SAU #34 Community News
April 24, 2024

SAU #34 Community Newsletter
Please scroll down to access a wide range of information and links about what is happening all across SAU #34.
If you have trouble opening any of the links, please scroll to the top and click on the picture of the SAU sign. That will bring you out of the email preview and into the actual newsletter, all the links will work from there.
Upcoming Important Dates
- April 22-26 Spring Break
- May 1 H-DES Pre-School Parent Info Night 5pm
- May 6-10 Staff Appreciation Week
- May 6 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Library Media Center
- May 8
- Early Release for Students
- SAU # 34 Fun Fest! 4:45-6pm on main Hillsboro-Deering Campus, all SAU #34 Students, Families, Staff, and Community Members invited!
- May 13 Washington School Board Meeting 6pm WES Art Room
- May 18 H-DHS Prom 7-11pm La Pièce, Tilton, NH
- May 20 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Library Media Center
- May 21 National Honor Society Induction 6pm H-DHS
- May 23 Hillsboro-Deering Middle & High School Combined Concert 6pm H-DMS
- May 27 Memorial Day Holiday: All Schools and Offices Closed
- May 28 SAU 34 Board Meeting 6pm H-DHS Media Center
- May 29
- H-D Kindergarten Parent Information NIght 5pm H-DES
- Incoming 6th Grade Parent Information Night 6pm H-DMS
- June 3 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Library Media Center
- June 4 Senior Awards and Scholarship Night 5:30pm H-DHS
- June 5
- Senior Walk 8:40am H-D Campus
- H-DHS SPring Sports Awards 6pm H-DHS
- June 6 Class of 2024 Car Parade 6pm Osram to Hillcat Drive
- June 7 Class of 2024 Commencement 6pm (audience seating 5:30pm) H-DHS
- June 10 Washington School Board Meeting 6pm WES Art Room
- June 11 WES Night of Celebration 6:30pm WES
- June 13 8th Grade Awards and Celebration 6pm H-DMS
- June 14
- Last Day of School for Students in all SAU 34 Schools (Full Day)
- Windsor School Board Meeting 5:30pm Windsor Town Hall
- June 17
- Professional Development Day
- Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Library Media Center
SAU #34 Website Calendar
The calendar on the SAU website provides a user-friendly way to selectable event views by building.
By clicking on the calendar name on the left-hand panel, you can hide that particular calendar's events from the larger view. You also can subscribe to a calendar to receive updates and changes to events.
News from Across SAU # 34
SAU 34 Fun Fest 2024!
Please join us on the Hillsboro-Deering Main Campus for the 3rd Annual Cookout & Fun Fest on Wednesday, May 8th from 4:45 - 6:00pm. Join us for lots of fun and exciting activities for the whole family! Everyone Welcome!
If your community organization would like to have an information table at Fun Fest please contact Terese Rheault at 603-464-4466 or trheault@hdsd.org to make arrangements.
SAU 34: Hillsboro-Deering School District Named Campus Compact for New Hampshire 2024 Presidents’ Community Partner for New England College
From New England College: Since our collaboration began in 2020, the Hillsboro-Deering School District has been an outstanding community partner, playing a pivotal role in our teacher licensure track programs at New England College (NEC). The commitment and contributions of the SAU 34 have elevated our educational initiatives. Each semester, SAU 34 goes above and beyond to facilitate and ensure optimal student placement in various components of our program, including fieldwork practicum courses, methods courses, culminating student teaching experiences, and paid internships. The immersive learning environments provided by the district have significantly enriched the academic journey of NEC's pre-service educators, offering invaluable experiences that are unparalleled in their impact. Over four years, the SAU 34 collaboration has resulted in an impressive 30,000 collective field placement hours for our students. This remarkable statistic is a testament to the depth and breadth of their commitment to fostering excellence in education and preparing the next generation of teachers. Notably, the inclusion of the Washington Elementary School, under the SAU 34 umbrella, through a Project Pericles grant opportunity has further expanded the horizons for our students. This unique rural school setting has offered additional fieldwork opportunities, enhancing the overall educational experience for our aspiring educators. In addition to providing exceptional support from cooperating teachers and collaboration across grades K-12, the SAU 34 has consistently facilitated necessary criminal record checks and State of New Hampshire Dept. of Education training at no cost to the students. Their commitment to ensuring our students are well-prepared for their future roles as educators is exemplary.
Students Recognized at Recent Hillsboro-Deering and Washington School Board Meetings
Harper Robicheau
Harper worked extremely hard during the circus residency the last week in March in order to balance on a moving globe. You could see the concentration in her face when she performed, and she even learned a new trick the morning of the performance and juggled while balancing. Way to go, Harper!
Alexa, Lane, Nathan, Charlotte, Griffin, Jaxon, Raymond, Cora, Khaileah, Leslie, Jacob, Christian, Harley,Fallyn, Finnley
We are recognizing all of the students in Mrs. Carson's 1st grade class. In January they changed their teacher and their classroom. They made the adjustment without any issues. They are always positive and supportive of each other. We are very proud of how well they are doing together!
Band: Noah Welch,David Kopf, Alex Gingell, Caiden Baker, Chorus: Sidney Christensen, Liam Stewart
Chorus: Caroline Molina
Students chosen to participate in the NHMEA Southwest Music Festival - May 11
Dominic Robinson, Ben Davidson, Connor Dumais, Owen Bober
Helped set-up, clean-up and serve food at the End68 fundraiser on Feb. 21
Staff Appreciation Week: May 6-10
Use the form linked below to share your appreciation of a member of the SAU #34 Staff for the work they do to support the students and families of our community. We will share your message with them during Staff Appreciation Week and everyone you nominate will get a ticket for a prize drawing!
School Food & Nutrition Program
If you have any questions about the School Food & Nutrition Program, or need assistance filling out forms or setting up an account, please contact Anna Muncy Food & Nutrition Program Director.
Hillsboro-Deering School District / SAU #34
(603)-464-1160 | amuncy@hdsd.org
6 Hillcat Drive Hillsboro NH 03244
End 68 Hours of Hunger Program
Our local End 68 Hours of Hunger Program serves the students of SAU 34 which includes: Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School, Hillsboro-Deering Middle School, Hillsboro-Deering High School, and Washington Elementary School.
The Problem
Childhood food insecurity is a national problem, it occurs when children receive insufficient food on a regular basis; in many cases missing meals entirely. After a while, these children also experience “fear of hunger” that affects their behavior as much as physical hunger affects their bodies. There are more than 6.4 million food-insecure children in American households today.
How End 68 Hours of Hunger Helps
This program puts nourishing food in the hands of school children to carry them through the weekend. Each bag of food, provided through food and financial donations, provides two breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners for a child, with some left over to share!
Free Covid-19 Test Available
Winter Coats Available for Students
A few winter coats still available for any student in need thanks to the generosity of the local Knights of Columbus! Contact your school nurse for more information.
Contact Your School Nurse
- Washington Elementary School:
- James Rhodes 603-495-3463 mailto: jrhodes@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School:
- Diana Merriam 603-464-1311 mailto:dmerriam@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering Middle School:
- Sharon Gamache 603-464-1275 mailto:sgamache@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering High School:
- HeatherAnn Labier 603-464-1290 mailto:hlabier@hdsd.org
Technology Department
Powerschool Parent Portal
The Powerschool Parent Portal provides families with a wealth of up to date information about their student's school experience.
All families should have received an email with a personalized link to sign in to the Parent Portal.
It is very important that all families use the Parent Portal to update their student registration information and permissions.
If you are having any difficulty accessing the Parent Portal please reach out to Neal Richardson, Director of Technology at nrichardson@hdsd.org so he can assist you.
All Around SAU 34
Check out the school newsletters and facebook pages for lots of great pictures and information about what is happening all across SAU 34!
SAU # 34 Website
Other Resources
Savings Account program
Parents and Other Adults: How do we Support Children Who are Struggling?
Panelists discuss how to be part of the solution for young people with mental illness
Students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade participate in the NH State Assessment.
SAU 34 Portrait of a Graduate
Click the icon to view the Portrait of a Graduate
SAU 34 Strategic Plan
Click the icon to view the Strategic Plan