Estabrook Buzz
March 18, 2019
This Week
Big Map Night in the Gym (Socks required!)
Thursday, March 21
Estabrook Day of Play (See Below for Details)
WEDNESDAY Early Release Days for Parent Conferences
March 27 and April 3 - 12:15 Dismissal
To Sign Up for Parent Conference, go to: Spring Parent Conferences
Wednesday, March 27 - 7:00 pm
Gr. 5 Parent Informational Meeting @ Diamond Middle School
Friday, March 29
Gr. 5 Field Trip to Boston Symphony Orchestra
MCAS ELA Testing
- Gr. 5: April 1 & 2
- Gr. 4: April 5 & 8
- Gr. 3: April 9 & 10
- Gr. 3-5 Math and Gr. 5 Science are after April vacation.
Estabrook Day of Play - Thursday, March 21
Global School Play Day is a worldwide event started in 2015. This year, Global School Play Day was February 6. Estabrook is observing it on Thursday, March 21. The event encourages children to engage in a school-based session of unstructured play, where teachers foster free play separate from teacher-led activities. Learn more at: http://www.globalschoolplayday.com/
Students are invited to bring safe items for indoor play that are appropriate for school.
Principal's Corner
For three days this week, a giant map of Africa will be laid out on the floor of the gym. Each class will have an age appropriate lesson taught by K-5 Social Studies Department Head Alex Kuschel. In addition, the gym will be open on Wednesday evening for families to experience the map (along with some activities provided by the PTO).
Last week, the district's Administrative Council met at Clarke Middle School where we heard a presentation by some seventh grade teachers and students about a new project-based unit involving designing a transcontinental highway in Africa. One of the student take-aways was learning that Africa is not a single place, but rather a collection of many nations and cultures. We hope that our students will begin to develop their understanding of the rich history and culture of Africa through this week's experience.
I love these words from Barack Obama on the importance of learning geography: “The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.”
Hear! Hear!
Estafest Thank You
I was so impressed by last Saturday's Estafest - an event that showed some of the best attributes of Estabrook School, including child-centered and fun activities for kids, generous contributions of time and materials, and community service by LHS and parent volunteers. These types of events not only raise funds for the PTO, but also help enhance a strong sense of community for kids and families.
Thank you to the entire Estafest Team, Event Chairs Sara Cuthbertson and Sara Sheikh, and PTO Co-Presidents Pauline Benninga and Cindy Reuter for making it all possible. And a big shout out to custodians Joe McFaline and Steve Martin who helped with set-up, break down, and clean-up during and after the event - all with a smile.
What a blast!
Rick Rogers
5th Annual Lexington Parent Academy
Saturday, March 23, 2019 9:30am-2:30pm
Lexington Community Center
Free and open to anyone who wants to attend
Click on this link, 5th Annual Lexington Parent Academy Flyer, to view the workshop schedule & descriptions online. Pre-registration is recommended, but not required. For more information or questions please contact Julie Fenn atjfenn@lexingtonma.org