College and Career Newsletter
For parents/guardians of Seniors at Briggs HS
Meet Ms. Natalie Cosgray
Hi Parents and Guardians of Cohort 2025 Seniors!
My name is Natalie Cosgray and I'm a College and Career Advisor for I Know I Can, a non-profit post secondary access organization in Columbus, Ohio. I work at Briggs HS in collaboration with the counseling and student support teams to provide college and career readiness workshops, events, 1:1 and group advising to students and families.
We've had such a busy and successful fall with your students, so I've created this newsletter to update you on what's been going on and inform you of some action steps you can take to support your students in finalizing a post-secondary pathway after high school.
This site was created so there is easy access to important information, events, deadlines and requirements to support Briggs students in following their dreams after high school. There is a specific page for Parents and Guardians of Seniors. Please save this website and check-in regularly to find updated information.
Post-Secondary Advising Requirements for Seniors
Columbus City Schools and I Know I Can have partnered together to determine best practices for senior post-secondary advising. Ms. Cosgray's goal is to meet with each senior at least three times throughout the academic year. In advising meetings with Ms. Cosgray, students are tasked with selecting a post-secondary pathway that reflects what they want to do after high school. Pathways come with a set of requirements that will support students in following through with their graduation plans.
Post-Secondary Pathways and Requirements:
1. 4-year College Pathway: College application(s), fee waiver, FAFSA
2. 2-year College, Certificate and Trade School Pathway: College/program application(s), fee waiver, FAFSA
3. Job/Career Pathway: Job application, resume/cover letter, job/career survey
4. Military Pathway: ASVAB test, meet with a recruiter
Fall Recap
The main focus for quarters 1 and 2 was on students who selected a college-based post-secondary pathway to ensure they are set to meet deadlines for applications, scholarships and financial aid. Through this focus, there have been various college application workshops, rep visits from colleges, college fairs and college visits hosted for the seniors. If your student wants to go to college after high school but has not met with Ms. Cosgray, please encourage them to reach out to her ASAP.
Ms. Cosgray can be found in the counseling wing in room 138a M, T, W and F. Students can also schedule a meeting with her through this link: https://scheduler.zoom.us/ncosgray-briggs/senior-college-career
As we head into the Spring, Ms. Cosgray will simultaneously focus on college-bound and career-bound seniors. Financial aid, scholarships, resumes, cover letters and job interviews are a few subjects that will be covered in workshops run by Ms. Cosgray and the senior support team. Students are made aware of these workshops in their senior class meetings on Friday during their focus period. Please remind your students to attend these meetings in order to stay up to date with important information!
The Columbus Promise - A Free Opportunity for ALL CCS Graduates
Your student can attend Columbus State Community College for FREE
What: The City of Columbus, Columbus City Schools, I Know I Can and Columbus State Community College have collaborated to provide the Columbus Promise, a scholarship available to every CCS high school graduate from 2025 to attend Columbus State tuition free with an additional $500 per semester for educational expenses. Additionally, Columbus Promise Scholars receive exclusive advising and support to develop skills, behaviors, and habits that contribute to success in and beyond college.
1. Apply to Columbus State through their website
2. Student and parent/guardians complete the FAFSA
3. Create an IKIC portal account and complete the form for the scholarship
Who?: EVERY graduating student from CCS is eligible for the Columbus Promise regardless of GPA and citizenship status. Please encourage your students to apply to Columbus State as a back-up plan so they have the option to attend school tuition free if all other plans fail.
Help your student complete the FAFSA!
Students who are planning on attending any type of college or post-secondary program are HIGHLY encouraged to fill out the FAFSA in order to be considered for financial aid.
Students can complete the FAFSA at Briggs with Ms. Cosgray, at home with parents/guardians or at an evening FAFSA workshop hosted by I Know I Can.
In order for your student to successfully complete the FAFSA, you (parents/guardians) will need to do a few things:
1. Create an FSA ID (if you don't already have one) by following the instructions here: https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch. This will give you access to a personalized account that will allow you to input your information to your student's account and sign-off on it once completed. Each parent/guardian should create an FSA ID.
2. Provide your student with your birthday, email and social security #, or sit with them as they fill out the first part of their FAFSA where they are required to enter that information for each parent/guardian. Students will need your birthday, email and social security # if they are filling out the FAFSA at school with Ms. Cosgray. If you are sending this information to school with your student, please encourage them to keep it somewhere safe so your personal information is protected.
3. Complete your section of the FAFSA once your student invites you to their page. Once your student has input your information, you will receive an email inviting you to add to their FAFSA form.
I Know I Can is hosting several FAFSA workshops throughout Columbus over the next few months to support students and families with completing this task. If you would like to attend a workshop, please sign up here. Only 1 sign-up is required of each family! *Make sure your FSA ID is created more than 3 days prior to the workshop you register for so your account can be verified!