Kuehnle Chronicle
24/25 Issue 3
Kuehnle Families,
We have had such an amazing start to the school year. Thank you for your continued support as we strive to provide the best learning opportunities for our Koalas. If you ever feel the need to shout out our amazing staff, please do so here. If you ever have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are always looking for ways to improve our practices.
We look forward to a fantastic year partnering with you to ensure our Koalas make a year's worth of growth in their learning.
Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Elbert
Kuehnle Brag Button
We invite all community members and families to take a moment to recognize and celebrate our amazing teachers and staff.
Please fill out the form to share your appreciation. This form will be open all year long and will be in each edition of our Kuehnle Chronicle.
Your responses will be compiled and shared with the entire school community, highlighting the dedication and hard work of our staff. Thank you for helping us celebrate those who make a difference every day!
Our Kuehnle Staff is looking forward to a wonderful 24-25 school year!
School Hours
School Starts at 8:10 am.
School Ends at 3:25 pm.
Students may enter the building at 7:45 am.
Front office hours: 7:45-4:00 pm
Thank you for helping everyone stay safe by not dropping off your child prior to 7:45 a.m. Supervision of students does not begin until 7:45 a.m. If you need before school care, please contact the front office about Koala Kare or go to their website for information https://www.koalakare-llc.com/
We kindly request that you do not enter the car rider line PRIOR to 7:30 AM. The line backs up and then our staff cannot get into the parking lot to park their cars and get to their classroom and morning duty assignments to welcome and supervise students. Thank you.
Important Dates
September 2: Labor Day Holiday/No School
September 3: Lunch Visitors May Begin
September 1- 30: GT Referral Window
September 11: Big Kahuna End Date
September 11: Patriot Day-Wear red, white and/or blue
September 14: Advanced Learning Summit (9:00-12:00 at KMPC)
September 20: PTO Spirit Night-Skate Champions 5-9pm
October 2: Fall Individual Pictures; Custodian Appreciation Day
October 7: National Coaches Day
October 8: PTO Spirit Night-El Chaparro 4-9pm
October 9: Big Kahuna Order pick up 4-6pm in cafeteria
October 14-18: Fall Break
October 21-25: Scholastic Book Fair
October 25: Fall Academic Night/Trunk or Treat 5:30-7:00
October 31: Storybook Character Parade
Your Fundraising Dollars at Work
We always love showcasing how our fundraising dollars are being utilized on campus. We thank each and every Koala family who contributes and supports our fundraisers each year. We make it a priority to give it right back to our students through curriculum, technology, playground equipment and so much more. Thank you for your support!
Click here to see our teaching staff at Lakeshore purchasing much needed materials for our students. We are so grateful for your continued support of fundraisers and spirit nights at Kuehnle.
Giving back to Kuehnle
We would like to extend a huge thank you to our 24-25 PTO sponsor, Mathnasium for providing breakfast for our teacher's first day back to school.
In addition we want to say thank you to our community partner, Koala Kare, LLC for donating a WHATAKOALA breakfast during our staff's Personal Development day. WHATA way to kick of the school year.
Thank you both for giving back to our school! We are so grateful!
Become a Volunteer at Kuehnle
We 💗 Our Kuehnle Volunteers!
Be a Kuehnle volunteer! We offer many ways for parents and community members to volunteer such as parent readers, Watch Dog Dads, helping hands and much more.
Ensuring the safety of our students is our top priority. Having our volunteers complete a background check is one of many ways that we assure safety and security in our schools.
All volunteers must submit a new application each school year
Click HERE for more information and to complete the annual required process.
Kuehnle Jogging Club
Calling all Kuehnle Koalas in 1st-5th grade who like to jog! It’s time to sign up for Jogging Club. All students are welcome but MUST be signed up by a parent or guardian to partici-pate.
Students will jog on our Kuehnle Path from 7:45-8:05 on their designated days. We ask that all joggers wear athletic shoes for safety.
1st & 2nd grade: Meet every Tuesday/Thursday beginning September 3rd.
3rd, 4th & 5th grade: Meet every Wednesday/Friday beginning September 4th.
Parents/Guardians, please join the Remind to be informed of updates and cancellations due to weather. Text @23-24jclub to 81010
CLICK HERE: Register for Jogging Club
The GT referral window for students to be considered for gifted services is from September 1-September 30, 2024. This is the ONLY open window for referrals for current Klein ISD K-12 students. Students are eligible for assessment once every year. If parents would like to refer their child for testing, please fill out an online form. The online form is only available during the four week referral window of the referral year.
Please visit kisd.us/gt for more information.
PTO Membership
We would love for you to join Kuhenle PTO! By joining and paying your membership dues, we are able to do so many wonderful things for the students and staff at Kuehnle. We appreciate all of our Koala families.
As a reminder please complete the annual Klein ISD volunteer background check prior to signing up. If you have any questions please contact Kuehnlevol@gmail.com
Patriot Day
Students and staff are encouraged to wear red, white, and or blue to celebrate Patriot Day on September 11, 2024.
District Advanced Learning Summit
Parent Night-National Drug Trends
Specialized Program Counselor, Susan Black, has a wealth of knowledge to educate students and families on substance prevention. Klein ISD will be hosting several Parent Nights (no kids) on National Drug Trends throughout this school year.
The first one is October 10, 2024 from 6-7pm at Klein Multipurpose Center (KMPC)
School Cafe
Klein ISD will continue using Schoolcafe for lunch accounts. Click HERE for updates this school year.
SchoolCafe, is an all-in-one portal that allows families to complete meal benefits applications, deposit funds to their student’s lunch account, view meal transaction information in real- time and more!
Please click on links below for how to sign up and set up your account.
How to apply for meal benefits (free & reduced lunch): Click HERE Or HERE
How to make payments in Schoolcafe: Click Video How TO
You will need the following information to sign up for Schoolcafe:
● 6 digit student ID* Skyward includes an “s”. Do not include this when enrolling in SchoolCafe
● Last name of student
● Enrolled campus
Click HERE to find your child’s ID Number and select the Skyward application.
If you choose to send money to the campus for your student’s account, please place the money or check in a sealed envelope and label with the following : Child’s First and Last Name, Teacher’s Name, Grade and Amount Enclosed. Student lunch prices is $2.50 and breakfast price is $1.50
PTO Spirit Night
Kuehnle families our fall fundraiser has officially kicked off! Our school needs your help as we have amazing things planned for you for this school year! Did you receive your fundraising packet? Check those backpacks.
Next steps:
*Register online and enter our Campaign ID 16904
*Share with your friends and family
*Have fun and always be safe
Each time a student sells an item they can turn their signed tickets in to earn the collectibles as soon as you reach the different levels. Please be sure all tickets are signed by your parent/guardian before turning them in.
Back by popular demand the Party Limo ride! You still have time to reach your goal and win some amazing prizes. Sell just 15 items or team up with your siblings and sell 20 items together to qualify for the Party Limo Experience.
Important fundraiser dates
Start Date: 8/22
End Date: 9/11
Online Site Closed: 9/18
Product Delivery Date: 10/9 (in the cafeteria)
Fall Individual Pictures-- October 2nd-Save the date!
Picture day is coming soon. Packets will be sent home with your students prior to picture day. Once received use the Picture Day ID found on your flyer to pre-order your pictures. If you have any questions regarding picture day payments please reach out to Lifetouch using the number listed on the flyer or click HERE. No payments will be received at the school AFTER picture day.
Adjustments in Class Assignments
Your child’s teacher may be changed during the first several weeks of school. This may be due to balancing of class sizes, an addition or deletion of a teacher, or an instructional ability grouping change. These changes are made only to improve the instructional program of the students. We will inform you by letter and by phone in the event these changes become necessary. Your support in making this a smooth transition for your child is requested in the event that your child’s class assignment is changed.
Birthday Snacks
Klein ISD permits parents/guardians or grandparents to supply birthday snacks for their child’s birthday through the Klein ISD Food Service Department. Please call our food service manager at 832-484-6620 for more info and a list of items available.
Birthday snacks will be distributed for the entire class at the end of the lunch period, after students have had a nutritious meal as defined by the School Lunch Program and Texas Department of Agriculture.
Written consent from a parent/guardian must be obtained before a student will be permitted to have a birthday treat. (Sent in the 1st day packet.)
Two weeks notice is required for ordering birthday snacks through Klein ISD food service.
Print this form and turn in to our Kuehnle food service manager, Mrs. Young.
Click HERE for the form.
Kuehnle yearbooks are on sale NOW! To purchase & customize your yearbook click the link above and enter our school's passcode: 1016534883652460. There is an early bird discount of 10% offered through October 31st. If you have any questions please reach out to kuehnlememorybook@gmail.com
Flyers will be coming home with your students soon.
Campus Safety & Security
In accordance with Klein ISD safe and secure policies, A valid driver’s license must be shown at the front door before entering the building. All visitors to our campus must ring the doorbell, identify themself, give student's name, provide reason for visit, and show their valid photo I.D. Please do not allow individuals not in your group to enter behind you. Once inside the building, check in at our front office and your license will be scanned if you are visiting any area past the front office. Name tags will be provided which should be visible on the front of the shirt and worn at all times by all visitors. Please use the main entrance (near the flagpole) to enter and exit the building. Thank you for helping keep our campus safe and secure.
School Lunch Visitors
We are committed to setting our students up for success by dedicating the first few weeks of lunch to teaching them important expectations and procedures. Lunchtime with peers is a valuable opportunity for your child to grow and cultivate meaningful friendships throughout the year.
Starting Tuesday, September 3, 2024, we will welcome lunch visitors. Please note that visitors may only have lunch with their own child; other students will not be permitted to join. Visitors must sit at the designated lunch visitor table in the cafeteria. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.