Hilhi Happenings
Boletín informativo para familias de la Preparatoria: Hilhi.

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March 11, 2024
11 de marzo de 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Hilhi Families,
Spring is coming! Our spring sports and activities are in full swing and we are busy planning end of the year celebrations, assessments and summer.
Quarter 3 mid-term grades are now available in ParentVue. Please take a couple minutes to log into ParentVue (give us a call if you don't have access), and see how your student is doing academically. This is a good time to ensure your student is on track for the semester so they will be ready to end the year strong.
We will be offering credit attainment summer school for students who need core credit in order to be on track to graduate. We'll offer morning and afternoon sessions from June 20 - July 3rd. Transportation and meals will be provided for those who qualify.
We are finishing course selection for next year for all students. If you were unable to make Academic Planning Night, we are hosting an online option on Wednesday, March 13 from 6:00-7:00pm to answer questions and share resources. Login information will be shared via email.
Finally, we are all looking forward to Spring Break March 25-29. May you have time to relax, reconnect and (hopefully) enjoy some sun.
My Best,
Cary Meier
From the Counselors
Dear Sparts,
Our Course Selection process (formerly known as Forecasting) began the week of February 19th for current grade 11 (in Biology classes) and will end this week. Current grade 9 (in World Studies classes) and current grade 10 (in Chemistry classes) will begin Course Selection this week and end the week of March 4th. SMMS 8th grade will start Course Selection the week of March 4th and end the week of March 11th.
The first week of Course Selection will be informational presentations regarding the various courses that Hilhi has to offer. The second week of Course Selection will be students entering their own course choices into our Synergy student data system.
Families, you play an important role here too! Please talk with your student(s) and have them share their course selections with you. In preparation for this work, all 9th and 10th grade students visited our Career and College Pathway Fair in the Hilhi Commons during their Spartan Academy time last week. In addition, they participated in an Advisory lesson where the students’ advisors presented what Career and College Pathways look like at Hilhi and what courses are available to them, including our off site Shuttle Courses. All of our presentations at each grade level will be posted on the Counseling page of the Hilhi website at the beginning of this week . You are welcome to view the presentations at any time. If you have any questions regarding Course Selection, please feel free to email your student’s grade level counselor.
Grade Level Counselors include:
Grade 12 and 10th EL students - Ralph Medina x 62823
Grade 12 - Anita Siller x 62824
Grade 11 - Stephanie Anderson x 62825
Grade 10 - Marla Lyle x 62820
Grade 9 - Carl Almquist x 62821
Note: Please feel free to email us as well. It may be a quicker option for initial contact. You will find us listed on the Hilhi Counseling web page.
What is CCP?
College & Career Pathways
Helping students choose their pathway after high school by providing classes and resources that allow students to test out different areas they might like to focus on for their college or career.
For the 4th year, Hillsboro High School student ambassadors, alongside leaders of their selected Career Technical Education CCP, hosted 35 South Meadows Middle School students in an after-school camp.
Twice a week, Hilhi students shared curriculum options and pathway specific activities with campers, providing incoming students an opportunity to experience the various options that they will be able to choose for their pathway.
Students were able to:
Use micropipettes to run gel electrophoresis in the Bioscience Technology pathway
Train an artificial intelligence model in the Computer Science pathway
Learn about the design process by creating buttons or magnets in the Graphic Arts pathway
Explore preschool sensory activities in the Early Childhood Education pathway
Practice tire maintenance in the Automotive Service Technology pathway
Engage in team building with spine boards in the Sports Medicine pathway
Practice the safe handling of small and large animals in the Veterinary Science pathway
Target marketing project in the Business and Marketing pathway
Build electronic circuit boards in the Electronics and Engineering pathway
HSD Family Engagement
2023-2024 Family Engagement Calendar: Please see the upcoming PAC and Family Engagement Dates.
April 5 | Parent Engagement Night (Addiction and Harm Reduction)
April 5, 2024 6pm-8pm
We are excited to bring representatives from local school districts, Portland Community College, and Centro De Prosperidad. We will be providing refreshments, and childcare for children ages 5 and up. More Information
Parenting and Mental Health Event!
Washington County NAMI is hosting a FREE workshop on kid’s mental health. Saturday April 6, 2024 10am-2pm
Please share the event details and registration information below Parenting and Mental Health / Taller para Padres Sobre la Salud - Hillsboro
Yearbook - Graduate Pages
Order a senior ad for the Sparta Yearbook by going to yearbookforever.com. We offer several size options. Baby photos must be clothed. The deadline for submission is Thursday, March 14. Email lyonl@hsd.k12.or.us for questions.
IB Exams
Course selection for 2024-25 is coming! To preview the IB courses we’ll offer, please check out this resource and reach out with any questions. There will also be an IB table at Academic Planning Night - please stop by and chat!
Dual Language
Senior Dual Language Students are currently completing their Bilingual Portfolios. Students have completed at least one check-in with the Dual Language Coordinator and are uploading English samples.
This year´s deadline for Portfolios submission is March 22nd.
Please continue encouraging your Dual Language student to find samples and upload them early to the Google Classroom available for portfolio collection.
Reach out with any questions. Please email Alvaro Ares (aresa@hsd.k12.or.us)
Message to 9th Grade
The HHS ninth grade team meets weekly to primarily focus on individual student attendance and barriers to improve their attendance at both school and in their classes. In the last newsletter we shared information from research studies on the topic of attendance conducted by the University of Chicago. Today we want to share with you these short list of tips to improve your child's school attendance
If your student will be absent due to illness, a medical appointment, or any other reason, please call Mrs. Nuria Pence our attendance secretary or leave a message on our attendance line (503) 844-1990.
Our 9th Grade Level Team is here to serve you and your students. If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to reach out to us!
- Vice-Principal 9th grade | MariaEugenia Olivar [olivarm@hsd.k12.or.us]
Graduation Coach | Noemi Canales [canalesn@hsd.k12.or.us]
- Graduation Coach | Alejandra Lopez Sanchez [lopezsaa@hsd.k12.or.us]
- School Counselor | Carl Almquist [almquisc@hsd.k12.or.us]
Attendance Secretary | Nuria Pence [pencen@hsd.k12.or.us] Attendance Line: (503) 844-1990
Hiring Sprint
Nutrition Services is Hiring! Part time work is available in school kitchens! Vacancies are currently posted. Kitchen positions can offer a little extra income and the convenience of working on the days kids are in school.
To apply, go to https://hillsboro1j.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx and type “nutrition” in the Job Listings search box.
College & Career News
Noticias Universitarias y Profesionales
The Application for Financial Aid has had glitches in the first few months.
Do not panic if a glitch happens - come back to it later that day or a few days later, they constantly work to fix technology glitches. Patience and persistence is the key.
All students considering education after high school (college, university, community college, trade schools) should fill out either the FAFSA or ORSAA as soon as possible.
Accounts must be made before completing the application
It can take up to 3 days for the account to activate - so do it now!
The form should be fairly easy to do, but if you need help come see us in the College and Career Center
Not sure which form to fill out for your situation? - check here
FAFSA/ORSAA Family Workshop
Thursday, March 21st | 6pm-8pm
HSD Administration Center
3083 NE 49th Pl. Hillsboro, OR 97124
Seminario Familiar de FAFSA/ORSAA
Centro Administrativo del Distrito Escolar de Hillsboro
3083 NE 49th Pl. Hillsboro, OR 97124
Looking for scholarships for education after high school?
There are many scholarship search engines that can be helpful. (www.Fastweb.com, www.Scholarships.com, www.scholarshipsamerica.com)
The College and Career Center keeps a database of scholarships that we know about; check out the 2023-24 HHS Scholarship List (linked here) to see many national, regional, and local scholarship opportunities. This list is updated weekly. This link is also in the class of 2024 Google Classroom.
Check on a consistent basis, see scholarships that are currently open and scholarships that will open throughout the school year
A few local scholarships have deadlines approaching:
Hillsboro Community Foundation Scholarships (5 Different Scholarships) Due March 22 to the College and Career Center
Scholls Womens Club Scholarship Due March 31
Tuality Healthcare Foundation Healthcare Careers Scholarships (2 available) Due April 14
OSAC Scholarship Application is Open!
The OSAC Scholarship Application provides current and future Oregon students one easy application to apply for multiple scholarships at one time. OSAC awards more than $10 million in scholarships annually through more than 600 scholarships. See a list curated by the College and Career Center for Hilhi Students here
April 1, 5pm PST: Final Deadline.
Grade Level Goals
11th Grade
Complete a CRLE this year for part of your career development credit.
10th Grade
Start thinking about your Career & College Pathway
9th Grade
Start thinking about your Career & College Pathway
Upcoming Events
Interior Design | Tue. March 12, 1:00-3:00 PM | Location: Washington County Chamber or Zoom
Careers in the Trades | Tue. April 2, 9:30-11:23 AM | Location: Washington County Chamber or Zoom
Finance & Investments | Wed. April 10, 9:30-11:30 AM | Location: Washington County Chamber or Zoom
Criminal Justice | Thu. April 11, 1-2 PM | Location: Zoom
Information & Tech (Artificial Intelligence) | Tue. April 16, 10AM - 12PM | Location: Washington County Chamber or Zoom
Grad Night Fundraisers
Recaudación de fondos para la noche de graduación
Dates to Know
Fechas para Saber
- March 11-15 | Unity Week
- Friday, March 15 | Unity Assembly
- Saturday, March 16, 7-10pm | Latin Music Dance
- March 25-29 | Spring Break, No School
- Friday, April 5, 6-8pm | Parent Engagement Night
- Thursday, April 11 | Last day of Quarter 3 - 'D' and 'I' grades mailed home
Friday, April 12 | No School, Grade Prep
Saturday, April 13, 10am-4pm | Spring Bazaar
Friday, April 19 | Spring Recognition/Spring Fling Assembly
Saturday, April 20, 8-11pm | Spring Fling Black Light Dance
Friday, April 26 | Virtual Elections Assemblies by class during Advisory
Saturday, May 18, 8-11pm | Prom
May 20-24 | May Fete Week
Monday, May 20 | Class Assemblies, Senior Exhibition Night, Community Assembly 7-8pm
Monday, May 27 | No School, Memorial Day
Thursday, May 30 | Senior Awards Night
Friday, May 31 (tentative) | Talent Show
Tuesday, June 4 | SpartQuake & Seniors Last Day
Wednesday, June 5 | Senior Breakfast & Graduation rehearsal
Thursday, June 6 at Hillsboro Stadium | GRADUATION!
Thursday, June 13 | Last Day, grades 9-11, early release, end semester 2
Friday, June 14 | Last Day for Licensed Staff - Grade prep and check out
See the Hilhi Calendar for updated events.
This Week In Sports
Monday, March 11
Varsity Baseball vs Aloha | 5:00pm @ Ron Tonkin Field
Varsity Softball Jamboree | 4:45pm @ Lake Road Field
Tuesday, March 12
Baseball vs Liberty | JV 5:00pm @ Ron Tonkin Field | Varsity 7:00pm @ Liberty
Tennis vs West Salem | Girls 4:00pm @ West Salem | Boys 4:00pm @ Home
Wednesday, March 13
Softball vs Ida B. Wells | Varsity 4:00pm JV 6:00pm @ Home
Thursday, March 14
Track & Field vs Liberty (Icebreaker) | 4:00/4:30pm @ Hare Field
Varsity Softball vs Woodburn | 5:00pm @ Home
Girls Lacrosse vs Roseburg | 5:30pm @ Roseburg
Friday, March 15
Tennis vs Century | Girls 4:00pm @ Century | Boys 4:00pm @ Home
Baseball vs Central | Varsity & JV 5:00pm @ Hare Field
Boys Lacrosse vs Mt View, WA | 7:00pm @ Home
Hillsboro Spartan Athletics
Spring Sports have started. You can still sign up for Track & Field, Softball, Golf and Lacrosse. We have just under 300 spring athletes participating.
Congratulations to 2 time State Swim Champion Ruth Gongora who finished first in both the 50 and 100 Meter Mixed Para Freestyle.
Congratulations to State Placers in Wrestling:
- Ionela Macavei 5th
- Skyler Salzman 6th
- Flynn Brandrup 4th
- Artie Echeverria 2nd
- 2 time State Wrestling Champion Preston Echeverria
Congratulations to our NWOC Basketball All League athletes:
- Girls Basketball:
- Kiara Green - First Team
- Braxtyn Ellsworth - Second Team
- Boys Basketball:
- Andrew Hancock - Honorable Mention
Important Information Archive
Archivo de Información Importante
2024 Grad Party
The 2024 Graduation Party Committee is busy planning fundraisers to throw an epic all-night grad party! We could use your help to make this year a success.
Contact us at:
Facebook: Hilhi Class of 2024