Mexico Lt Governor
We want to thank Lt Governor Morales for visiting STHS during a volleyball district game.
Girls Soccer - District Champions
Boys Soccer - District Champions
Estemos Unidos Festival
We are excited to announce the first ever Estemos Unidos Festival which will take place on Dec 14th, save the date! This will be a District event to showcase great innovations by our very own District students, including your Desert Warriors.
Desert Warriors of the month of October
For Your Information 📰
Friendly reminder to the 63 Desert Warriors that were not able to be present on the original dates that Monday and Tuesday will be our make up dates.
Weather Fest
Thank you to Ms. Campos and Desert Warriors on their participation in the Weather Fest. Their project Safe Haven was focused on creating clay heat resistant and SPF approved domes that would serve as shelters and cooling stations.
Picture Day and School ID Distribution
In the Main Varsity Gym. The goal is to get as many of our students and teachers to take their pictures. This is open to all underclassmen and seniors. Senior portraits will take a bit longer. Ms. Salas will be handing out school IDs simultaneously.
Halloween Costumes @ STHS
Students will be able to use their costumes on Oct 31st. We do ask that they follow District dress code and most importantly their facial features must visible and recognizable at all times.
Red Ribbon Activities - Feeder Schools
We want to thank STHS Student Council, STHS athletics and cheer, Diamond of the Desert, STHS Criminal Justice, and NJROTC for supporting all the Red Ribbon Activities that took place this week in Santa Teresa Middle School and La Union Elementary.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week:
- Monday 10/28, your future is key so stay drug free...DRESS TO IMPRESS
- Tuesday 10/29, give drugs a boot...WESTERN DAY
- Wednesday 10/30, say yes to college and no to drugs...COLLEGE SHIRT DAY
- Thursday 10/31, don't be haunted by regret, stay away from drugs...HALLOWEEN COSTUME
- Friday 11/01, team up against drugs...WEAR YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM SHIRT/JERSEY
Parent Meetings
Parent -Admin- Counselor meetings for the Tribe of 2025, 11th and 10th grade students and their parents. Its crucial we all be informed, please make plans to attend.
AP Testing Fees Oct 16 to Nov 6
Students can begin paying for their AP EXAMS this Wednesday, OCTOBER 16TH. The AP Fee will be $5.00 per exam. As you know the district is pushing for students to use MySchoolbucks to pay for their exam. Therefore, please make sure the students have a MySchoolbucks account. The DEADLINE to pay will be NOVEMBER 6TH. Please remind students if they pay after the deadline they will need to pay $40.00.
Senior Parents! If you are interested in purchasing a senior dedication in the yearbook for your senior please reach out to Ms. Arroyo ASAP. Spaces are limited and the deadline to reserve a dedication is October 30th. Please see the flyer for details!
Social Emotional Newsletter
Ms. Melissa Cobos our Social Emotional counselor has been working closely with our students and staff to ensure our students acquire the necessary skills to be present and whole body healthy while at school.
Halloween Candy Gram
The Junior Class will be selling Halloween Candy Grams starting Monday October 14th. The cost will be $1, $2, and $3.
Halloween Costume Contest
STHS Junior Class and the Tribe of 2025 are hosting your annual Halloween Costume Contest. Desert Warriors visit your grade level google classroom if you want more information.
Election Day - No School
We want to remind you that there will be no school on Election Day, so take this opportunity to exercise your right to vote! Every vote counts in shaping our future. If you're eligible to vote, visit the New Mexico Voter Information Portal at NMVote.org to find your nearest polling location and make sure your voice is heard.
Observation of Veterans Day
We want to remind you that there will be no school on Nov 11 in observation of Veterans Day. This day is a federal holiday in honor of the military veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
Perfect Attendance @ STHS
Celebrating Perfect Attendance
This Friday, STHS got an opportunity to randomly select 20 students that had perfect attendance in Aug or Sept. They were recognized by ST administration and attendance clerks. We want to thank our parents and Desert Warriors for their effort to be in school every single day.
October - Coming Soon
Every month we select four Desert Warriors who have Perfect Attendance for that month. Stay tuned for October's
Community Events 👪
STHS Community
Estemos Unidos Festival
City of Sunland Park Event
💡 Reminders
1. Need Access to PowerSchool ❓
If you do not have a PowerSchool account yet, please reach out to Mr. Lorenzo Morales at 575-589-5350 or lmorales@gisd.k12.nm.us For students, they can access the PowerSchool Portal using their Google District Account.