The O So Good Update
December, 2021
Principally Speaking.....
Welcome to the season of giving and sharing, there are many activities going on at The Osgood this month, I hope everyone gets the opportunity to share a special moment enjoying the season with us. We would like to wish a Happy Hanukkah to those families who celebrated it earlier this month. Kwanzaa will be celebrated starting on Dec. 26th, and Diwali was celebrated earlier in the fall. We wish that all families are able to celebrate with their friends and relatives and enter into the 2022 year with joy and happiness in their heart.
The Osgood Holiday Stroll Concert is a must see in Cohasset. The children have been practicing with the music staff and are very excited to perform during the week of Dec. 13th. The stroll schedule is listed below in the newsletter. Please remember that the limit of 3 people per child must be adhered to for safety reason. There will be plenty of viewing space, so please do not arrive earlier than 15 minutes before your scheduled stroll.
This year we are joining forces with Wonderfund to help bring holiday cheer and spirit to children in need of some holiday happiness. The Osgood has agreed to adopt 40 children to present gifts to, each classroom has 2 children to shop for. Families will receive more information by this Monday.
Progress Reports were launched on Friday, Dec. 10th, through the Aspen Portal. Please contact the office if you have any questions.
It is an exciting time of year for children. During this month conversations are on the overall spirit of the holidays, giving, sharing and caring.
I will attest that all of your children have been focused and despite the thrill of the season have continued to work hard on their school work.
Please make sure you mark your calendars with all of the important dates that are coming up, this is a very busy time of year. The Osgood Family would like to wish all of you a very happy end to the year and great happiness in 2022. Thank you for continuing to be such wonderful partners with us as we work together to help our students travel on the road of creativity and fun in education.
Homework Adventures...
Dec. 7, 2021
Dear Osgood Families,
We are settled in and entering the end of the first semester. Students have become adjusted to their classroom schedule, teachers, and school expectations. We are now going to begin introducing homework, as well as the fun and responsibilities that go along with homework. A homework folder will go home with every student and be returned by the end of the week. In those folders teachers will be sending home math games and activities for families to practice skills that are taught during the week. The folders may also include a reading log to be filled out and returned by the end of every week, or Fundations activity sheets. Students in kindergarten and grade 1 should read aloud for ten-minutes a night, while grade 2 students should read aloud for 20-minutes each night. Assignments may change or be added to as the year progresses
You will also be receiving an email with your student’s school-issued Google account user name and password to access Digital Resources provided by the district. These resources, Dreambox and Lexia, maybe used to support skills learned in school, it is not a requirement for homework.
The faculty and I are looking forward to entering this next phase of learning with the students. With your assistance, it will become yet another meaningful learning activity for your children.
The Homework Folders will be sent home on Monday, December 13th, and should be returned on Friday, December 17th.
Lisa Farrell
High School students visit
Lunch, music and happiness
Happy Hannukah
Save The Date...
Dates to Think About
Dec. 13th - Early Release 1:20 dismissal
Dec.20th - Winter break starts end of school on Dec. 23rd
Happy New Year!
Osgood Elementary
Location: 210 Sohier Street, Cohasset, MA, USA
Phone: 781-388-6117
Twitter: @JOsgoodppal