RILINK Newsletter
March 2025
RILINK staff are here to help. If you want to update your Destiny Discover site, work on your LibGuides, or have any other questions, reach out to us. The best way to get a quick response is to submit a Request for Help.
July 16, 2025
"Hit the Ground Running: Getting the Most from your RILINK Resources"
We design our annual conference to reflect your needs. Help us by responding to the survey using the button below.
Follett Destiny Unified Navigation
Have you started using Unified Navigation with Destiny? If not, you should really consider getting on board soon. The Unified Navigation (New User Experience) has benefits that make it worthwhile to consider.
- Enhanced Security (single-sign-on security and timeout experiences much enhanced)
- Improved Navigation (district-level use is much easier and Back Office, Destiny Discover, Collections all accessible from same tab)
- Time-Saving Automation (this includes a new dashboard that makes it much easier for accessing school and district data)
Interlibrary Loan Working for Barrington Middle School!
Right to Read and School Libraries Act
The Rhode Island General Assembly is considering legislation that could make this a reality. H7888 and S2520 are being held for further study.
Contact House and Senate Committee members, submit written testimony, and contact your senator and representative. School Librarians of Rhode Island (SLRI) has prepared a fact sheet, information on submitting written testimony, and more. See their suggestions here.
If you weren't able to make the SLRI Flatbread Community Bake fundraising event on March 4 but would like to support SLRIβs advocacy efforts to pass the School Libraries Act, please consider sending a donation through the RILA Donations page and indicate SLRI.
We Have Moved to West Bay!
We are now working with the West Bay Collaborative. Changes are being made to the look of our invoices as we streamline services. Please let us know of any changes to district or school staff, either in the business or tech departments. It is easier for everyone if correspondence goes to the appropriate people.
It's Not Too Early to Think About Summer Reading
Our friends at Sora are ready to help
We know how valuable reading practice is during the times school is closed. Students can practice decoding, vocabulary skills, and reading comprehension. Parents and caregivers can work with their students both online and offline on any device.
Action: Please send us your required summer reading lists, topics, and program information when available. Send to info@rilink.org - Subject: Summer Reading. OverDrive will purchase titles and create Sora banners to help students discover the texts. You can link to these titles and collections. Sora is open all summer long!
Exploring Nature Science Education Resources
As we head into spring check the March newsletter for information, resources, and activities about weather, seasons, and the atmosphere. Also included in the newsletter is a survey about how you use Exploring Nature and your input for improvements. They will be revamping their website over the summer.