Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
December 2, 2024
Need to Know
- We have three weeks left in this semester. Please check your child's grades. Look for missing assignments that need to be made up. If you have questions - contact your child's teacher(s).
- Reminder - please send medical notes for appointments that you have for our attendance records. You are always welcome to take a picture of the note and email it to dkline@sdale.org.
Questions of the Week
Keep them talking!
Do you ever ask your child about his/her day and you get a one word answer? or a shrug? Use these questions to find out more about your child's day!
Health 6 - What are some of the physical, mental, and legal consequences people may face from smoking or vaping?
Careers 6 -What did you learn about the Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security cluster from our guest speaker Captain Pinkley from the Springdale Fire Department?
Science 7 - What type of chemical reaction does a cold pack use?
Science 6 - What happens when 2 air masses meet?
Keycode 6/7 -In Scratch, what is the backpack feature and what does it do?
SS 7 -Why is the Declaration of Independence important?
SS 6 - Of the 3 ancient Chinese philosophies we have studied, which one appeared to be the most harsh? Explain.
Acc. Math 7 -What are you most proud of that you can now do when simplifying expressions?
Math 6 - How can the Unit Rate help you when you are shopping at a store?
Math 7 - What is the difference between a coefficient and constant?
ELA 6 -Define the author's purpose and perspective.
ELA 7 -What text structure is your essay you wrote last week?
Music 6 -How do I count the rhythm pattern that has 2 quarter notes, 2 eighth notes and 1 quarter note in that order?
Choir 7 - Solfegically speaking, what is the last sharp in a key signature?
SEC - What can we ask people we know and don't know when we greet them?
Springdale Fire Department Visits Careers Classes
Captain and Education Specialist Justin Pinkley of the Springdale Fire Department visited our 6th Grade Career Awareness classes, along with firefighters/paramedics Clayton Wormington and Hailey Dorsey. We appreciate them sharing their personal journeys with us as well as information about these occupations in the Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security Career Cluster.
Our band did great this week! Thanks for coming to support them!
From PTO
EVEN EASIER!! Make a cash donation and PTO will shop for you!
Meet the staff!
Each week we will highlight a few members of the Hellstern staff!
Breakfast & Lunch Menus - Dec. 2-6
Upcoming Dates
3 - PTO Meeting (8:30am)
6 - HMS Spelling Bee (9am)
6 - Band Pictures during class (9:30-11:30am)
9 - School Board Meeting
20 - End of 2nd quarter
20 - Designated Food Day
20 - Club Day
20 - Band performs for 6th grade students (HMS Cafeteria)
Dec. 23 - Jan. 6 - Winter Break
7 - Students return for 3rd quarter
13 - Report cards go home in advisory
20 - No School
29 - Rising Student Night (this event is for current 5th & 6th graders) - (4-6pm)