CVHS December Newsletter
December 2, 2024
CVHS Holiday Giving
For this holiday season our school has participated in the following traditional giving projects:
- We teamed with Kiwanis to help them create food baskets for families in Macomb County. We donated 1219 cans from our canned food drive.
- We are holding a Toy Drive to donate to Chippewa Valley elementary school students.
- We are collecting $25 gift card donations to present to our own families in need.
College and Career Support
Our school was recently awarded a grant to help high school students complete the FAFSA and access financial aid for community colleges, universities and trade schools. As a part of this grant, retired CVHS counselor, Suzanne Spurr, is going to be here on Tuesdays and Thursdays to meet with students that qualify for the State of Michigan’s Tuition Incentive Program (that’s about 220 seniors). In addition, we are in the process of hiring a part time Student Success Program Facilitator, which is another grant funded position, to provide additional support in this area.
The Little Things - Advice to Students
We hear and see a lot these days about stress and mental health. There are a lot of reasons for that. Life can be complex and challenging. And there can be a lot of pressure, both internal and external, to be successful. That includes pressure to get the best grades and to have your whole future figured out. But let's take a step back from that, and focus instead on the "little things." First, and most importantly, just do your best. Whatever your best is on any given day, just do that. Next, be kind. Be kind, and polite, and do your part. Say good morning, say please and thank you, hold a door open, throw away trash. How great it is to walk into a clean and friendly place. And how simple it is to make a place look and feel that way. But it doesn't just happen. We have to make it happen. Lastly, accept that there are struggles in life. Things don't always go your way. But you can control how you respond to those things. And remember that our best learning comes from facing those challenges. Make these "little things" your aim, and the big things will follow.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh
"While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary." - Matt Bevin
"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." - John Wooden
"If you can't do the little things right, you will never do the big things right." - William H. McRaven
"True greatness consists in being great in little things." - Charles Simmons
What's Happening in December?
Dec 3 - Holiday Band Concert - 7 PM
Dec 6 - Chief of the Valley - 7 PM
Dec 10-11 - Holiday Shopping Nights - The Red Zone - 6-8 PM
Dec 11 - Choir Concert - 7 PM
Dec 16-20 - Chippmas Spirit Week
Dec 20 - Half Day
Winter Break
Jan 2 - Classes Resume
Looking forward to another great month at CVHS!
Todd Distelrath