The Prowler
Week of March 27, 2023
From Mr. Moreno's Desk:
Teachers, Staff, Parents, and Students,
Thank you to all our parents who attended our Spring Open House. Overall, we had a great turnout! Thank you our teachers and staff that were present to meet and greet our wonderful parents. Last week marked the third week of the fifth six weeks. Accordingly, progress reports will be issued out this Wednesday.
Parents...please be reminded that we are just weeks away from administering the STAAR Assessments. We are holding Saturday Academies to provide extra assistance to students needing the help. There are four more Saturday Academies scheduled: April 1, April 15, April 22, and April 29.
Monday, March 27, 2023
- TELPAS Testing
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
- ARD Meetings (R. Moreno)
- Region One Math Coaching
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
- Regular School Day
- Progress Reports Issued
Thursday, March 30, 2023
- Middle School Math Matters Walkthroughs
- College/University Day
- Teacher Inservice
Saturday, April 1, 2023
- Saturday Academy 8:00-12:00
- RHMS District Meet @ Lyford
Mrs. Davila's 6th Grade Class At Work
Congratulation to our RHMS Symphonic & Honor Bands
Saturday Academy #1
Remind App
A friendly reminder to all our RHMS parents...If you have not yet done so, Mr. Moreno highly encourages all parents to join the Remind App. Information regarding upcoming activities/events, The Prowler newsletter, and other important campus information is shared weekly via Remind. Here are the codes you need by grade level:
5th Grade: Text: @gk3dd3 To: 81010
6th Grade: Text: @mrmorenorh To: 81010
7th Grade: Text: @hkbb6dh To: 81010
8th Grade: Text: @6hh9kef To: 81010
“I think teachers are at their best, not when they are delivering a brilliantly innovative lesson...but when they are demonstrating patience and compassion toward a student who is struggling. @SteeleThoughts
“You might never remember the most powerful conversation you have with a student...but that student will. @SteeleThoughts
“Rarely does anyone see the scars, the heart break, the extra hours, the sacrifice. But those who recognize that success requires all that and more, will cherish it deeply when success comes their way.” @drmike_goddard
Rio Hondo Middle School
Vision: Academic Excellence and Success
Mission: The Mission of the Rio Hondo Independent School District is to educate every student by creating an environment of high expectations, innovation, and strong partnerships.Email:
Location: 23001 State Highway 345
Phone: 956-748-1150
Twitter: @rhms_bobcats