Classroom Rules Poster
A Back to School Template
Dear Teachers,
Here's a template for developing your classroom rules.
At the top of the template are some basic guidelines, with images to match, to help you get started. In the bottom half of the template, you'll find resources for helping you to develop the perfect guidelines for your room.
Once you're done, you can print it out and post in on your classroom wall. Even more effective, share it with families via email and social!
(NOTE: Make sure there is diversity represented in these pics below :)
Rule 1: We Are Safe
- How we manage our bodies
- How we manage our words
- How we follow safety procedures
- How we treat each other
Rule 2: We Are Respectful
- How we use words
- How we listen
- How we treat each other
- How we treat materials and our space
Rule 3: We Try Hard & Work Our Best
- How we enter into the classroom space
- How we approach our classwork
- How we approach our homework
- How we manage ourselves
Resources for Developing Classroom Rules
Develop Classroom Rules Hand in Hand with Students
Lesson plans for developing classroom norms with students and fostering a collaborative classroom community.
Establish Practices That Help Students Be in Community
Here's a starter video on Restorative Justice Circles, a practice that establishes an equitable framework for classroom management and discipline.