A Community School
Make 2025 a Great Year!
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Happy New Year! As we start the new year take some time as a family to create short and long term goals for the year. The new year is a great time to try something new or make a change to an existing habit. Helping children to create goals will help them when they encounter challenging situations.
Quarter 2 ends during the month of January. This is a great opportunity to create goals for the remainder of the school year.
January Important Dates
- Wednesday, January 1- Schools Closed for Winter Break
- Thursday, January 2- School Reopens
- Thursday, January 9- Team BCPS Day (wear blue for BCPS)- see below for details
- Monday, January 20- Schools Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Friday, January 24- Half Day for Students. OMES will dismiss at 12:45 p.m. **last day of quarter 2**
- Wednesday, January 29- Schools Closed for Lunar New Year
February Important Dates
- Monday, February 17- Schools Closed for President's Day
Masked Reader
Woohoo! OMES students have met their goal of reading 70,000 minutes with Amira! To celebrate, we will be hosting the Masked Reader! Make sure to send your student/s to school on Friday, January 24th and Monday, January 27th to participate. They will not want to miss this!
OMES Math Night at Grocery Outlet!
Join Us for Math Night at the Grocery Outlet on Tuesday, January 28th from 5:30-7:00!
We're excited to invite students and their families to an engaging evening of hands-on math activities! At Math Night, students will practice grade-level math activities using everyday items from the Grocery Outlet. Parents/caregivers will learn strategies to support math learning at home and how to make math fun and relevant in everyday situations. Plus, all participants who complete the evaluation will be entered into a raffle to win a McDonald's Happy Meal and Grocery Outlet gift card! We hope to see you there! Please see the attached flyer for more details- Math Night RSVP Both.pdf
Grocery Outlet is located at 11120 Reisterstown Road Owings Mills, MD 21117
Return the RSVP that was sent home.
Music Concert Save the Dates!
Join us for an evening of music as OMES presents in concert:
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
5:45 pm- 2nd grade Vocal Concert
6:45 pm- 3rd Grade Vocal Concert
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
5:45 pm- 4th Grade Vocal Concert
6:45 pm- 5th Grade Instrumental Concert
More information and an RSVP slip will be sent home closer to each of the concert dates. We hope to see you there!
OMES Music Teachers
Ms. Mountcastle, vocal music (k-2nd, 4th, 5th), emountcastle@bcps.org
Mrs. Scheetz, instrumental and vocal music (3rd), cscheetz2@bcps.org
Team BCPS Day
Every year on Team BCPS Day the entire community is invited to wear blue. We hope to see all students and staff dressed in their best blue on Thursday, January 9th!
Car Rider Line Safety Rules
Please make sure that if you are dropping off or picking up your child at OMES that you follow the following car rider line safety rules:
- Pull all the way down.
- Stay in the car rider line. Do not cut out of the line early.
- Stay in your car. Staff will help get your child in or out of the car.
- Do not double park. Stay in your car in the car rider line.
- To exit follow the cars through the parking lot. Please do not make a U-turn or cut out of the line early.
- Exit onto Reisterstown Road making a right hand turn. No left turns out of the parking lot.
Bus Etiquette
Owings Mills Elementary School Bus Rider Families,
We have had an increase in incidents happening on buses recently. Please see below for an important reminder of bus expectations as well as consequences that can result from students not following these expectations.
Bus behavior expectations are important and are outlined in the BCPS handbook. When students follow these expectations, it helps to ensure a safe environment on the school bus for all students.
Please review these with your students so they will understand that the school bus is an extension of the classroom and the behavioral expectations in the classroom also apply to school buses.
- Follow driver instructions the first time.
- Stay seated in your assigned seat at all times.
- Keep aisle, windows, and emergency exits clear.
- Use an inside voice at all times (Level 1-2).
- Keep body parts/objects to yourself.
- Treat others with respect at all times.
- No inappropriate use of technology devices.
- No photos, videos, or laser pointers allowed.
- No profanity or rude behavior.
- No tobacco products or illegal substances.
- No eating/drinking and keep the bus clean.
Violations of the rules above may result in the following consequences:
- Warning
- Parent phone call
- Assigned seat on the bus
- Bus suspension
- Bus expulsion
BCPS Bus Locator App for Families
BCPS is pleased to announce the countywide implementation of BusWhere, a location-tracking software that allows subscribers to see bus locations in real time on a mobile phone or computer. Via the BusWhere app, subscribers may receive notifications as the bus approaches a designated bus stop or if there are significant delays.
For more information, check out the BusWhere information sheet- BusWhere information.pdf. If you have additional questions please get in touch with the BCPS Office of Transportation at 443-809-4321 or utilize the BusWhere Assistance Request Form- https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=3cPDSRs_g0GOdLONSDpa_bVjgy6GIuVGmGJmus4Mp_NUNllMSjRYWExBNVlQSEUwRFZFNlcyWExBRyQlQCN0PWcu
Attendance Matters- OMES SOARS to 94
Data from December
Attendance Rate for all students- 92.19%
PreK- 88.41%
Kindergarten- 92.57%
1st grade- 92.80%
2nd grade- 91.93%
3rd grade- 91.47%
4th grade- 91.67%
5th grade- 92.66%
We can do better! Let's get January's attendance rate up above 94%!
Research shows that attendance is one of the leading predictors of academic achievement and adult success. Our school attendance goal for students this year is to maintain an attendance rate of at least 94%. Check out this flyer for more information about the importance of having good attendance at school.
Parent Attendance Tips-Elementary.pdf
Parent Attendance Tips-Elementary (SPANISH).pdf
What does it mean to be chronically absent?
A student is considered chronically absent if they have missed 10% of the total number of school days. Last year at OMES there were 203 students or 27.47% of students were chronically absent from school. This was a decrease from the year before but we can do better!
Did You Know?
Bringing your child to school late or taking your child out before the end of the school day counts as time missed from school per the Maryland State Department of Education. All students participate in learning from bell to bell. When they arrive late or leave early, they miss opportunities for learning, small group instruction, and application of newly learned skills. Minutes add quickly to hours and days! Arriving late and leaving early from school should not be a regularly occurring practice. Help your student SOAR to 94 with bell-to-bell instruction! If there is a barrier to regular and timely attendance, contact our Attendance Committee Lead, Ms. Phillips, assistant principal, at kphillips3@bcps.org.
How can you help your child SOAR to 94?
- Establish a bedtime routine that includes a bedtime (students in elementary school need 9-11 hours of sleep a day)
- Pick out clothes the night before
- Pack backpack with homework the night before
- Establish a morning routine
- Schedule appointments around school hours
- Use the attendance tracker to help you track days absent from school
Attendance Tracker-Elementary.jpg
OMES Attendance Incentive
Our attendance rate for the month of December was 92.19%. The grade with the best attendance rate was first grade! Each classroom will receive various board and card games for indoor recess.
Families thank you for being such a big part of ensuring that your students are in school each day. Please keep it up!
Touchdown! Will your child SOAR to 94?
We will continue our attendance incentive that we started in November. Each class is working to score a touchdown. Classes with 100% attendance will move 10 yards down the football field. Classes with 94% or better attendance will move 5 yards down the football field.
For the first 2 touchdowns a class scores, you will earn a small prize. If your class scores a third touchdown during the quarter, your class will earn a pizza party!!! Ask your child if their class has scored a touchdown!
Congratulations to the following classes that have already scored a touchdown in quarter 2!
Ms. Diener
Ms. Gibson
Ms. Dewel
Ms. Knicely
Ms. Price
Ms. Farmer
Ms. Robinson
Ms. Powell
Ms. McCallister
Ms. Clark
Ms. Saylor
Mr. Fowler
Mr. Nave
Ms. Anthony
Ms. Smith
Ms. Taylor
Ms. Dixon's class has scored 2 touchdowns
Basketball Attendance Madness
Starting January 27th we will begin our Basketball Attendance Madness Tournament. Classes will be seeded against each other for the week. The class with the best attendance for the week will move on to face another class. The winning class will win slime and a treat!
Each grade will also be working to score 100 points to earn 10 extra minutes of recess! Each class in the grade will contribute to scoring points. If the class has 94% or better attendance for the day, they score one point. If the class has 100% attendance for the day, they score two points. If the whole grade has 94% or better attendance, they earn the golden basketball which scores five points. If the whole grade has 100% attendance, they earn the super golden basketball which scores ten points.
Create a Parent FOCUS Account
Creating a parent FOCUS account is a great way to stay connected to what your child is doing in school. You can monitor your child's grades and attendance throughout the year. Click the link to create your account- https://baltimore.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/
Create a Parent Schoology Account
Creating a parent Schoology account is a great way to see what your child is doing in school. Follow the directions to create your account today!
English- Creating a Parent Account in Schoology.pdf
Spanish- Creating a Parent Account in Schoology- Spanish.pdf
Curriculum Resources
Math Matters!
All grade levels will be focusing on Unit 4 of the math curriculum from now until the end of January. Be sure to read the grade-level specific newsletter, which will provide detailed information about the focus of this unit and how you can support your child at home during the unit. We encourage you to stay informed and engaged with your child's learning!
ELA News
Happy New Year! This month, all grades will be working on Module 5. Take a look at your child's specific grade-level newsletter to explore what topics they will be reading about, what skills they will be learning, and what will inspire their writing. Have conversations with them related to the topics they are learning in reading to build background and make connections to their lives. If you are not already doing so, make it a New Year's resolution to check Schoology weekly to support your child's learning and track their growth!
Continue reading with Amira at home! Set a goal for the New year with your student to read at least one story on Amira each night. You can support them by listening to their reading and holding them accountable. The more they read, the more they will learn!
Caliday at OMES (before and after school program)
Caliday Before and After School Care hopes everyone had a safe, fun, and relaxing Holiday Season! We know how much our Caliday children enjoyed this special time with family and friends, but for any family in search of care for the 2024-2025 school year, we are still accepting enrollments!
Join Caliday at OMES for a convenient and fun before and after care experience! Spaces are filling up fast, so reserve your space now. Begin the process online at //www.caliday.org/getstarted or by calling 410-377-0227! See flyer for more details.
Students Need Headphones with a Microphone!
Please make you to send in a pair of headphones with a microphone for your child to use at school with their computer. Our independent reading program, AMIRA, requires students to be able to listen to their device and speak into their device. Using headphones with a microphone allows AMIRA to accurately evaluate and help your child with reading. See the flyer for more information about AMIRA.
Cafeteria Corner
If students bring in money to purchase snacks and change is due to the student, it will be added to their lunch account. Please contact Marvin Young, cafeteria manager, at myoung11@bcps.org or by calling the main office at 443-809-1710.
PTO Corner
You can still join the PTO. Scan the QR code on the flyer (English- PTO- membership drive.pdf Spanish- PTO- membership drive Spanish.pdf or join by clicking this link- https://omespto.cheddarup.com
OMES Community School Corner
OMES Club Updates
Kindness Club
The OMES Kindness Club spent the month of December writing staff notes of appreciation. Those notes were delivered to staff members along with a special treat. We also helped the PTO set-up for the Holiday Shop and participated in the monthly food distribution. We are excited to continue spreading kindness throughout the school and community in 2025!
1st Grade Dance Club
The 1st Grade Dance Team has been working extremely hard learning new dance moves. These students are exhibiting strong work ethic and courage. They are excited to perform March 18th at the Spring Concert.
New Clubs in 2025
New clubs will be starting in February of 2025. Be on the look out for more information about the different clubs and grade levels that are invited.
Nurse's Corner
BCPS Health Guidelines: Students and staff who develop a respiratory infection (fever (equal or greater than 100° Fahrenheit) with cough, sore throat, and/or runny nose) should stay home until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and their symptoms are improving. Additionally, your child should stay home if any vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours. Call the doctor if they had had these symptoms for over two days or if a cough is not improving. Please call the nurse if you have questions about bringing your child to school. Remember that someone must be available to pick your child up from school if they become sick during the school day.
BCPS When to Stay Home (English): When to Stay Home - Baltimore County Public Schools (bcps.org)
BCPS When to Stay Home (Spanish): HERE IS A GUIDE TO HELP YOU DECIDE WHEN TO KEEP A CHILD HOME FROM SCHOOL_Spanish.pdf (sharpschool.com)
Change of Clothes: Please send your student to school with layers so that they will be comfortable if the classroom is warm, but it is cool outside. Remember to send an extra change of clothes that they can keep in their locker. There are many reasons students may need a change due to a spill, bathroom accident, wet from rain/mud, or an illness.
Please see the attached flyer from the Health Department about an important health concern related to vape products. Warning Regarding Current Vape Products.pdf
OMES Food Distribution
Time: 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Where: Community School Cottage (pull to the end of the parking lot to the Community School Cottage)
**Don't forget your reusable bags**
food distribution flyer- January.pdf
Numbers will be passed out starting at 3:30. One number per family. You may not get a number for someone else.
Stay in the Know About Snow Days
Now that we are in winter, make sure you know BCPS plans for snow days. During the 2024-2025 school year, BCPS will have traditional inclement weather days where school are closed for days 1, 2, and 3. Starting on the 4th day, BCPS will transition to virtual learning. During virtual learning schools will operate on a 2-hour delay schedule.
More information about BCPS' inclement weather policy click here- https://www.bcps.org/about_us/emergency_notifications_school_closings_and_delays
Library Corner
Winter Reading Challenge from BCPL:
Get ready to read, score and win! The Winter Reading Challenge is back by popular demand. For a third year, we are partnering with Towson University Athletics to offer a "library day" at two of their basketball games in winter 2025. This year, the challenge is expanding to include those in sixth through 12th grades, thanks to Foundation for Baltimore County Public Library.
Children in kindergarten through 12th grade can win a complimentary ticket to one of the games and other completion prizes by taking part in our Winter Reading Challenge. It runs Monday, December 9 through Friday, January 31.
- Families can register on Beanstack, download the game board (PDF) or pick one up at any of our 19 branches.
- For every 20 minutes read, the child will be able to color one basketball.
- When all 20 basketballs are colored in, submit the paper game board to a library staff member to get your completion sticker. Those playing on Beanstack do not need to come in for the completion sticker.
Physical Education Corner
Important PE Notes:
- Please check your child's P.E. day(s), the students will need safe tennis shoes/sneakers for safe play in P.E. class. Boots are not safe for active play. Students can bring an extra pair of tennis shoes to keep in their locker.
- All students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to the gym.
Thank you for your support of the OMES Physical Education program!
Mrs. Cohen and Mr. Reyda
Partner Spotlight
Student Support Network
The Student Support Network partners with OMES to help our students. OMES is provided with food, backpacks, shoes, and coats from the Student Support Network.The Student Support Network's mission is to provide food, basic necessities, and advocacy to support the well-being of Baltimore County Public School students in need. We are fortunate for this partnership.
January Virtue of the Month
Each month our school will focus on a virtue throughout the month. Students will learn about the virtue during their class morning meetings. One day during the month students will participate in the monthly Family Reunion that will also focus on the virtue.
The virtue for January is orderliness. Orderliness means arranging and disposing in a neat, tidy manner or in a regular sequence.
Talk with your child about how he/she can exhibit orderliness in school, at home, with the environment, and in the community. This link provides different resources to incorporate orderliness at home- January virtue.pdf. Parents may email any pictures of their child showing acceptance to Rachel Mills, Community School Facilitator, at rmills@bcps.org.
The following students were nominated for Student Ambassador for the month of December
Ms. Cimildora- Legend B.
Ms. Danilin- Jrue C.
Ms. Knicely- Kaleb P.
Ms. Krivak- Giselle C.
Ms. Pirkl- Ivania A.
Ms. Ridgley- Mercy H.
Ms. Taylor- Bryce J.
Ms. Collier- Fares S.
Ms. McCallister- Theo H.
Ms. Saylor- Ihuoma N.
Ms. Simmonds- Julia M.
Ms. Smith- Zoe L.
Ms. Bodoin- Abdulwaris S.
Ms. Farmer-Mahilia J.
Mr. Nave- Bryce W.
Ms. Price- Cataleya W.
Ms. Robinson- Scarlett S.
Ms. Smeltzer- Roman A.
Ms. Miller- Liana G.
Ms. Diener- Mia K.
Ms. Powell- Dominick D.
Mr. Krivak- Kiyah S.
Ms. Clark- Sincere F.
Ms. DeBord- Antoine R.
Ms. Dewel- Davon J.
Ms. Dixon- Mia L.
Mr. Fowler- William G.
Ms. Gibson- Tyler C.
Ms. Anthony- Chase F.
Mr. Lipo- Marie S.
Ms. Berry- King C.
December School Wide Ambassador
December School Wide Ambassador
Stay Connected- Talking Points
1. Download the Talking Points App
2. Click on Settings
3. Click Personal Information
4. Select the language you would like
Volunteer Training
If you would like to volunteer or attend a field trip, you must complete the BCPS Volunteer Training.
Step 1: Complete a BCPS Volunteer Application- https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_9046799/File/Updated%20Documents/Application%20for%20Volunteer%20Services%20ADA.pdf or get a paper copy from the school.
Step 2: Complete the Online Volunteer Orientation- https://bcpsvolunteers-md.safeschools.com/register/0c626573
Step 3: All Volunteer Applications and Certificate from the online training must be given to Rachel Mills or emailed to rmills@bcps.org.
For more information- https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/b_c_p_s_volunteers
Community Resources
Food Assistance Resources
The Baltimore County Department of Social Services offers programs and services designed to help residents in financial need who meet income-eligibility requirements, as well as resources to provide food assistance for Baltimore County families, including:
- Senior Food Assistance- Seniors experiencing food access needs may call 410-887-2594 or email aginginfo@baltimorecountymd.gov
- Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Food and Nutrition Services—Learn more about the food assistance programs offered through BCPS.
- SNAP Emergency Allotments—The Maryland Department of Human Services has been approved to issue SNAP emergency allotments to all current SNAP households. Learn more about SNAP to see if you qualify for monthly benefits to help purchase food.
- Pet Food Assistance—Learn how to receive pet food assistance from the Baltimore Humane Society or make donations to their Bmore Kind Pet Food Bank.
The Food Pantry Locator is available here.
Community Crisis Center- www.communitycrisiscenterinc.org
725 Main Street Reisterstown
Drive thru distributions: Monday 5:00-7:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Serving zip codes: 21048, 21071, 21074, 21155, 21117, 21136, 21784 You will be required to provide ID and proof of address
BCPS Parent University- https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/parent_university
Resource website from Towson University for teachers and families of Multilingual Learners- https://wp.towson.edu/tesol/
Need a car seat?
MileOne Autogroup has a community car seat program where they give car seats out to families each month. Visit the Owings Mills Toyota to pick up a car seat. For more information check out their flyer- English- MileOne Cares- information about car seats.pdf
Spanish- MileOne Cares- information about car seats Spanish.pdf
Latino Economic Development Center- https://www.ledcmetro.org/about
The Latino Economic Development Center helps Latinos and other underserved communities with the skills and financial tools to create a better future. Check out their site to see what they offer.