BSD Family Updates
For Bremerton School District students & families
Monday, December 9, 2024
Winter break is just two weeks away!
We've got lots of festive events and activities planned during the next two weeks. It is a fun time of year! Please encourage your student(s) to power through these next to weeks (we know it can be hard with lots of distractions!). Let's finish strong! 💪
Have you completed your Impact Aid form?
This is the FINAL WEEK to submit your Federal Impact Aid Form.
If you haven't completed the form, you've likely heard from us via email. Maybe more than once. 😁
Why do we ask for these forms?
Every year the Bremerton School District must apply for Federal Impact Aid funds from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds compensate the District for the loss of local tax dollars due to families living in tax exempt federal property in the Bremerton area.
The District receives more than $300,000 in funding from the annual Impact Aid survey. Funds are used for basic education programs districtwide - benefiting all BSD students!
It is critical that we receive this completed form information from every household in the District (one per family).
If you haven't already, we invite you to log-into Skyward to complete this form online. A paper copy of the form is available upon request at any of our schools or by emailing Student.Data@BremertonSchools.org.
The district only reports the number of students living with families who live on and/or work on federal property. We do not report information about individual students to the Department of Education.
If you have more questions, contact our Student Data Team at 360-473-1076 or Student.Data@BremertonSchools.org. Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Registration for Jump Start to Kindergarten at Naval Avenue Elementary now open!
We are delighted to announce that we are opening our JumpStart to Kindergarten program at Naval Avenue Elementary. If your child is going to Kindergarten next year in the Bremerton School District, they are eligible for this program. Space is limited so sign-up today!
Winter weather communications
Please familiarize yourself with our winter weather communication plan so you know how we will keep you informed about school closures and delays. Thank you!
Have you activated your ParentSquare account?
Did you know that ParentSquare lets you choose your communication preferences? Even if you don't want to use the mobile app, if you log in to your ParentSquare app on your computer, you can choose how you get updates from the District and your child's school, and how OFTEN.
You can choose to receive communication via text message, app notification and/or emails - and choose if you want them instantly or digested and sent once a day at 6 p.m.
Ready to give it a try? Here is an introduction video to help you get started! Visit www.ParentSquare.com and log in using the email we have for you in Skyward!
Need help getting your account activated? Drop us a note at Communications@BremertonSchools.org.
Mental Health Resource for Students
What's happening at the PAC
See what school and community events are happening at the Bremerton High School Performing Arts Center at www.bhs.bremertonschools.org/pac.
Background photo: BHS Theatre Arts Students who produced and acted in the "Mean Girls" musical in November.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Phone: 360-473-1000
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