Sage Elementary
School Schedule
8:45am - Students May Enter the School
8:55am - Tardy Bells Rings
3:25pm - School Ends (2:25pm on Wednesdays)
Monday January 9 - See's Candy Fundraiser begins
Tuesday January 10 - PTC Meeting 4:00pm in the Library
Monday January 16 - No School in Observance of Martin Luther King Day
Monday January 23 - See's Candy Fundraiser ends
Friday January 27 - No School Elementary, Teacher Preparation Day
Monday January 30 - Crazy Hair Day!
Monday January 30 - Jump-A-Thon begins
Canned Food Drive Results
Lost and Found
Bring Your P.E. Shoes
Thank you for your help!
Early Pick-ups
- Notify the office, as early as you can, if you are picking up your child for an appointment. When picking up your child early, please come to the front door of the school for your child's safety.
- Call before 2:30pm (1:30pm on Wednesdays) if you need to change your child's after school plans.
- Do not pick up your child early to avoid parking lot congestion. Research shows coming to school late and early pick-up can negatively affect student performance. Early pickups are recorded as missing part of the day.
We want to team with you so your child has a positive learning environment.
See's Candy
Our PTC is having a See's Candy Fundraiser from January 9th to January 23rd Students will collect orders and payment. See's will ship the order to Sage and our PTC will notify families when their order arrives. There will be class prizes for the most sales. Information will go home with students soon.
We appreciate your support!