September 27, 2024
Last Day of School is June 13, 2025
Due to the delay of school, the board has approved the revision of the school calendar. We will add one day at the end of the year. School will now end on June 13, 2025.
Please note: Graduation date remains June 15, 2025. The location is to be deteremined.
Universal ID Cards
Did your student bring home the ID Card?
We have already seen excellent results from those students using the Universal ID Cards. Schools are reviewing how to use the card on the bus and at lunch. Most schools have passed out the cards and are "practicing" routines.
We encourage you to ask your students:
- What are the procedures at school for using the card?
- Did you have your card ready to swipe when getting on the bus?
- Where will you put your card so you have it each morning before you leave for school?
We know this is new and will take a team effort in creating new habits. Student safety is a priority, and efficient operations improve everyone's experience.
Check your email weekly for announcements
Instead of sending home paper copies, we have gone electronic. Each Friday at noon, you receive an email with community events, activities and resources. There is also a link on our website with all the flyers. Stay connected, stay engaged!
Attendance and Reporting Absences
Attendance is extremely important to a student's success.
If you do not report them absent, an automated email/phone/text message will be sent indicating you child has an unexcused absence.
Not familar with reporting an absence in Skyward? Instructions are posted on our school websites. Look for the Attendance Icon.
Free & Reduced Meal Applications
Submit applications by October 15!
The federal Free & Reduced Meal Applications are now available. We strongly encourage all parents/guardians to submit a Meal Application who qualify even though our elementary schools received free meals. Without applications, schools may not qualify in the future. Completing an application takes less than 10 minutes, and parents only need to complete one Meal Application.
EVERY ELIGIBLE FORM COUNTS! Every eligible form that is not submitted means lost resources for our schools.
It's not to late!
If you are new to Washington or have recently moved, you can easily register or update your address online. You have until October 28.
Ballots will be mailed October 10, but you can print a ballot from
CARE Event - October 9
CARE Event
We, YCS and the entire community, CARE about your future. Exploring College, Career, Apprenticeship, Resources and Education Options are a crucial stepping stone toward shaping your professional journeys. The event is open to the public and is meant to support families and students. Come visit with these representatives and learn about opportunities to support individual and family development.We even have a STEM event for students K-5. Don't miss the opportunity to connect with these resources. Check out the list of organizations ready to talk with you on our website.
If you need accommodations, submit an Accessibility & Effective Communication Form.
Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024, 05:00 PM
Yelm High School, West Yelm Avenue, Yelm, WA, USA
Check website calendars for activities and events.
Sept 26: Board Meeting @ District Office 6pm
Sept 29: Nisqually Day
Oct 9: CARE Event @ YHS 5-7pm (Open to the Public)
Oct 10: Board Meeting @ Yelm High School 6pm
Oct 14: Board Retreat @ District Office 5-7pm
Oct 24: Board Meeting @ District Office 6pm
Nov 5: General Election
Stay Connected
Yelm Community Schools does not discriminate in any programs, activities or employment opportunities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights: Doyla Buckingham, 360.458.1900,; Title IX Coordinator: Lisa Cadero-Smith, 360.458.6120,; and HIB & 504 Coordinator: Shannon Powell, 360.458.6124, Address: 107 First St N, PO Box 476, Yelm, WA 98597.