Montera Middle School eBulletin
December 10, 2023
Important Dates
This Week's Block Schedule: AB - A - AB
Tuesday December 12: 5:00 - 7:00pm Montera Art Show
Wednesday December 13:
- 2:00 - 3:30, Girls Soccer Tryouts
- 4:00 - 6:00pm, Winter Band Concert
Thursday December 14:
- 5:30pm: Winter String and Choir concert
- 7:00 - 8:00pm: PTO Community Meeting and Family Gathering - IN PERSON
Friday December 15, 5:00pm - 7:00pm: ELT WOW Event
Wednesday December 20, 1:30-2:30pm: Teacher Staff Appreciatio CONTRIBUTE NOW
Friday December 22:
- End of Marking Period / End of Semester
- Minimum Day, School Out 1:49pm
Action Items
- Contribute:
- Teacher Staff Holiday Gift Appreciation
- Montera Relief Fund
- Montera Annual Fund 100% Participation Drive
- 8th Grade Activities Fund
- 8th Grade DC Trip Scholarship Fund
- Sign Up for Montera Relief Fund Holiday Gift Drive
- Bring Socks and Gloves for Sock and Mitten Giving Tree
- Sign Up for Montera 5K Run for Education
Teacher Staff Appreciation - PLEASE DONATE TODAY
We need your donations! SIGN UP TODAY Let’s show our appreciation to all the Montera teachers and staff who have worked so hard for our kids this year by pulling our resources together to give teacher and staff gifts.We invite our Montera community to pool money to distribute gift cards evenly to our 90 Montera teachers and staff.
You can also sign up to donate cookies, fruit, and/or wine. SIGN UP HERE
Thank You!
-Candace Johnson, The Montera Hospitality Team
Upcoming Events
PTO Community Meeting and Family Gathering - IN PERSON
PLEASE RSVP. Join us for a meeting and celebration, right after the Winter Orchestra and Choir concert. Pizza will be served! Childcare available - RSVP to reserve your spot!
Thursday Dec 14, 2023 ⋅ 7pm – 8pm
Holiday Gift Drive - Montera Relief Fund
Dear Montera Community,
The Toro community has shown up in impressive ways to help Montera families in need through the Montera Relief Fund. Once again the Montera PTO and Administration Team are working together to host a Holiday Giving Drive to help Toro families in need.
To start the season of giving, we will be filling large holiday bags for 20 families. We are looking for people to donate items that we can fill each of these bags with. You can sign up to donate items on our wish list on sign up genius. Please bring your items to Ms. Harambe in room 100 through Friday, December 15. Examples of donations we need:
- 20 bottles of shampoo/conditioner
- 20 bottles of body wash
- 20 items of shelf-stable food such as peanut butter
- 20 tubes of toothpaste
If you prefer to make a monetary contribution, please make a donation to the Montera Relief Fund. We will use the donations to complete any gift bags that are not filled through Sign-Up Genius, as well as supporting families as the need arises.
Many of the administrators contribute their own time and efforts to bring cheer to Toro families who need it most. But they can’t do it without all of you. Please help us meet our goal of helping multiple Montera families in need this holiday season. Thank you!
Please direct questions to: Ms. Harambe: or Suzanne Lytle:
Sock and Mitten Giving Tree
Montera students are creating a “Sock and Mitten Giving Tree."
Please bring in new pairs of socks or gloves to hang from our Giving Tree in P9.
Socks and gloves will support the women and children of
Questions? Contact Ms. Bruin.
.ELP’s Winter WOW Event
The ELP's Winter Wow event is on 12/15 from 5:00-7:00pm in the MUR.
Prospective Family Tours and Info
Do you know families interested in Montera? Please share registration links for a Virtual Info Night and Family Tour with families considering Montera next year:
- Virtual Info Night Registration (Jan 10, 6-7pm)
- Montera Family Tour Registration
Tour Dates:
- Fri Jan 19, 9:30-11am
- Jan 24, 9:30-11am
We need 4 parents for each tour! Sign up to help on a tour here
Sports Basement Holiday Shopping Party
Happy holidays from Montera and Sports Basement! As a thank you for your continued support we’re giving you up to 20% off at your local Sports Basement store until December 12 - just show this message at the register for your exclusive discount. 10% of the profits made from our Sports Basement Basementeer supporters will go back to Montera!
Important details: Discount not valid during SnowFest events, online or on the following items: e-bikes, rentals, services, and trips. See website for full list of exclusions. 10% Basementeer discount stacks on top of this 11% discount for a total of 20% off for Basementeers! (Because math.) Non-Basementeers receive 11% off.
- Montera Relief Fund: Supports Montera Families in Need
- ANNUAL GIVING FUND: Supports Montera PTO Annual Budget (suggested $450 per student)
- 8th Grade Activities Fund: Supports 8th grade activities (Friendsgiving, Great Adventure, Picnic, Promotion Ceremony) Recommended $100 per 8th Grade Student
- 8th Grade DC Trip Scholarship Fund: Grade DC Trip Scholarship Fund: Support scholarships for the 8th grade DC Trip
- Sports Donations: Supports Montera Sports Program
- Music Donations: Supports Montera Music Program
- Donors Choose: Directly supports projects listed by our teachers
Montera Annual Fund
Here are a few of the many programs that the Montera PTO supports.
- $500 per teacher to spend on classroom materials.
- Funding to purchase clay and maintain the kiln for the ceramics program.
- Stipends for teacher-led lunchtime activities, such as Climate Justice and Cooking Clubs.
Invest in Your Children — Invest in Montera
We are asking families to give what they can. Suggested donation is $450 per student. Donations range from $10-$2,000.
- Make a one-time or monthly donation online via PayPal
- To donate offline, download this form and submit to Montera by mail or drop it off in the school office.
Montera 5K / 1m Run for Education - SIGN UP NOW!
Montera Middle School PTO will be hosting a 5k and 1 mile fun run/walk to raise funds for school supplies, technology or programs that fall outside the school budget with the goal of building an inclusive school community where all can learn and thrive.
The race will take place at Joaquin Miller Park on Sunday, February 25th. SIGN UP HERE
The1 mile race will begin at 9am, followed by the 5k at 9:30am. Grab your shoes, family, and friends and enjoy a day out in nature, while supporting our school.
Can't run or walk that day? Consider doing a virtual run on your own or donating instead.
School Information
Yearbook Updates
PHOTOS: We want your photos! If you have photos of school events or campus candids you think would be great for the yearbook, please email and we'll send you uploading instructions.
DESIGN CONTEST: Enter our cover design contest! All Montera students are encouraged to enter our contest to have your artwork featured on the yearbook cover. Get the rules and all the details here.
Not sure if you've ordered or have other questions? Email
8th Grade Activities and Information
- DONATION: Recommended 8th Grade Activity Donation $100 per 8th grade student: Contribute Here
- QUESTIONS: Activities Questions? Contact Teena Bowie
8th Grade DC Trip
- QUESTIONS: DC Trip Questions:
High School Info Nights
Find all the details and sign up for tours and shadow days on each school's Prospective Families page:
7th Grade Activities and Information
2025 DC Trip - Meeting RECORDING and SLIDES
SIGN UP For those who could not attend, here is a recording of the meeting as well as the Presentation Slides.
Montera Sports
GIRLS SOCCER TRYOUTS: Wednesday December 13, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
DONATE: Step up to the plate and help make Montera Sports a whopping success! DONATE NOW!
Any questions reach out by email to
Meet Montera
Montera's own Ms. Cleveland was recently featured in OUSD's newsletter Staff Shout Outs! Here's what they said:
Lavon Cleveland, Para Educator
"Lavon Cleveland has been a dedicated employee for over 23 years. She has a caringdemeanor and leads by example.She is known for assisting ANY student or staff member in need. Especially during difficult times, she hass been the empathetic problem solverand ambassador of hope. She creates aa culture of learning and belonging that nurtures the entire school community!" -Montera Colleague
Toro Pics
Montera Band at Montclair Stroll
Montera Band at Montclair Stroll
Montera Band at Montclair Stroll
These and many more opportunities are available to our Montera community, OUSD, and beyond. Items appear in the eBulletin for 2 weeks. Please click here for the full list of current programs.
Help is Available for OUSD Community: Care Solace
OUSD has partnered with Care Solace to support our community’s mental health. If you or a family member are looking for help with your mental health or substance use, you can use Care Solace to anonymously find community therapists or treatment programs matched to your needs regardless of circumstances. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided to OUSD students, staff, and their families.
If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
Call 888-515-0595 available 24/7/365 in any language.
Visit and either search on your own , OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
2nd Annual Black Men in White Coats Youth Summit
Kaiser Permanente Undergraduate & Graduate Medical Education is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Black Men in White Coats Youth Summit in 2024!
The in-person event will be held at California State University, East Bay. The goal of the summit is to educate middle school through college students, parents, teachers, and community leaders on what it takes to become a medical professional while allowing them to establish and expand their networks. Kaiser Permanente Undergraduate Medical Education seeks to achieve these goals through robust discussions and activities with dynamic speakers and diverse panelists, educational breakout sessions covering an array of topics including communication skills, CPR workshops, interactive simulation activities, educational guidance from local counselors, and informative workshops for parents.
- Middle school students
- High school students
- College students
- Post-baccalaureate students
- Parents/guardians/caregivers
Summit Date & Time
- March 9, 2024
- 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (doors open at 8:15am for registration and breakfast)
- California State University, East Bay, Hayward Campus: 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd., Hayward, CA 94542
Attendee Registration
- Visit the website for more information and to register:
Oakland Girls Softball League Spring registration is open!
Oakland Girls Softball League Spring registration is open!
OGSL’s mission is to bring the sport of softball to girls aged 5-14. The spring season will start in February and run through May. 1-2 practices on weekdays, games on Saturdays.
Registration Fees are 6U: $215 and 8U, 10U, 12/14U: $275. Registration will remain open until January 12th. If cost is an issue, please email for more information on requesting a fee discount. No one will be turned away for lack of funds!
5km/1m Race-Run-Walk - All ages welcomed!
December 17, 2023
@Joaquin Miller Park
To support Oakland Tech Cross Country + Track & Field
OUSD Parent Wellness Classes: Wednesdays Through December 20th
Hosted by Lance McGee at the Frick Family Resource Center, parent/guardian wellness classes will take place on Wednesdays from November 8 - December 20, 2023 from 9:00am-10:00am. The first five parents/ guardians to sign up will receive a $30 gift card. All OUSD parents/guardians are welcome.
OUSD Webinar: Talking With Your Teen About Sexual Health & Safety (Grades 7-12)
Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023
This webinar will give a brief overview of the Healthy Oakland Teens Sexual Health programming provided in Grades 7 and up in OUSD. We will explore tips, strategies and resources for parents and guardians to have ongoing conversations with their growing adolescent on the topics of sexual health, consent, communication and safety.
How to Stay Informed
Know someone who isn't receiving this eBulletin?
NOTE: If you are a student who would like to receive the eBulletin, you must use an email address outside of OUSD. Student OUSD email addresses are blocked from receiving email from addresses outside of OUSD.
Thanks to Our Sponsors
Want to be a Montera PTO sponsor and have your business promoted weekly in the eBulletin? Please contact
Montera Middle School
eBulletin is produced on a weekly basis by the Montera Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) except on holidays. It sometimes contains ads from our sponsors and/or services from the community. These advertisements do not imply endorsement of any product or service by OUSD or Montera Middle School.
If you have news you'd like to include, please send it to by 5pm on Friday. Submissions may be edited for spelling, grammar, brevity and clarity. In addition, while we strive for accuracy, being human sometimes gets in the way. If you spot something so off the mark we should hang our heads in embarrassment, please bring it to our attention. Thanks!
We Are Montera. We Are One.
Location: 5555 Ascot Drive, Oakland, CA, USA
Phone: (510) 531-6070