Westgator News
September 2024
Welcome Back Westgators!
We've made it through the first few days of school, including our first full week. Hopefully your students are getting acclimated to their new school day routines. We appreciate your continued partnership as we strive to make Westgate a great place to learn and grow for every student. Please take a moment to review the information in the newsletter as it pertains to your family. As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your students' teacher or the office.
Reminder - NO SCHOOL - Monday, Sept. 2nd - Labor Day
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, 9/2 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Tuesday, 9/3 & Wednesday, 9/4 - Pre-K orientation days, by appointment only
Thursday, 9/5 - First Day of School for Pre-K
Wednesday, 9/11 - Westgate PTA Meeting - by zoom @ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9/14 - CCS Transition Fair (see flyer below)
Saturday, 914 - CCS Pathway Express Stop #1 - Veterans Memorial & Museum
Wednesday, 9/18 - NO SCHOOL - Professional Development Day
Thursday, 9/19 - Pre-K ONLY - No School - Pre-K Professional Development Day
Thursday, 9/19 - 5K Fun Run/Walk @ 2:00 p.m. - WEAR TENNIS SHOES
Wednesday, 9/25 - Open House - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Westgate's Open House - Wednesday, Sept. 25th - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Westgate students and families, please join us for Open House on Wednesday, September 25th, from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. This is a great time for families to meet their student's teachers, familiarize themselves with the building, allow students to “show off” what they’ve been learning and get to know Westgate better. Representatives from local community organizations will be on hand to provide information as well. Our Westgate PTA will be available for parents interested in becoming members, purchasing spirit wear and hosting a bake sale. Parking is available at the back of the building and across the street at the Westgate Rec Center. We ask all attendees to please enter the building through the front entrance doors (Wicklow Road). Hope to see you there!
Notes from the Nurse
Hello Parents and Guardians,
It’s been wonderful to see all the students' smiles as we start the school year!
There will be information coming home with your students, when applicable, for the following events. If you have any questions, please email me @ kminrovic@columbus.k12.oh.us.
· 1st grade hearing & vision screenings will start the week of September 3. Informational letters were sent home the week of 8/26.
· The Columbus Public Health dental sealant team will be here 9/16 to present to the 2nd graders. The team will return on 10/2 to place the dental sealants and check the 3rd graders who had them placed last year. Consents will be sent home with the 2nd graders on 9/16.
· Smiles for Schools, a program run by OSU dental students will be here on 9/20 to present to kindergarten, 1st grade, 4th grade, and 5th graders. The mission of Smiles for Schools is to “provide students with the foundation they need to take care of their teeth so that they may have them for as long as possible.”
Monthly 5k Fun Run/Walk
Counselor's Corner
I am super excited about this school year! As the school counselor, I specialize in delivering social/emotional, college/career and academic support to all students during the school year. I look forward to seeing students grow their skills in regulating their emotion as well as building positive relationships with peers and staff members. It is important for me to help students identify a career path to motivate them to do their best in all subjects, especially subjects that align with their future career.
I also support students by providing classroom guidance lessons, group and individual counseling sessions. If you would like me to talk to your student about a particular topic, please send me an email with your topic of concern.
Mrs. Gaddis
Westgate PTA
Looking for ways to support our Westgate students and staff? Why not join Westgate’s PTA?
Scan the below QR code to become a member OR visit the PTA table at our Open House in September where you can meet current members and sign up in person.
You can also sign up for PTA updates by scanning the below QR code OR send an email to westgateelementarypta@gmail.com with the following information:
Your Name, your student(s) name(s) and their teacher(s) name(s).
PTA meets the second Wednesday of the month via zoom. Once you sign up for updates, you will receive an email with the zoom link.
PTA's first meeting of the year is Wednesday, September 11th @ 7:00 p.m.
Scan this QR code to become a member.
Scan this QR code to sign up to receive PTA updates and the meeting zoom links.
CCS News & Events
CCS Transition Fair - Saturday, September 14th
Pathway Express Stop #1 - Veterans Memorial & Museum
Bus Route Information on Infinite Campus Only 2024 - 2025 School Year
Community Updates
Charity Newsies Clothe-A-Child Program Taking Applications
Charity Newsies provides children enrolled in school from Kindergarten through 12th grade in Franklin County with brand new clothing. We serve children by providing them with socks, underwear, pants, shirts, a coat, hat and gloves. Children attending schools with dress code requirements receive compliant clothing. For children who attend schools with uniform requirements, Charity Newsies provide a uniform voucher.
The Charity Newsies Clothe-A-Child program is designed for families in need of back-to-school clothing assistance. Qualifying families may submit one application per child per school year. Applications are submitted on-line only. In-person applications are no longer accepted.
Click the link below to fill out an application today!
Any questions regarding the application or the Clothe-A-Child program should be directed to clothing@charitynewsies.com.
Westgate Alternative Elementary School
- School hours are 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- CCS provides FREE Breakfast and Lunch for all students.
- Students are able to eat breakfast each morning in the school cafeteria at 8:35 a.m.
- Students not eating breakfast are allowed to enter the building at 8:50 a.m.
- All students arriving to school on time or to eat breakfast, should be entering through the doors at the back entrance (by the staff parking lot).
- Please do not drop your student off at school earlier than 8:35 a.m. as there is NO supervision on the playgroud before that time.
- Only students arriving to school after 9:00 a.m. should enter the front doors to sign in at the office.
- If your child will be absent from school, please call our office to let us know.
Email: attendancewestgatee@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: ccsoh.us/WestgateES
Location: 3080 Wicklow Road, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: 614-365-5971