EVHS Bi-Weekly Announcements
Friday, May 24, 2024
Monday, May 27 - No School, Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 28 - Yearbook Distribution, South Gym during all lunch periods
Friday, May 31 - Senior Breakfast, 8am
Friday, May 31 - Graduation Rehearsal, 9:15am, Main Gym
Saturday, June 1 - Graduation Ceremony, 3M Arena at Mariucci, 1:00pm
New: Panda Express Fundraiser Night for FCCLA, 5/29
Please support FCCLA members who are competing in STAR Events at the National Leadership Conference in Seattle this June. Visit the Panda Express in Apple Valley on May 29th, from 10am-9:30pm and mention FCCLA or bring in the this flyer to have donations go to EVHS FCCLA.
New: Red Cross Blood Drive at Eastview on Thursday, June 20
The greater Eastview community of parents, family members, and neighbors are invited to donate blood as part of the NHS-sponsored drive on Thursday, June 20 from 8:00AM to 1:00PM in Eastview’s South Gym. Donation registration is completely online @ http://www.redcrossblood.org/give/drive/driveSearch.jsp Type “eastview” (our sponsor code), in the search box and the follow the online prompts. See John Kelly in C232 or email at john.kelly@district196.org with questions. Please keep in mind that there is no school on June 20, 2024. All ages 16+ are welcome to donate.
District 196 Free Summer Meals
EV Football Eisele's Greenhouse Fundraiser
As you are getting your gardens ready, please consider buying your flowers and other outdoors needs at Eisele’s garden center (8350 160th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044). In the month of May, if you mention Eastview Football at your checkout, 15% of your purchase gets donated towards our program. We appreciate support as we gear up towards an August 29th kickoff to our season against Rosemount!
From ISD 196 Nutrition Services
Please click here: Spring Nutrition Service Flyer for information from ISD 196 Nutrition Services.
Have a Storage Area Available?
The EV Senior Party is looking for a new storage area for our amazing purchased and homemade decorations, bingo supplies, etc. Maybe you're a small business owner with a basement storage area or have a lead on a storage unit? We do have a budget to help support this request! If you have a potential space, please reach out to us at eastviewseniorparty@gmail.com
2024 Golf Coaches Cards
Time to think spring!
The boys’ and girls’ golf coaches of District 196 are happy to make available the 2024 Dakota County Golf Coaches Discount Card as a fundraiser for their programs.
Each card costs $20, and allows the user special golf offers (usually discounted greens fees and discounted range ball baskets) at these 7 local golf courses:
• Cannon Golf Club
• Crystal Lake Golf Course
• Emerald Greens Golf Course
• Heritage Links Golf Course
• Inverwood Golf Course
• The Summit, and
• Valleywood Golf Course
The offers vary slightly from course to course, so please review the attached version of the card.
To purchase a card, please contact:
• Mark Wanous, EVHS Boys’ Golf Coach, Mark.Wanous@district196.org
• Tamara Colucci, EVHS Girls’ Golf Coach, Tamara.K.Colucci@district196.org
Thanks, and happy golfing!
Last Chance: Order Your 2023-2024 Yearbook Today!
New: Check Out the Latest Episode of The Flash
The Flash is Eastview's weekly student news production. Check out the May 22nd episode here.
Eastview High School and District 196 Text Messages
New: Attention, Current Juniors Taking AP Literature Next Year
There will be a required meeting for all current juniors taking AP Literature next year to learn about the summer reading assignment.
Monday, June 3
2:40-3:00 PM
Tuesday, June 4
7:10-7:30 AM
New: Attention, Current Sophomores Taking AP Language and Comp Next Year
Current 10th graders who are taking Advanced Placement English Language and Composition next fall must attend a meeting to learn about the required summer reading homework. Please attend a meeting in C250 EITHER Wednesday, May 29th at 7:10am OR Thursday, May 30th at 2:35 PM.
If you cannot attend, see Ms. Hanson in C334 or Mr. Currie in C236.
New: Summer Reading Program
Get ready for an amazing summer adventure with our 2024 Summer Reading Program! We’re thrilled to invite you to join us in exploring new worlds, meeting unforgettable characters, and discovering the joy of reading for pleasure, even when school is out.
This summer’s reading challenge will be filled with a variety of ways to interact with great books and win prizes! You pick the challenges you want to complete like reading in a unique location or creating a soundtrack to match the story you are reading. Each challenge will get you entered in our raffle drawing for prizes at the end of summer and completing all of the challenges will earn you an invitation to our Summer Prize Party during the first weeks of school.
How to Participate: complete details and links for completing the challenges can be found at our web page https://evhs.district196.org/academics/learning-commons Happy reading!
New: Library & Textbook Returns
Parents: let us help you with your spring cleaning! If you have library books or textbooks around your home which are not currently being used, please encourage your student to drop them off in the Learning Commons. Students can view all checked out resources in their Destiny Discover account. Resources not turned in by end of year turn into a fine for the next school year. If your student has lost a book, instructions for payment in MyPaymentsPlus can be found here. Please email us with any questions: evhs.learningcommons@district196.org
New: Donations
The Learning Commons is a go-to spot for students needing supplies like pens, pencils, notecards, and calculators. We also welcome donations of gently used teen books & magazines for use in classroom libraries and we have a wish list of items to supply our Zapp Lab Maker Space. Donations of any type are appreciated and can be dropped off during school hours, labeled for delivery to the Learning Commons. Please email us with any questions: evhs.learningcommons@district196.org
Seniors - Were You On Team Storm as a Freshman?
Seniors that were on Team Storm as freshmen (Vande Berg/Barker/Flemmons) please stop by A2 and pick up the letter you wrote to yourself when you were a freshman.
Hello, Senior Parents of the Class of 2024!
We will be celebrating our seniors on Friday May 31st, 2024 starting with a senior breakfast before graduation rehearsal! We are looking for donations for this event to help send our seniors off and celebrate all of their accomplishments.
All seniors are encouraged to join the celebration. The senior breakfast will be hosted from 8:00am to 9:15am at the West Student Entrance, before graduation rehearsal. In the event of rain, we will move the senior breakfast indoors.
Please review the available slots to view all of the donation opportunities available at Eastview 2024 Senior Breakfast Donations
Donations can be left with our security office staff. Please drop off your donation by Wednesday May 29th.
Graduation Information
Attention, Senior Parents and Guardians!
Hello Class of 2024 Parents and Guardians,
🔹 Join over 320 of the 2024 Seniors already attending the party! Ticket prices are $110.
🔹Tickets: https://form.jotform.com/233297020904048
🔹Saturday, June 1 from 8:30pm-3:00am
🔹Your ticket gets you everything for the night - casino, horse racing, caricatures, mini golf, laser tag, karaoke, a bull riding inflatable, traveling magician, inflatable obstacle courses, hypnotist show, performance by Trey Green, a coffee bar, food and beverages, chances to win great raffle prizes, and a final opportunity to make lifelong memories with your Class of 2024 classmates!
MAY TICKET INCENTIVE: Buy now to be entered into a drawing to win a Panda Express gift pack which includes swag and a $40 gift card!
We want all graduating seniors to attend the party. If finances are a barrier, please contact Dr. Franchino at Rob.Franchino@district196.org
🔹Online orders due by 1pm on 5/28/24.
🔹Picture of the poster is an example - there are a ton of templates to choose from.
🔹Posters will be displayed at Eastview during the Senior Party. Posters will be sent home with the graduates at the end of the party (great for displaying at grad parties).
🔹Senior posters are optional. Homemade posters are also accepted (click this flyer for details)!
🔸Junior & Senior parents, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Help us pull off a great party and Junior parents can get an inside look to be ready for next year. There are multiple tabs and multiple opportunities available - check it out.
Make sure to follow us on social media for the most up to date info!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EVHSSeniorParty2024
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evhsseniorparty2024/
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/evhsseniorparty2024/home?authuser=0
~Eastview Class of 2024 Senior Party planning committee
Counseling Office Newsletter
Counselor Connections Newsletter: May 17, 2024
Let's Connect
Follow us Instagram to stay connected to the latest college and career resources and events for students and families.
Instagram: @evhscollegeandcareer
The Summer EBT program, called SUN Bucks, provides $40/month for families with school-aged children who are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals. The $40 per child – during June, July, and August – can be used to purchase healthy foods. Eligible families will get SUN Bucks on a S-EBT card mailed to their home for each child.
Apply online for SNAP at https://mnbenefits.mn.gov/.
For more information, click HERE.
The Free Meals for Kids mobile app helps families and kids find free meals at Minnesota schools and other sites. Created by Hunger Impact Partners with support from the Minnesota Department of Education to ensure children 18 and under can access nutritious meals, the sites you locate for food are updated regularly.
Download the Free Meals for Kids app at Apple App.
For more information, click HERE.
Class of 2024: Steps to Requesting Your Final Transcript
All colleges require that you send a final transcript with your graduation date before enrolling. You must request to send your final transcript by noon on June 5th to the college, university, or program you will attend in the fall.
See the specific instructions for releasing your final transcript here.
Farrah Jennings | College Planning Counselor | Gifted & Talented Counselor | Eastview High School | 6200 140th Street West, Apple Valley, MN 55124 | p: 952.431.8926 | Instagram: @evhscollegeandcareer
Schedule a meeting HERE.
Minnesota students encouraged to complete FAFSA as soon as possible!
Minnesota students who plan to attend college in fall 2024 are highly encouraged to complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. Across the nation and statewide, FAFSA filing numbers are down compared to previous years.
This decreasing statistic comes at a time when more students than ever will qualify for Federal Pell Grants and be able to access game changing state financial aid programs, including the North Star Promise, the new scholarship program offering a tuition- and fee-free pathway for eligible students whose families make less than $80,000 per year.
For assistance with the FAFSA, Federal Student Aid offers students and families the ability to call, email or live chat on their Contact Center webpage.
Ready, Set, FAFSA! Webinar recordings:
· VIDEO: Create Your FSA ID
· VIDEO: Apply for Financial Aid-FAFSA
· VIDEO: Apply for Financial Aid-MN Dream Act
· VIDEO: Understand Your Financial Aid Offer
New: Are you interested in playing for Eastview Girls Soccer in the fall?
Join the Eastview High School Girls coaching staff for a week of training before the fall high school season begins. Receive instruction on tactical and technical skills, build chemistry with your high school teammates, and lay a foundation to build from for the fall season. Coaching will include position-specific technical skills, tactical style of play instruction for game-like situations, small-sided, and full-sided games. Prepare for the season with your coaches and teammates in a fun and competitive environment! (grades 8-12) Monday, June 10th - Thursday, Jun 13th 8:00 - 10:00 AM at EVHS.
Click to register:
Senior Athletic Recognition Ceremony Photos
Photos from our Senior Athletic Award Recognition Ceremony from Valley Images are now available! A link was shared with all Head Coaches to share with their Senior Athlete families. If you have not yet received the link, please send an email to matt.percival@district196.org to request a copy of the link.
Summer Super Group Registration
The time is now, to get registered for summer super group. We will conduct training sessions Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with Monday June 10th being our start date and Thursday August 8th the end date. This year we are also including an additional speed/agility/footwork training session on Wednesday’s, with a 7:00 to 8:00 or 8:00 to 9:00 session.
Through mypaymentsplus you will sign up for a training time, and pay your summer fee. Direct any questions to:
Troy Swanson E-Mail: troy.swanson@district196.org
Registration link: mypaymentsplus
Athletics Scoreboard
Girls Varsity Softball Beats Burnsville 7-2, 5/24
The Lightning scored first and stayed on top the duration of the game. Hannah Soderbeck had 3 hits. Jacobson, Lorsung, and Prissel each had 2.
Eastview Loses to Park 6-7, 5/23
Park started off the game scoring in the first inning. The Lightning battled back in the 3rd scoring 5 runs which included a grand slam by Emily Braaten. The Lightning lead 6-1 until the Wolpack answered back in innings 5,6 and 7. Jacobson, Murphy, Ruyle, and Prissel all had 2 hits.
In the storied history of the Dakota Hawks it is hard to accomplish many “firsts” but today there were a couple of major milestones at the State Adapted Softball Tournament at Chanhassen!
#1 Today was the FIRST EVER State Championship in Softball for the CI team. It was also the first CI title in any sport since 2015!
#2 Today was also the first time the Hawks won both state titles on the same day in the same sport!
Congrats to the HAWKS! The Championship game scores were an identical 5-4 and both were incredible games that went right down to the wire! In fact CI had a walkoff win after a very close play at the plate just one at bat after being thrown out at home on another great play at the plate!
Our PI Hawks on the State Championship team include Jae Bahma, Sammy Jordheim and Chloe Shibatta!
Our CI Hawks on the State Championship team include Kyle Jacobson and Ada Kramer along with coaches Scott Oxley and Jeff Anderson!
Girls Varsity Golf - Conference Champs
Congratulations to the EVHS Varsity girls golfers on their 4th straight conference title. The girls got a big 37 stroke win at The Wilds yesterday, where all girls shot well! Megan Young had a personal best of EVEN PAR (72), so she was also the tournament medalist.
Addison Schafer shot an 82 to earn 5th place, and Serafina Swanson placed 8th. Addison Hedrick, Anna Pitts and Haley Rasmussen also played well.
For those of you who teach our golfers, THANK YOU for your support of these girls and all of our golfers. We know they miss school a lot, so we appreciate your understanding. They work hard to keep up, so thanks for making time for them to make up tests and projects.
Other exciting news: 9th grade JV player, Ellery Wilbur, got a hole in one in our end of season JV tournament hosted by Alex Currie at our home course of Valleywood. A very exciting moment for her! (see attached picture)
These girls are #ALLIN
The Lightning Boys JV volleyball team continued their winning ways with an exciting 2-0 victory on Thursday night, following their dominant 2-0 win over Farmington on Tuesday. The wins move the team to 17-2 on the season with 3 more conference matches to go.
The Lightning Boys volleyball varsity squad started the week with a 3-0 sweep of the Burnsville Blaze on the road, but then lost a fun battle with the Eagan Wildcats last night, losing in 4 sets. The 1-1 week moves the team's record to 17-3 on the season and 4-2 in league play.
The Lightning JV and Varsity head to Lakeville North Tuesday, before returning home on May 28 for their final regular season home match.
Fall Play Audition Information
Auditions for the Fall Play will be held Friday, May 31st from 2:40-6:00 PM on stage at Eastview. Plan to stay for the entire time. Audition materials can be found on Eastview Theater web page or at Audition Materials.
About the play:
The Ice Fishing Play by Kevin Kling.
Very Very Funny Comedy.
Cast of about 20, 8 principal roles.
In an ice fishing house on a lake in northern Minnesota, Ron, an ice fisherman extraordinaire, struggles to catch "the big one" only "the big one" doesn't just mean the biggest fish in the lake. A funny, vibrant exploration of the struggle to connect in a world of blizzards, frozen minnows, memories and miracles. A glimpse of the secret inner world of that mystical icon, the ice fisherman.
Community Ed Offerings
Youth Enrichment
Mac ‘n’ Cheese (ages 6-16))
Wed | May 29 | 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. | $30 | FRMS
Fewer than 5 spots left!
High School Sports Camps (K-17)
Youth of all ages may engage in a variety of quality, exciting sports camp opportunities offered by the high school coaches. Head coaches and assistants have planned and prepared camp activities
that will promote skill improvement and good sportsmanship, all while having fun! Register for camps based on your grade for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. Fee assistance is available.
For more information, email communityed@district196.org or call 651-423-7920.
Adult Enrichment
Pad Thai (age 16+)
Tue | May 28 | 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. | $45 + $20 supply fee | FRMS
Just for Fun!
Fused Silver Pendant (age 18+)
Tue | May 28 | 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. | $49 + $40 supply fee | FRMS
About Eastview High School
Email: Eastview@district196.org
Website: evhs.district196.org
Location: 6200 140th Street West, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Phone: 952-431-8900
Facebook: facebook.com/EastviewHighSchool
Twitter: @EVHSLightning