Monday Meditations
Starting the week with intention. 1.20.2025
Fairmount Avenue UMC is a joyful, welcoming community; igniting hearts and minds for God's work.
Martin Luther King Jr and Other Musings...
This past week and a half I have been really sick. Frustratingly sick. I was exposed to the flu, and a few days later tested positive for the flu. And it was rough. This is not how I wanted to spend these past several days. I was in bed with barely the energy or voice to speak for several days. And today, as the fog of the flu starts to lift, I am not impressed and at times appalled with what I am hearing from several of the speeches as part of today's Inauguration events, but I am impressed, in particular with our Senator Amy Klobuchar.
I hope you can hear this as non-partisan, because that is the spirit in which I offer it. I am impressed with the grace with which people from both sides of the aisle have carried throughout the day. There is real respect and encouragement that government can move forward in the midst of real difference of opinion. This does give me hope.
This is not to minimize the policies and opinions that the current (and at times the previous) administration is promoting that goes against my Christian faith. This is also not to endorse any of the newly elected and appointed lawmakers and advisors to the president. But this does serve as a reminder that at the end of the day, people are people. And people can find common ground. And we must hold to hope that people can, and do change.
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the leader who shows us what it looks like to follow faith into politics. I believe strongly in a separation of church and state, as institutions. However, the institutions are maintained by people. And people can and should be involved in both. Our faith compels us to advocate for a government that seeks wholeness and wellness for all people. I offer Martin Luther King Jr.'s own words to the church as he challenges followers of Jesus to engage in the political process.
Elaine Lee Memorial Service
The memorial service for Elaine Lee will be held on Friday, January 24 at 1:00 pm at Fairmount Avenue UMC. There will be a visitation prior, beginning at 11:00 am and a reception to follow the service. The service will be livestreamed on Fairmount Avenue UMC's YouTube channel. Links can be found on the website.
Fellowship Time Schedule
26 Verena Van Fleet Jacob & Holly Hugart
2 Meg Kasting
Matt & Janelle Anderson
9 Paul Howe
Mike & Kristen Erlandsen
16 Jill Roesler
Bruce & Maureen Stemme
23 Ilona Spencer
Adam & Eileen Clift
Updated Coffee Hour Schedule
Below is the first draft of this program year's Coffee Hour Schedule. There are some new names on the list, if you are a new member or regular attender, check to see if you have been added. If you would like to be included, but don't see your name, please reach out to the church office and we would love to add you to the schedule.
Coffee Hour servers bring treats to share and set up and clean up the coffee time with lemonade and coffee between Sunday School and Worship (Sept-May) and after worship (June-Aug.) Wherever possible, people are assigned to their birthday month.
Are these your glasses? Reach out to the admin at or swing by the church office if these look familiar to you.
Get Involved at Fairmount Avenue UMC
Mark Your Calendars:
- Youth Winter Retreat- from January 24-26, join us as we explore our theme through fun, games, activities, broomball, sledding and more! Food and Lodging included. $25 requested deposit and form due January 8, 2025.Contact Cindy Radtke for more information ( or go to Follower E-news.
- FAUMC Book Club will be meeting on Monday, Jan 27 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. They will be reading A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety by Jimmy Carter. Contact Marge Langer for more information
- Join the Annual Fairmount North Shore Fall Hiking Weekend- Save the dates of September 26-28 to join other Fairmount folks for a fall weekend of hiking and fellowship in Grand Marais. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Aspen Lodge in Grand Marai under Fairmount Avenue Hiking Group. There are also Airbnbs, cabins, campgrounds, and other lodging available in the area. The weekend will provide opportunities to explore nature and/or shops, hike (or relax), gather with others from our group, and a Sunday service on the shore. Please join us for an intergenerational weekend on the beautiful shore of Lake Superior!
A Joyful Welcoming Community
- Wed School Dinner Winter Soup Suppers - Help Needed! Volunteers are needed to prepare, serve, and clean up for Wednesday School Dinners. We are also looking for volunteers to bring soup in January and February! This is an important and fun way to be community. Sign up for a time that would work for you.
Igniting Hearts and Minds
- Sunday Night Bible Study - Sunday evenings at 6:30-7:30pm. (Every week except the first Sunday of each month.) Come when you can. We will begin with this week's lectionary reading and discuss future readings. This Bible study will give tools to help you read the Bible on your own as well as dig deep into the context of scriptures and encourage discussion. This Bible Study will meet in the Wesley Room.
- Sunday Night Quiet - The first Sunday of every month at 6:30 pm Pastor Shawna will lead a time of contemplative prayer and meditation. Feel free to bring a yoga mat or pillow if prefer to sit on the floor. Sunday Night Quiet will meet in the sanctuary.
- Adult Sunday School- Sundays at 9:00 am in the Wesley Room
- Confirmation for Adults - This Wednesday all are invited to dig deeper into the core teachings of Christianity and faith practice as a United Methodist. Whether you were confirmed years ago or never at all, this class will offer opportunities to think deeply about your faith. We will meet Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30.
- Followers Youth Activities - For all rising 6-12th grade youth. Join activities throughout the winter! For more information, contact Cindy, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, at 763/321-8077 or email
- Youth Winter Retreat- from January 24-26, join us as we explore our theme through fun, games, activities, broomball, sledding and more! Food and Lodging included. $25 requested deposit and form due January 8, 2025.Contact Cindy Radtke for more information ( or go to Follower E-news.
- Y.A.M. Activities - For all young adults (ages 18-30). Join in activities throughout the fall! For more information, contact Cindy, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, at 763/321-8077 or
- Sunday, January 19, 11:45 - 1:00 PM Y.A.M. Light Lunch (free) & Spiritual Musings (History Room). Come often; Come as you! What to expect: A vegan main dish with additional cheese options, etc. that can be added. The Spiritual Musings will cover a generalized topic for all–bring your brains.
For God's Work
- Worship Volunteers Needed! We need volunteers to assist as ushers, greeters, liturgists, and to serve on the Worship Committee. Volunteering is flexible to your schedule. Contact the church office if you think you can help by emailing
First Fruits - We’re so grateful to all who have recently signed up to volunteer. If you are interested in delivering food donations to Keystone Community Services after our monthly donations, please contact the church office or click here: Help Collect and Deliver First Fruit Donations to Keystone
Adopt-A-Drain– Sign up to Help! We are looking for volunteers to clean the storm drains near the church: 3 at the corner of Fairmount and Saratoga and 2 on Fairmount just east of Snelling. Volunteers are asked to pick up and clear trash, leaves, snow and debris to allow water to drain. Please go to Fairmount Ave UMC: Adopt a Drain Signup to sign up for a month. If you have any questions, please contact Nita at
Help Serve a Meal at Provincial House - Project Home is looking for volunteers to serve meals as a part of its weekend meal teams at 1880 Randolph Avenue. There are four shifts available every weekend on Saturday and Sunday for lunch and dinner. This opportunity is great for groups of 3-6 people. Currently the way it works is for one person to sign up for the shift and then bring another 2-5 others with them to help. The link for more information and to sign up:
Worship Online
Worship Resources for Online Worship:
- Be sure to follow Fairmount Avenue United Methodist Church on Facebook.
- Subscribe to Fairmount Avenue UMC's YouTube Channel. We will be using YouTube to offer other creative learning experiences as well as publishing our weekly worship.
Online Giving
Fairmount Avenue United Methodist Church
Location: 1523 Fairmount Avenue, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651.699.1335
Mission Statement: To be a welcoming, joyful community igniting hearts and minds for God's work.