Somewhere in the Middle
MS Counseling - EHSS May/June 2023
In this Month's Issue...
- Reflections from Mrs. Silvis
- Parent Resources
- Social Media Spotlight
- Important Dates to Remember
Reflections from the Trenches...
Before we get into that though, I want to wrap this school year up with reflection and apologies. Though my very best intentions were at heart, this winter proved to be extremely heavy and difficult, making it feel impossible to keep up on, and have follow through with, some of the important plans I had laid the groundwork for. It was my goal at the start of the year to build a foundation of communication with my Hemingway Middle School families by way of this very newsletter. I have truly loved the time I have been able to set aside to research and plan them out. Before I knew it, it was May and my last newsletter was sent out in DECEMBER! I am embarrassed to admit that, but even more determined to have a better run at it next year! There is always room for improvement.
Additionally, I had found an amazing group curriculum geared toward Anxiety and Depression and was beyond thrilled to put it into action. I had several referrals for an anxiety group that was intended to begin in January. That too got hijacked by life and individual student needs/crisis that had to be front and center. I do, however, have my list of referrals, my group curriculum and my desire all in tact and ready to jump into this group experience at the START of next year. Taking a proactive approach in hopes it may lead to less reactivity.
This year has reminded me that there are times that our 'best of intentions' simply are not enough to get all that we intend to accomplish actually done. This winter I found myself doing far more mental health and behavioral crisis intervention than I ever have had in the past. I have my own theories as to why this is, but I'm still mulling those over. The bottom line though is that our students have been struggling and this year for some, it reached a boiling point. I am honored and feel privileged to be in a position to dive in and help these kids in literally any way I can. I will continue doing this work but will also plan next year with crisis and trauma interventions in mind. I will be more proactive with my foundational work and work even harder to have systems and responses laid out before they are needed. There's that saying about building the plane while in the air....well, more than a few times it has felt just like that.
Thank you for all the patience, insights and collaborations I have had with many of you. It's been a year, no doubt! I am excited as ever to get some downtime this summer and to be back at it next year with my Hemingway family!
~Amanda Silvis
Parent Resources - Your Tween/Teen's Well Being
Recent Articles Worth the Time!
Websites/Social Media
Parenting Teens and Tweens
Coaching with Will
Grown and Flown
Books - Hot off the Press!
TWEENS - What kids need NOW, before the teenage years
The Emotional Lives of Teenagers
Social Media Spotlight
One Stop Shop!
End of Year Dates to Remember
Middle School Fall Sports - Parent Meeting
Sports Available:
6th - 8th graders = Cross Country
7th & 8th only = Football, Volleyball and Soccer
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 06:00 PM
WRMS - Cafeteria
LAST DAY of SCHOOL - Early Release
Thursday, Jun 8, 2023, 12:30 PM
8th Grade Advancement Ceremony & Celebration
Thursday, Jun 8, 2023, 01:30 PM
EHSS - Gymnasium
Returning Student Registration
Amanda Silvis
Phone: 208-578-5054