Veterans in Hunger
They Served Us, We Serve Them-Group 2
The Issue
Advocacy Project
Take Action
Each person can make a difference by donating to this website. Our website will show people how and where they can donate to food pantries. We will have a PayPal on our website so that people can donate directly to charities that help hungry veterans. Our website will get companies in contact with veterans so they can get jobs and afford food. We will have online applications that veterans can fill out and apply for jobs. Once our website has launched and has been successful, we can take it to other cities. Each city can make a difference by getting companies to hire veterans. Others can help by donating food and money to food banks. If you know a veteran that is struggling to find a job you can contact them and let them know that they can get on this website and get the perfect job.
What We Learned
Brycen-I learned that 1 in 3 people who are hungry are Veterans
Hayden- i learned that one person can make a big difference.
Haylee- I learned that 69 percent of veterans have to choose between paying for utility or food bills every year.
Ethan-20% of the households Feeding America serves has member, whos a veteran or has served in the millitary.
Hutson- I learned that one person can make a big difference
Grant- I learned that veterans are hungry and why.
Oliver- I learned that there are 620,000 veterans that are seeking help from food pantries
Elliott-I learned why veterans are hungry.